Week 17 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Date | 04/21 |
04/22 |
04/23 |
04/24 |
04/25 |
8am - 8:50 am |
Beginning of Life Issues: End of Life Care |
Dev: Hovland |
Hemat: Prohaska
Iron Metabolism |
Hemat: Prohaska
Biochemistry of Coagulation |
FPP: Boulger Family Practice Preceptorship: Session X |
9 am - 9:50 am |
10 am - 10:50 am |
Hemat: Ward Systemic Effects of Inflammation |
Hemat: Ward Wound Healing |
Hemat: Ward Hypersensitivity I |
Hemat: Krafts Transplantation Immunology | |
11 am - 11:50 am |
12 noon - 12:50 pm |
1 pm - 1:50 pm |
Ethics: Elliott Grp 5 1-3 pm |
Hemat: Prohaska Heme Metabolism |
Hemat: Krafts
General Principles of Hemostasis |
Hemat: Krafts Bleeding Disorders |
Hemat: Krafts
Thrombotic Disorders |
2 pm - 2:50 pm |
Ethics: Messer Grp 6 2:30-4:30 pm |
3 pm - 3:50 pm |
Ethics: Gessert |
Ethics: Fox Grp 4 3-5 pm |
Hemat: Fitzakerley Anticoagulants, Thrombolytics, and Antiplatelet Drugs (3-3:20 pm) |
Hemat: Krafts Exam Review |
4 pm - 4:50 pm | |||||
Evening Event |
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