Minnesota Rural Health School
Complementary & Alternative Medicine    

Diet & Nutrition

Fats: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Good Fats: Essential fatty acids or Omega-3, Omega-6,
Mono-unsaturated fats, Poly-unsaturated fats

Bad Fats: Saturated fats.
The Ugly: Trans-fatty acids, Oxidized fats.

What about fiber? The bulk of the scientific literature suggests a correlation between increasing fiber in the diet and decreasing coronary artery disease and cancer.

Is there a diet that has shown to increase average and maximum lifespan, along with lowering the incidence of degenerative disease? Yes! BUT, a diet of caloric restriction, that is, one of high nutrient density with low calories, has been shown to do all of the above. A 10% calorie restriction will improve the above by approximately 10%. A 50% restriction will improve these markers by as much as 50%. However this is an extremely difficult diet to follow. Why does it work? Several theories exist. The two most widely accepted are: calorie restriction resulting in low insulin levels and calorie restriction resulting in low free radical damage.

Based on this data, might a diet high in fruits and vegetables with an aim at controlling insulin levels be advised?

Glycemic index is a way of measuring the amount a particular food will raise one's blood sugar. Foods are compared to glucose. Glucose is given an arbitrary value of 100. Other foods are tested and given a relative score compared to glucose. A new potato has a glycemic index value of 112 while a peach is just 66. One would think this sweet peach would affect blood sugar more than a potato, but this is not the case.



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     For questions, please contact Terry Estep

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