- Did Vikings drag ships over land to avoid choppy Scottish waters? -- BBCNews (15 October 2024)
- Did Vikings Drink Coffee? Exciting Java Journeys of Norse Warriors! -- Tim Sutton (31 October 2023)
- What did the Vikings eat? -- BBCTravel (20 June 2023)
- Viking sunstone -- The Generalist Academy (25 February 2022)
- British or Irish reached remote Faroe Islands before Vikings -- BBCNews (16 December 2021)
- Why Vikings weren't who we thought they were -- BBCreel (08 November 2021)
- Vikings Were in the Americas Exactly 1,000 Years Ago -- The New York Times (20 October 2021)
- Yale Says Its Vinland Map, Once Called a Medieval Treasure, Is Fake -- The New Yorker (05 October 2021)
- Viking beauty kits and Neanderthal contouring: the secret history of male beauty -- The Guardian (25 August 2021)
- VIKING WATERWAY -- Summary of Article by Karl Hoenke & Myron Paine [Ancient Emigrations To America](n.d.)
- 1,000-year-old remains in Finland may be non-binary iron age leader -- The Guardian (09 August 2021)
- Did Vikings Use Crystals To Navigate The High Seas? -- The Vintage News (10June 2021)
Did the Vikings use the sunstone for navigation? --
(20:18 min.; 30 May 2021)
- Viking Sunstone – Iceland Spar -- NORDIC CULTURE (25 May 2021)
- The female Viking warrior -- BBCreel (17 March 2021)
- Swedish runestones open gateway to ancient Viking civilization -- CNNtravel (26 November 2020)
- The Vikings Were More Complicated Than You Might Think -- The New York Times (16 September 2020)
- 'Spectacular' artefacts found as Norway ice-patch melts -- The Guardian (16 April 2020)
Spells, threats, and dragons: The secret messages of Viking runestones -- Jesse Byock (20 February 2020)
- Whisky Knows Her Toys -- The New York Times (20 February 2020)
- Meet Erika the Red: Viking women were warriors too, say scientists -- The Guardian (02 November 2019)
- Viking city: excavation reveals urban pioneers not violent raiders -- The Guardian (20 November 2018)
- Commuting with the ghosts of pirate Vikings -- BBCcapital (01 May 2018)
- Virtual reality brings ninth century Viking invaders' camp to life -- The Guardian, Art and design (17 May 2017)
- New Viking Graves Discovered in Denmark -- ScienceNordic (31 August 2016)
- ’Twas Dangerous to Insult a Viking -- ScienceNordic (19 August 2016)
- Creating a Smoother Ride in 1000 AD: A New Study Suggests a Link between Vikings and Ambling Horses [contains a number of articles] -- The Scout Report, August 12, 2016,
Volume 22, Number 31
- Experimentation Suggests Vikings Could Have Used Sunstone to Navigate -- Phys.org (27 July 2016)
- Mighty Viking Ax Discovered in Tomb of Medieval 'Power Couple' -- LiveScience (21 July 2016)
- Vikings Abused and Beheaded Their Slaves -- ScienceNordic (18 July 2016)
- Viking Ship on Epic Journey Hits $400K Snag -- Newser (13 July 2016)
- Danish Viking Grave Reveals Archaeological Mysteries -- ScienceNordic (05 July 2016)
- Unique Viking Tomb Contains Remains of Noble Couple -- ScienceNordic (26 June 2016)
- Body in Well Confirms Viking Saga -- Past Horizons (10 June 2016)
- Replica Viking Ship Will Recreate Norse Voyages in Greenland -- ScienceNordic (30 May 2016)
- What Secrets Are Hiding in These Runes? [the Rök runestone] -- ScienceNordic (17 May 2016)
- Did the Medieval Warm Period welcome Vikings to Greenland? -- EARTH (09 May 2016)
- Paleoscatologists Dig Up Stools 'as Precious as the Crown Jewels' -- Guardian (12 May 2016)
- New Interpretation of the Rök Runestone Inscription Changes View of Viking Age -- ScienceDaily (02 May 2016)
- New evidence of Viking life in America? -- BBCNews (01 May 2016)
- Searching for the Vikings: 3 Sites Possibly Found in Canada -- LiveScience (18 April 2016)
- Viking Invaders Struck Deep Into the West of England – and May Have Stuck Around -- Conversation (18 April 2016)
- Vikings May Have First Taken to Seas to Find Women, Slaves -- Science (15 April 2016)
- Where the Vikings Voyaged – Interactive Map -- Heritage Daily2 (07 April 2016)
- Discovery Could Rewrite History of Vikings in New World -- National Geographic News (31 March 2016)
- Pictures: An Elite Viking’s Prized Possessions -- National Geographic News (23 March 2016)
- From Genes to Latrines: Vikings and Their Worms Provide Clues to Emphysema -- ScienceDaily (04 February 2016)
- Did the Vikings Use Crystal ‘Sunstones’ to Discover America? -- Conversation (29 January 2016)
- Viking Symbols of Travel, Prestige and Adventure -- Past Horizons (30 September 2015)
- Archaeological Breakthrough Could Solve the Mystery of Greenland’s Vikings -- ScienceNordic (24 September 2015)
- Archaeologists Find Viking Families Among Skeletons in Northern Iceland -- Forbes (10 August 2015)
- Christian Cemetery From Viking Age Iceland Reveals Strenuous Lives And Early Deaths -- Forbes (27 July 2015)
- Viking Raiding Wasn’t Just About the Booty -- Past Horizons (27 July 2015)
- The last Viking and his 'magical' sword? -- ScienceDaily (14 July 2015)
- See Where the Vikings Travelled -- ScienceNordic (25 June 2015)
- Hunt for Viking DNA Among Normandy Residents Riles Anti-Racism Activists -- Guardian (15 June 2015)
- Orkney Islanders Are 25 Percent Norwegian -- ScienceNordic (22 May 2015)
- Vikings Didn't Just Raid, They Traded Too -- Smithsonian (22 May 2015)
- Money, Not Conquest, Triggered The Viking Age -- Science 2.0 (07 May 2015)
- Fashionable Vikings Loved Colours, Fur, and Silk -- ScienceNordic (06 May 2015)
- Greenland Vikings Outlived Climate Change for Centuries -- ScienceNordic (05 April 2015)
- Vikings Were More Trade and Bling Than Rape and Pillage, Museum Shows -- Guardian (20 March 2015)
- Ancient ring brings Vikings and Islamic civilizations closer together -- ScienceNordic (19 March 2015)
- DNA Study: Vikings Were Plagued by Intestinal Parasites -- ScienceNordic (05 January 2015)
- Vikings Were Experts in Recycling and Reclamation -- Irish Examiner (27 August 2014)
- Secrets of the Viking Sun-Compass -- After Dark -- Discovery News (25 March 2014)
- Vikings: Life and Legend Review – A Stirring Tale of Shock and Oar -- Guardian (08 Maarch 2014)
- Mysterious Code in Viking Runes Is Cracked -- ScienceNordic (05 February 2014)
- Viking Graves Yield Grisly Find: Sacrificed Slaves -- LiveScience (30 October 2013)
- Prosperous Vikings Whitewashed Their Walls -- ScienceDaily (13 October 2013)
- Vikings May Have Been More Social Than Savage -- ScienceDaily (01 September 2013)
- Irish Weights Were a Key Viking Age Trading Tool -- ScienceNordic (13 September 2013)
- Viking Jewelry Unearthed in Denmark -- Discovery News (25 July 2013)
- New North America Viking Voyage Discovered -- LiveScience (05 June 2013)
- Dealing with the Doldrums on a Viking Voyage -- ScienceNordic (23 April 2013)
- Time to Revise Our View of Viking Ships? -- ScienceNordic (21 April 2013)
- Vikings Flaunted Foreign Bling -- ScienceNordic (03 April 2013)
- Obsessed with the Good and Bad of ‘Vikings’ -- LiveScience (18 March 2013)
- First Evidence of Viking-Like 'Sunstone' Found -- Past Horizons (11 March 2013)
- Sunstone Unearthed From Shipwreck -- Science (05 March 2013)
- The Viking Sunstone Revealed? -- Science (11 November 2011)