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Course Overview

Additional General Course Information

It's usually a good idea at the beginning of each course to read the official "Course Description" and have a look at the "Course Objectives and Outcomes."

A course may be exactly what you are looking for, or it may not. If it is not, it's a good idea to figure that out as soon as possible, and in time to find the course you might really be looking for. 

So take a minute to have a look at the "official" UM items below.

In the Week 1 materials we'll have a little more informal look at what the course is all about.

And you can have a look at the course "Resources" available to the class for a bird's-eye view of the semester's topics and reading, video, and assignment schedules

Another thing you might do is have a preview look at the course calendar and General Information WebPage on the regular UM Web.

And, as always, if you have questions ask—either myself, or your classmates via the "General Student Discussion" area.

—Tim Roufs

NOTE: "In this class, our use of technology will sometimes make students' names and U of M Internet IDs visible within the course website, but only to other students in the same class. Since we are using a secure, password-protected course website, this will not increase the risk of identity theft or spamming for anyone in the class. If you have concerns about the visibility of your Internet ID, please contact me for further information."

Course Description:

ANTH 1080 - Understanding Global Cultures (SOC SCI, GLOBAL PER, LE CAT8, LEIP CAT08)
(3.0 cr; A-F only, fall, odd academic years)
Explores nations around the globe towards the goal of developing a cross-cultural understanding of how cultures function. Explores America as a foreign culture, looking at the United States from the viewpoints of foreign anthropologists and other scholars, using comparative ethnographic perspectives to interpret aspects of American culture.

Course Objectives and Outcomes

  1. American Anthropology has long emphasized a fourfold approach to the study of the humankind--one embracing physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, archaeology and linguistics--and one regularly doing so with a comparative methodology and explicitly holistic theoretical perspective. It is an aim of the proposed course to demonstrate those interrelating characteristic qualities of the discipline with a foremost topic, the global cultures.

  2. Within this comparative holistic traditional disciplinary framework the course aims to convey a basic understanding of global cultures.

  3. The course aims to provide a fundamental understanding of global cultures and global perspectives, past and present.

  4. The course aims to impart an understanding of the importance of the social and cultural significance of understanding global cultures.

  5. This course aims to prepare students to think critically about global cultures.

  6. This course aims to help students better understand societies of the world.

  7. The course aims to understand and reflect on their personal relationship to global cultures.

  8. Finally, the course aims to provide some experience and practice at researching, writing about, and publicly presenting results of anthropological inquiry.

Conceptual Outline / Topics

      • tba

      • Student Presentations on Term Paper Research
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