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Anthropology of Food

to Sweet Treats around the World

What FoodAnthro is Reading Now . . .
. Friday, 21 February 2025, 12:08 (12:08 PM) CST, day 052 of 2025 .
BBC Food
The Gardian News/ The GardianAnimals Farmed/

World Food and Water Clock
OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.    
Sicilian ice-cream in a bread bun. A good solution to a local problem: the Mediterranean heat quickly melts the ice-cream, which is absorbed by the bread.
A Fistful of Rice.
A Fistfull of Rice
Claire Kathleen Roufs eating first food at 5 months.
Claire Kathleen Roufs

Eating rat.
"Eating Rat At The New Year"
National Geographic
Desert People, boy eating "grub worm"
Desert People

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Anthroplogy of Food

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Video and Guests Schedule for Anthropology of Food f2f
Summer 2015

For other full-length Feature Films see

Food Films Filmography

See Food Films for other films qualifying for Extra Credit Reviews

  Extra Credit Film Reviews must be of films not required as part of the course

A Note on Videos and Visual Anthropology

Anthropology Videos and DVDs at the UMD Library
Archaeology and Classical Studies Videos and DVDs in the UMD Library

Video materials used in class explore and illustrate many topics covered in this course. Consider these presentations similar to lab sessions, that is, view them carefully and critically rather than simply watch another movie or video. The exams will include these materials, and it will be assumed that you have paid critical attention to them.

On order for preview at the UMD Library:

Preview Requested:

Just Eat It
A Food Waste Story


We all love food. As a society, we devour countless cooking shows, culinary magazines and foodie blogs. So how could we possibly be throwing nearly 50% of it in the trash?

Filmmakers and food lovers Jen and Grant dive into the issue of waste from farm, through retail, all the way to the back of their own fridge. After catching a glimpse of the billions of dollars of good food that is tossed each year in North America, they pledge to quit grocery shopping cold turkey and survive only on foods that would otherwise be thrown away. In a nation where one in 10 people are food insecure, the images they capture of squandered groceries are both shocking and strangely compelling. But as Grant's addictive personality turns full tilt towards food rescue, the "thrill of the find" has unexpected consequences.

Featuring interviews with TED lecturer, author and activist Tristram Stuart, acclaimed author Jonathan Bloom, and food/agriculture scientist Dana Gunders, JUST EAT IT looks at our systemic obsession with expiration dates, perfect produce and portion sizes, and reveals the core of this seemingly insignificant issue that is having devastating consequences around the globe. JUST EAT IT brings farmers, retailers, inspiring organizations, and consumers to the table in a cinematic story that is equal parts education and delicious entertainment.



to top of page / A/Z index
Week 1 — Introduction to Anthropology / Orientation to the Course:
"Setting the Anthropological Table"
Week 1
Week 1
to top of page / A/Z index
Week 2 — "Omnivorousness: Defining Food"
Week 2
The Meaning of Food Video.
Week 2

Marcus Samuelsson, host of The Meaning of Food and Executive Chef of Aquavit and Riingo.
Marcus Samuelsson, host
UM Duluth Library Multimedia GT2853.U5 M43 2005 DVD

and streaming

The Meaning of Food: "Food & Life"
(ca. 60 min., CC, 2007, UM Duluth Library Multimedia GT2853.U5 M43 2005 DVD)
viewing guide

Episode 1: "Food & Life"
examines the symbolic importance of food and eating

to top of page / A/Z index
Week 3 — "Settled Ingredients: Domestic Food Production"
Hunting / Gathering / Foraging and the Emergence of Food Production

Video: Did Cooking Make Us Human?  BBC Horizon program.
Week 3
UM Duluth Library Multimedia DVD QP141 .D49 2010

UMD online access
(use with VPN)
(not operative in Cina 214)

Did Cooking Make Us Human?

(52 min., 2010, New York, N.Y. : Films Media Group)

(UM Duluth Library Multimedia DVD QP141 .D49 2010, 52 min.)

 BBC News film HomePage:
 Did the discovery of cooking make us human?
-- BBCNews (02 March 2010)

Did Cooking Make Us Human? information from SBS Documentary

youku link

view streaming video (youku)

Class Cooking Page

Prehistoric Cultures Class Fire Page

Holy Cow Video, Nature.
Week 3
UM Duluth Library Multimedia SF195 .H65 2004 DVD

and streaming

and on-line

Holy Cow

(60 min., 2004, UM Duluth Library Multimedia SF195 .H65 2004 DVD)
[second copy with Closed Captioning available]

  Nature WebSite

viewing guide

Optional Activity:

film: The Nuer (75 min., 1970, VC 3236, parts. 1 and 2)

film: Himalayan Herders (75 min., 2002, UM Duluth Library Multimedia GN635.N425 B582 2004 DVD)


to top of page / A/Z index
Week 4 — "Mobile Ingredients: Global Food Production"
Week 4
The Meaning of Food Video.
Week 4

Marcus Samuelsson, host of The Meaning of Food and Executive Chef of Aquavit and Riingo.
Marcus Samuelsson, host
UM Duluth Library Multimedia GT2853.U5 M43 2005 DVD

and streaming

The Meaning of Food: "Food & Culture"
(ca. 60 min., CC, 2007, UM Duluth Library Multimedia GT2853.U5 M43 2005 DVD)
viewing guide

Episode 2: "Food & Culture"
explores how food delineates the different cultures that make up the American 'Melting pot'

view on-line
video clip:
"Eating Rat at the New Year"
-- National Geographic News
(ca. 3 min., 2008, on-line)
view on-line
video clip:
"Eating Bats in Thai Village"
-- National Geographic News (02:50, 2008, on-line)
other video clips on "extreme cuisine" are available at
National Geographic Film Clips and related dishes

VC 714

and streaming

view on-line

Food for Body and Spirit
(29 min., 1984, VC 714)

(29 min., 1984, UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD TX724.5.C5 F66 1984)
[second copy with Closed Captioning available]

(Food of China)
[food holds Chinese culture together]
viewing guide
to top of page / A/Z index
Week 5 — "Cooks and Kitchens"
Picture from We Feed the World.
Week 5

Shaikh Hussain Ye of Malaysia.
Shaikh Hussain Ye
UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia 

and streaming

The Pig Commandments
(72 min., 2005, UM Duluth

NOTICE: The UMD disk for The Pig Commandments is damaged and does not circulate from the Library. Please use on-line streaming.

Library Multimedia BP184.9.D5 P54 2006 DVD)
(70 min?)
[food tears Chinese culture apart in Malaysia]

viewing guide

Related: The American Government subsides, via corn subsidies, hog production (“hog” is the preferred term in the industry). On 30 May 2013 it was announced that China's Shuanghui to buy US pork producer [Smithfield] for $4.7bn -- BBCNews. It is a major transfer to Chinese ownership of the largest pork producer in the United States: China-US pork deal 'significant'-- BBCNews (30 May 2013).

Chinese are the biggest pork consumers in the world.

Question: Should the U.S.A. subsidize a Chinese company with American taxpayers’ dollars?

Cf., Week 8, King Corn: You are What You Eat
(approx. 90 min., 1970, SB191.M2 K56 2010 DVD [DVD 1641], 2008)
[second copy with Closed Captioning available]

film homepage

Independent lens King Corn page

Big River: A King Corn Companion

(27 min., SB191.M2 K56 2010 DVD, 2010)
[second copy with Closed Captioning available]

Desert People, boy eating "grub worm"
Eating a"grub worm"
Week 5

Desert People, boy eating lizzard.
Eating a lizard
UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia DVD DU 125 .P48 D47 2011

Desert People

(51 min., 1965, UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia DVD DU 125 .P48 D47 2011)


f2f in-class video Week 5 Day 10

Desert People
(51 min., 1965, VC 1094)

In-class Discussion


Desert People is now captioned and digitized online . . .

Click on "View Online" tab and sign in with UMD Credentials

Use Virtual Private Network (VPN) if off campus (UMD)
See UM Video Playbacks for details


viewing guide


viewing guide

to top of page / A/Z index
Week 6 — "Recipes and Dishes"
Week 6
Midterm Exam

su2015 Week 6: The Anthropology of Food on-line Midterm Exam will be available Thursday-Friday, 25-26 June 2015
Moodle Exams (and everything else on Moodle) works best with a Firefox browser. If you do not have a Firefox browser on your laptop, download one (it's free).

Before the Exam, have a look at . . .

fromOWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.
Writing Essays for Exams


Picture from We Feed the World.
Week 6

Picture from We Feed the World.
UM Duluth Library Multimedia HD9000.5 .W4 2007 DVD

International Focus:
We Feed the World
(96 min., CC, 2007, UM Duluth Library Multimedia HD9000.5 .W4 2007 DVD)

We Feed the World Viewing Guide

UM Duluth Library Multimedia SF140.L58 O97 2006 DVD

Optional, for Extra Credit
International Focus:
Our Daily Bread
(92 min., CC, but almost without dialogue, 2005, UM Duluth Library Multimedia SF140.L58 O97 2006 DVD)

Our Daily Bread Viewing Guide

Our Daily Bread -- Wikipedia


to top of page / A/Z index
Week 7 — "Eating-In: Commensality and Gastro-Politics"
Week 7
UM Duluth Library Multimedia HD9000.5 .W4 2007 DVD




International Focus:

We Feed the World
(96 min., CC, 2007, UM Duluth Library Multimedia HD9000.5 .W4 2007 DVD)

We Feed the World Viewing Guide

Week 7



to top of page / A/Z index
Week 8 — "Eating-Out and Gastronomy"
King Corn Movie Poster
King Corn Movie Poster
Week 8



SB191.M2 K56 2010 DVD

and streaming

view on-line

United States Focus:

King Corn: You are What You Eat
(approx. 90 min., 1970, SB191.M2 K56 2010 DVD [DVD 1641], 2008)

film homepage

Independent lens King Corn page

Big River: A King Corn Companion
(27 min., SB191.M2 K56 2010 DVD, 2010)

Living on a Diet Less Corny Is No Joke, Filmmakers Find -- Bonnie S. Benwick, The Washington Post (26 December 2007)
Week 8

UM Duluth Library Multimedia (HD1761 .F66 2008 DVD)

and streaming

United States Focus:

Food Fight

(NOTE: Educational Edition is 48 min.)

(73 min., 2009, UM Duluth Library Multimedia HD1761 .F66 2008 DVD)

film homepage
Course Viewing Guide

Food Flight -- SnagFilms

Optional Article:
Will Allen, The 2010 TIME 100, Heroes
-- Van Jones, Time 29 April 2010.

to top of page / A/Z index
Week 9 — "Gastro-Anomie: Global Indigestion?"
Week 9
Tim Roufs at the White Palace Grill, Chicago.

UM Duluth
Library Multimedia  DVD TX715 .S68 2013

UMD Library Link

Soul Food Junkies

"A Film about Food, Family, and Tradition"

(ca. 60 min., CC, 2013, UM Duluth Library Multimedia - DVD TX715 .S68 2013)

UMD Library Link

 Soul Food Junkies website


Week 9
to top of page / A/Z index
Week 10 — "Local Digestion: Making the Global at Home"
The Meaning of Food Video.
Week 10
Tim Roufs at the White Palace Grill, Chicago.
Chicago, U.S.A.

UM Duluth Library Multimedia GT2853.U5 M43 2005 DVD

and streaming

The Meaning of Food: "Food & Family" (streaming video)
(ca. 60 min., CC, 2007, UM Duluth Library Multimedia GT2853.U5 M43 2005 DVD)

viewing guide

Episode 3: "Food & Family"
looks at the complex way food defines families

Slow food, from The Meaning of Food.
Slow food, Thera, Greece.
and view
Slow Food
National Geographic Videos (3:25 min)
Two Fat Ladies.
Week 10
UM Duluth Library Multimedia TX717 .T86 2008 DVD

and streaming

Two Fat Ladies
Series 4 Episode 23
(30 min., 2008, UM Duluth Library Multimedia TX717 .T86 2008 DVD)

viewing guide

Optional Activity:

film: Forks Over Knives (96 min., 2011) (UM Duluth Library Multimedia RA645.N87 F67 2011 DVD)

film: Super Size Me (103 min., 2004) (UM Duluth Library Multimedia TX945.5.M33 S87 2004 DVD) (on-line

film: Fast Food Nation (116 min., 2006)

film: Killer At Large (182 min., 2007) (on-line

to top of page / A/Z index
Week 11 — Epilogue: Leftovers to Takeaway

Food Design
Week 11

UM Duluth Library Multimedia

Online access



or view on-line from Snag Films
[on-line version from Snag contains advertising]

 Food Design
(52 min)
UMD Library Online access

Food Design takes a sneak peek into the secret laboratories of a major food manufacturer, where designers and scientists are developing your favorite mouthful of tomorrow [contains advertising]

film Snag HomePage

or view on-line from Snag Films
[on-line version from Snag contains advertising]

Feeding Frenzy
and UM Duluth Library Multimedia RA645.O23 F43 2013
Streaming from the UMD Library: Feeding Frenzy
view on-line

Feeding Frenzy - The Food Industry, Marketing & the Creation of a Health Crisis
(63 min., 2013, UM Duluth Library Multimedia RA645.O23 F43 2013)

Streaming from the UMD Library: Feeding Frenzy

"Over the past three decades, obesity rates in the U.S. have more than doubled for children and tripled for adolescents -- and a startling 70% of adults are now obese or overweight. The result has been a widening epidemic of obesity-related health problems, including coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes. While discussions about this spiraling health crisis have tended to focus on the need for more exercise and individual responsibility, Feeding Frenzy trains its focus squarely on the responsibility of the processed food industry and the outmoded government policies it benefits from. It lays bare how taxpayer subsidies designed to feed hungry Americans during the Great Depression have enabled the food industry to flood the market with a rising tide of cheap, addictive, high calorie food products, and offers an engrossing look at the tactics of the multibillion-dollar marketing machine charged with making sure that every one of those surplus calories is consumed."
Fed Up, Katie Couric
(UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD HD9005 .F385 2014 )

Fed Up
(ca. 99 min., 2014, UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD HD9005 .F385 2014)

Katie Couric

"Narrated by Katie Couric, Fed Up blows the lid off everything we thought we knew about food and exercise, revealing a 30-year campaign by the food industry aided by the U.S. government to mislead and confuse the American public. Exposing the hidden truths contributing to one of the largest health epidemics in history, the film follows a group of families battling to lead healthier lives and reveals why the conventional wisdom of exercise and eat right is not ringing true for millions of people struggling with diabetes, childhood obesity and other serious conditions. Including captivating interviews with the country's leading experts, this vital information could change the way we eat forever."


The Global Banquet: Politics of Food.
Week 11


UM Duluth Library Media HD9005 .F66 2009 DVD)



view one of the following two films on-line

NOTE: If you have seen Food, Inc., please view American Meat (below) instead

Food, Inc.

(93 min., 2009, UM Duluth Library Multimedia HD9005 .F66 2009 DVD)
Viewing Guide

UM Duluth Library Media BJ52.5 .A44 2011 DVD


tba streaming

Watch this on-line if you have seen Food, Inc.

American Meat

(85 min., 2011, UM Duluth Library Multimedia BJ52.5 .A44 2011 DVD)
(UM Duluth Library Multimedia Guide BJ52.5 .A44 2011 DVD)

Optional Activity:

"Can We Make Food Good For All?"
(128 min., 6 October 2010)

Bina Agarwal

Nobel Conference 46 "Making Food Good"

Bina Agarwal Nobel Conference Page

view video on-line

captioned link
(Chrome suggested for viewing)


to top of page / A/Z index
Week 12 —

Week 12


Week 12
UM Duluth Library Multimedia SH329.O94 E43 2010 DVD

and streaming

and UMD Library Link

view video on-line

The End of the Line
(85 min., CC, 2010, UM Duluth Library Multimedia SH329.O94 E43 2010 DVD)

UMD Library Link

viewing guide

A film by Rupert Murray

The End of the Line -- Wikipedia


to top of page / A/Z index
Week 13 —

Week 13
Week 13
to top of page / A/Z index
Week 14 —
Week 14
UM Duluth Library Media HD9000.5 .F7474 2009 DVD

and streaming

view on-line

(90 min., CC, 2009, UM Duluth Library Reserve Media HD9000.5 .F7474 2009 DVD)

UMD Library Link

Viewing Guide

Week 14
Film: In Organic We Trust.
USDA Organic
UM Duluth Library Multimedia DVD S605.5 .I56 2012

view on-line

In Organic We Trust
(81 min., 2012, UM Duluth Library Multimedia - DVD S605.5 .I56 2012)
(DVD Release Date: June 11, 2013)
[second copy with Closed Captioning available]

 on-line streaming

UMD Library on-line streaming link


  on-line streaming with Closed Captioning

UMD Library Closed Captioned on-line streaming link

[from a UMD account or via VPN]

to top of page / A/Z index
Week 15 —
Summary / Review
Course Evaluation
World Hunger and Other International and Global Food Issues
The Future of Food

Week 15

UM Duluth Library Multimedia QL737.C432 C68 2009 DVD

and streaming

view on-line

 The Cove
(92 min., CC, 2009, UM Duluth Library Multimedia QL737.C432 C68 2009 DVD)

UMD Library Link

 class film HomePage

film HomePage

  The Cove -- Wikipedia

directed by Louie Psihoyos

Review: In the Killing Cove: Siding with the Dolphins, Larry Rohter, The New York Times, 16 July 2009

Week 15
On the Future of Fod, HRH The Prince of Wales.

view on-line

 HRH Prince Charles on the Future of Food

Keynote Speech to The Future of Food Conference
at Georgetown University, Washington, DC
4 May 2011

(50 min., 2011, YouTube )

view on-line



Optional Activity:

film: Darwin's Nightmare
(105 min., 2007, UM Duluth Library Multimedia DT448.2 .D37 2007 DVD)


Optional Activity:

The Global Banquet: The Politics of Food
(50 min., 2001, VC 4770)
(56 min.?)

The Future of Food
UM DULUTH Library Multimedia TP248.65.F66 F88 2004 DVD

DVD 959

and on-line

view on-line for extra credit (optional), and compare with HRH Prince Charles' vision of "The Future of Food"

From Deborah Koons Garcia . . .
The Future of Food

(88 min., 2007, UM DULUTH Library Multimedia TP248.65.F66 F88 2004 DVD; DVD 959)
film HomePage

view on-line

UMD Library Link with Closed Captioning

The Future of Food -- Wikipedia

 to top of page / A/Z index

Final Exam

f2020 The Anthropology of Food Final Examis scheduled for Final Exam Week, week of 14-18 December 2020

Before the Exam, have a look at . . .

fromOWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.
Writing Essays for Exams

Optional Activity
(this film qualifies for Extra Credit Film Review)

Film: In Organic We Trust.

USDA Organic

In Organic We Trust image.

In Organic We Trust

(81 min.,UM Duluth Library Multimedia S605.5 .I56 2012 DVD)

   on-line streaming
  on-line streaming with Closed Captioning

[from a UMD account or via VPN]

top of page A-Z index
TR HomePage

Food Film Guides and Information Sources:

Film and Food -- Food in the Arts, London Food Film Fiesta 2000

Food on Film -- Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture

Check with National Geographic, Discovery, and Nova for future programs

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© 1998 - 2025 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved
    Envelope: E-mail 

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