- Hill, Tony. The Contemporary Encyclopedia of Herbs and Spices: Seasons for the Global Kitchen. NY: Wiley, 2004.
- Martindale's Nutrition Center Dairy, Meat, Fish, Poultry, Cereals, Fruit, Vegetalbes, Herbs etc.
- Norman, Jill. Herbs and Spices: The Cooks Reference. NY: DK Publishing, 2007.
- Panayi, Panikos. Spicing up Britain: The Multicultural History of British Food. London: Reaktion, 2010.
- Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne. A History of Food. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons/Blackwell 2009.
- "Variation in sensation and affect: We live in 'different taste worlds'" --Linda Bartoshuk
Fifth Lecture of the Nobel Conference 46 Making Food Good Conference -- Gustavus Adolphus College (5-6 October 2010) (archives are available online at <http://gustavus.edu/events/nobelconference/2010/archive.php>)
