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Anthropology of Food

to Sweet Treats around the World

What FoodAnthro is Reading Now . . .
. Tuesday, 25 March 2025, 09:10 (09:10 AM) CDT, day 084 of 2025 .
BBC Food
The Gardian News/ The GardianAnimals Farmed/

World Food and Water Clock
OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.    
Sicilian ice-cream in a bread bun. A good solution to a local problem: the Mediterranean heat quickly melts the ice-cream, which is absorbed by the bread.
A Fistful of Rice.
A Fistfull of Rice
Claire Kathleen Roufs eating first food at 5 months.
Claire Kathleen Roufs

Eating rat.
"Eating Rat At The New Year"
National Geographic
Desert People, boy eating "grub worm"
Desert People

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Anthroplogy of Food

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Extreme Cuisine

In the News

See also
National Geographic Food Film Clips
Taboo Food and Drink
Competitive Eating

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  Tim Roufs checking durians at Singapore market, 2017.

Tim Roufs Inspecting Durians in Singapore Market, 2017

No durians allowed on board busses or planes

No duriens allowed on busses or planes

Ortolan Bunting
Taboo food and drink
Chapulines -- Mexico
Pufferfish (Blow Fish) and Fugu
Exotic dishes -- Philippine cuisine
Exotic dishes -- Vietnamese cuisine

the News . . .

  • Edible Insects -- PBS Nova (53:28 min., 20 October 2021)
    • "From crunchy crickets to nutty fly grubs, NOVA takes a tasty look at insect foods and how they could benefit our health and our warming planet. From Thailand to Texas, insect farmers are showing how the tiny critters stack up as an environmentally friendly alternative to beef protein and can, pound for pound, deliver better nutritional value than the finest steak. But will Americans overcome the “ick” factor and share the appetite of many cultures around the world for insect feasts?" (Premiered October 20, 2021)

National Geographic Food Film Clips
Taiwan Bull Penis
In Taiwan, an unusual and taboo dinner treat is for sale: bull penis.
California Wine
Thailand Cobras
Cranberry Harvest
France Drinking Absinthe
Asia Duck Fetus Dinner
Malaysia Durian
Papua New Guinea "Eating Bats" among the Karan
Thailand "Eating Bats in Thai Village"
Eating Insects
  Eating Live Octopus

Eating Rat at the New Year

February 4, 2008—
A long tradition of rat eating—here in Vietnam—is especially relevant at this lunar New Year ringing in the Chinese calendar's Year of the Rat.

New York
Explorer's Club Dinner
India Goat Fetus
Japan Putter Fish
Iceland Rotten Shark Meat
Italy Slow Food
Mexico Tequilla
France Truffles
Australia and Oceania
U.S.A Vampires

  Orlan bunting eating

Ortolan Bunting Eating

Deep fried insects sold at food stall for human consumption in Bangkok, Thailand.

  Fugu no Shirako

"Puffer fish are generally believed to be the second–most poisonous vertebrates in the world, after the golden poison frog. Certain internal organs, such as liver, and sometimes the skin, are highly toxic to most animals when eaten; nevertheless, the meat of some species is considered a delicacy in Japan (as 河豚, pronounced as fugu), Korea (as bok), and China (as 河豚 he2 tun2) when prepared by chefs who know which part is safe to eat and in what quantity."


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