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 Culture and Personality 

(Psychological Anthropology)

  Margaret Mead
 Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly
(or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi)


 Fall 2018 Calendar
Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 13:59 (01:59 PM) CDT, day 085 of 2025

Mustard seed.
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CP Presentation

Your Presentation is basicaly a 8-10 minute preliminary report
on your Semester Research Project.

It is a preliminary report of your Term Paper,
to a different audience (your classmates), and with a different style (informal)

Think of your presentation as a TED talk for your classmates,
if you are familiar with TED talks,
without having to pay the $3,500-$15,000 fee to give your talk at a TED conference.

(If you are not familiar with TED talks, you should check on them. Have a look at some TED Talks, TED Psychology Talk Index. TED Talks Topics.)

Demosthenes Practising Oratory (1870)
Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouy
Peoples and Cultures of Europe Project =
Term Paper
(on the same topic)
Charles Dickens, 1842, Francis Alexander.
Charles Dickens
Details of Term Paper

Sign up for your Presentation Date and Time in your Canvas folder

Is public speaking fear limiting your career?
-- Tim Smedley, BBCcapital (22 March 2017)

"Teamwork, plus her experience making presentations in class,
proved valuable for an internship this year at fashion designer Kate Spade."

  This is the real reason new graduates can't get hired
-- Ronald Alsop , BBC (19 November 2015)

Length: 8-10 minute presentation in class

See Term Paper WebSite for information on selecting a topic

Presentations will be in-class, and may include any or none of the following listed below . . .

For an excellent example of "none of the above," have a look at the YouTube Presentation of
Joel Salatin, at the 3rd Annual Community Wellness Day April 28th 2012 at UMD

(Remember Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm from the videos and the text?)

Presentations should include one (or more) of the following . . .

  • A straightforward talk
    (e.g., Joel Salatin's UMD Community Wellness Day Presentation, 28 April 2012)

  • Video Presentation

    • Video projects should be 15-20 minutes long
      (see detailed information in oral presentations)

  • Web Based Presentation

    • Web projects should have between 10-20 interactive pages

    (YouTube -- Wikipedia)

    other presentation resources

  • PowerPoint presentation

    • As with any presentation, it is good to have a beginning, middle, and an end. Usually the beginning contains what in writing they call a "thesis statement."

    • PowerPoint projects for this course should be well-crafted and professional, and about 25-30 slides in length, with narration or narrative text as part of the program itself (and not simply presented, for e.g., as presenter's notes in a powerpoint presentation).

      • the numbers 25-30 slides are just guidelines. You may have more slides if you like.

    • Your narration can be voice-over or textual

    • You should have captions where appropriate

    • The "narration" can be pretty straightforward.  It is the "story" that links the slides together 

      • If you look at any of the slide sets from the first part of the semester, there is a set of word slides linking together the various images

      • (Note, as mentioned above written "narration" should be part of the program itself and not simply presented as off-slide notes in a PowerPoint presentation. That is, the PowerPoint "show" itself should be self-contained. The same priciple is also true as it might apply to a web page presentation.)

      • To see what the presenter's notes are all about, if you go to your PowerPoint program and click on the "View" tab at the top (usually at the top) you will have the options . . .

          • Normal

          • Slide Sorter

          • Notes Page

          • Reading View

      • Some people sometimes put the "narrative" (the story that links the slides together) on the "Notes Page."  But when one does that they can not see the slides and the notes at the same time.

      • So don't put your "narrative" there

    • The minimum format should be slides with information on your project, with relevant illustrations. You may, of course, experiment. (But avoid items flying around and appearing randomly.)

    • You might find the OWL quick guide helpful <


  • Tools

    • The use of Prezi is Discouraged

see also


More Topics
Understanding Cultural Metaphors
Oral Presentations -- General Information
Suggested Presentation Stragegies

WebPages of the Countries, Cultures, Regions, Areas, and Territories WebPages available on this site available on this WebSite

© 1998 - 2022 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/cppresentations.html
Last Modified Saturday, 20 October 2018, 21:09 (09:09 PM) CDT, day 293 of 2018
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