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 Culture and Personality 

(Psychological Anthropology)

  Margaret Mead
 Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly
(or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi)


 Fall 2018 Calendar
Tuesday, 25 March 2025, 08:13 (08:13 AM) CDT, day 084 of 2025

Mustard seed.
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Optical Illusions

In the News

  Magic Eye©

see also
  The Invisible Gorilla
 Rashomon Effect
 Culturally Constituted Behavioral Envoronments (CCBE)
and Species Specific Behavioral Environments

 Altered States of Consciousness (ASC)


  Optical illusions
Category: Optical illusions

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In the News . . .

"Curvature Blindness" Illusion

Strawberries optical illusion

No, not red.
"There is not a single red pixel in this picture, but yet the strawberries appear red"



Take a look . . .

Take several . . .


There are, of course, the standard Müller-Lyer Illusions . . .

"Which line is longer?"

Müller-Lyer Line-length Illusion

Müller-Lyer line Illusion . . .

"Which line is longer?"
Müller-Lyer Line-length Illusion

Watch the next three images "move" . . .

Optical illusion stress test.

Optical illusion stress test.

Optical illusions, circles.

The square A is exactly the same shade of gray as square B.
See checker shadow illusion.
Optical illusion grey square

Prepared for Wikipedia by Adrian Pingstone in January 2004, based on the original created by Edward H. Adelson. See also Wikipedia Same color.(Wikipedia)

De-constructing the illusion.
 Optical illusion grey square deconstructed
 Optical Illusions -- Wikipedia

For more information on grey squares and related illusions see . . .

Making Sense of Sensory Information
with Dale Purves, M.D.
(Neuroscience Series)
(37 min, 2008, UM Duluth Library Multimedia QP376 .M35 2007 DVD)

"What we see is not what the world really is and that is counterintuitive."

Context Makes the difference

Making Sense of Sensory Information -- Davidson Films
YouTube Trailer

Making Sense of Sensory Information

John Locke -- Wikipedia
David Hume -- Wikipedia
George Berkeley -- Wikipedia

add René Descartes
-- Wikipedia

cf., Rashomon Effect

Rashomon Effect -- Wikipedia

Selective Attention and Lifeguards

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Stare at this photo for a few seconds.
Which way is the man looking? . . .

Optical Illustion: Man turning his head.

Who's holding whom in this picture? . . .
Optical Illustion: Man turning his head.

What do you see? . . .
Optical Illustion: Man turning his head.

courtesy of jb Andersen

In which direction is the dancer turning? . . .

Can you get her to reverse her direction?

Spinning Optical Illusion

  Optical Illusions -- Wikipedia

In which direction are the cubes moving? . . .

Spinning Optical Illusion

  Optical Illusions -- Wikipedia

How Many People are there in this picture? Count them . . .

Wait a minute, then check again . . .
Count-the-people Illusion

And don't forget to check on the "Beer Goggles" . . .

 beer goggles, before and after beer

'Beer goggle' study wins Ig Nobel award -- BBCNews (13 September 2016)


"Special Effects"

Shrek 3D

Shrek 3D

Shrek 3D

Shrek 3D

Barack and Michelle Obama, along with their party, watch the commercials during Super Bowl XLIII in the White House theatre using ColorCode 3D.

Barack and Michelle Obama, along with their party, watch the commercials during Super Bowl XLIII in the White House theatre using ColorCode 3D.

Pocket stereoscope with original test image. Used by military to examine stereoscopic pairs of aerial photographs.

Pocket stereoscope with original test image. Used by military to examine stereoscopic pairs of aerial photographs.
Shrek 3D


3D football image

3D Football
3D perception problems, Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports

For the next illusion one you need to use the YouTube version . . . it's worth the trouble . . .

"Best Optical Illusion I Have Ever Seen" --

"I promise this isn't a scare video. Just keep focusing on the dot. And if you don't get the illusion, watch it again, without looking at the dot."

"The second picture was grey the entire time and your mind just put all those colors there."

For this one you need to use the YouTube version . . .

and it will start off like this . . .
stare at the dot (on the YouTube version) at the center of the image . . .

 House Illusion

This photo, colored, should "appear" . . . but you need to use the YouTube version . . .

 House Illusion

Go to the "Magic Eye©" page and look at the Image of the Week
until you see the 3D image

Click on the image on the Magic Eye© page for help, if necessary

 Unidentified White Horse, Wikimedia
  Magic Eye©

Take the Selective Attention Tests
(Be sure to take both tests--they're short)

Read and follow the directions carefully

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Shake-your-head optical illusion.

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Shake Your Head to See the Picture . . .

Shake-your-head optical illusion.

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© 1998 - 2022 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/cpopticalillusions.html
Last Modified Monday, 11 July 2022, 00:19 (12:19 AM) CDT, day 192 of 2022
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