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Ancient Middle America

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Ancient Middle America Course Information

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Main Due Dates for Ancient Middle America

For a list of all of the exam and weekly assignment dates please see your Moodle logo. Gradebook

The weekly assignments (Forums, film feedbacks . . . ) are generally due at the end of the week in which they were assigned.

The Weekly Assignments and Activities are listed in the "Activities" section in each of the Weekly Blocks
(see image here)

s2019 Informal Project Statement, or Project Proposal for your Case Study (up to 20 points)
due by the end of Week 7, Saturday, 2 March 2019.

The informal statement can be very straightforward. It's a simple statement of . . .

"Here's what I'm interested in doing. . . .

Here's why I'm interested in that. . . . 

Here's what I think will be useful for that project. . . .

This means that you should include three or four references to materials and activities (such as interviewing someone . . .) that you think would be helpful to your in working on your project. (No, you do not have to do an interview, that's just one possibility.)

If you include a reference to a source on the web, be sure to give its full reference (not just the URL). For a web page your full reference should look something like this (include as much of this material as is available for the site[s] you are looking at):

For this assignment you may turn in the sources information any way you like --  except that if you are using a web site include the name of the web site (and author, if it has an author) in addition to the URL.  (That is, do not just cite the URL.)

Roufs, Timothy G. and Kathleen Smyth Roufs. Sweet Treats. accessed 8 February 2019.

For the "Promissory Abstract" and "Working Bibliography" (that are due in two weeks) and for the Case Study itself (due at the end of the semester) you need to use APA or MLA or Turabian/Chicago Style or a standard scientific method.  Which of those you use is up to you.

What do you think?"

Or, it can be something like . . .

"I'm thinking about doing a project on X or Y, but can't make up my mind.

Here's what I'm interested in, and why. . . .

Here are some things that look like they might be useful for the project. . . .

This means that you should include three or four references to materials and activities (such as interviewing someone . . .) that you think would be helpful to your in working on your project. (No, you do not have to do an interview, that's just one possibility.)

If you include a reference to a source on the web, be sure to give its full reference (not just the URL). For a web page your full reference should look something like this (include as much of this material as is available for the site[s] you are looking at):

Roufs, Timothy G. and Kathleen Smyth Roufs. Sweet Treats. accessed 8 February 2019.

What do you think?"

A more formal statement (a "Promissory Abstract") of what you eventually decide upon isn't due for another two weeks.

s2019 Wiki questions for the Midterm Exam are due by the end of Week 5, Saturday, 16 February 2019

The s2019 Ancient Middle America Midterm Exam will be Tuesday, 26 February 2019

REM: Bring your Laptop


s2019 Your Project Promissory Abstract and Working Bibliography (worth up to 20 points) are due by the end of Week 9, Saturday, 23 March 2019.

s2019 The MA Case Study is due no later than the end of Week 13, Saturday, 20 April 2019

AVISO: Late Case Study papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date.
s2019 The MA Extra Credit Term Paper Term Paper is due by the end of Week 13, by Saturday, 20 April 2019.

Late Extra Credit Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date. Why?

s2019 Wiki questions for the Ancient Middle America Final exam are due by the end of Week 14, Saturday, 27 April 2019
s2019 The MA Case Study is due no later than the end of Week 13, Saturday, 20 April 2019

AVISO: Late Case Study papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date.

The s2019 Ancient Middle America Final Exam will be at 8:00-9:55 on Tuesday, 7 May 2019, in Cina 214

REM: Bring your Laptop

s2019 Final semester evaluations are due by the last day of the term, Saturday, 4 May 2019

AVISO: Unexcused late assignments receive no credit

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