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Dead Birds(83 min., 1964, VC 1248 [2004 new anniversary edition, DVD 147; DU744.35.D32 D43 2004 DVD]) Review: ‘Expedition Content’ Review: Anthropological Maneuvers in the Dark -- The New York Times (05 January 2022)
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Barnes, J.A. "African models in the New Guinea Highlands," MAN 62.2.2:5-9 (1962). Barrau, Jacques. "Subsistence Agriculture in Melanesia," Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 219, Honolulu (1958). Bishop, John. "Dead Birds Migrating: DVD Reinvigorates Classic Ethnographic Film" (Review Essay). American Anthroplogist, Vol. 107, No. 3, September 2005, pp. 475-488. (ISSN 0002-7294) Bromley, H.M. "The Linguistic Relationships of Grand Valley Dani: A Lexico-Statistical Classification," Oceania 37.4:286-308 (1967). Brookfield, H.C. and J. Peter White. "Revolution or Evolution in the Prehistory of the New Guinea Highlands: A Seminar Report," Ethnology 7.1:43-52 (1968). Bulmer, Susan. "Radiocarbon Dates from New Guinea." The Journal of the Polynesian Society. 73.3:327-328 (1964). Bulmer, Susan and Ralph. "The Prehistory of the Australian New Guinea Highlands," American Anthropologist, 66.4.2:39-76 (1964) ‘Expedition Content’ Review: Anthropological Maneuvers in the Dark -- The New York Times (05 January 2022) Heider, Karl G. "Archaeological Assumptions and Ethnographical Facts: A Cautionary Tale from the New Guinea Highlands." Southwestern Journal of Anthropology. 23.1:52-64 (1967a) (Suggesting some difficulties in making ethnographic interpretations from archaeological data by describing how the Dani might be misinterpreted from their archaeological remains alone.) Heider, Karl G. "Speculative Functionalism: Archaic Elements in New Guinea Dani Culture." Anthropos 62:833-840 (1967b). (Suggesting that if one considers the Dani as having only partially completed the transition from hunting and gathering to horticulture, many present traits, which are more appropriate to hunting and gathering, make more sense.) Heider, Karl G. "The Dongson and the Dani: A Skeumorph from the West New Guinea Highlands." Mankind 7.2:174-148 (1969a) (A stone axe blade shaped like a bronze artifact found in a Dani cave suggests that the Bronze Age has had some influence in the Highlands.) Heider, Karl G. "Attributed and Categories in the Study of Material Culture: New Guinea Dani Attire." MAN 4.3:379-391 (1969b). (A theoretical paper concerning the nature of ethnographic categories using the Dani penis gourd and women's carrying net for illustration.) Heider, Karl G. "The Dugum Dani. A Papuan Culture in the Highlands of West New Guinea." Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology 49. Chicago: Aldine. (A general ethnography). (1970). Heider, Karl G. "The Grand Valley Dani Pig Feast: A Ritual of Passage and Intensification." Oceania 42.3:169-197 (1972). (Description and analysis of the 1970 Pig Feast.) Heider, Karl G. "The Dani of West Irian." Warner Modular Publications. Module 2, 1972. (An Ethnographic Companion to the film, "Dead Birds," containing basic ethnographic data and a frame-by-frame analysis of the film.) Hoffman, Carl. 2014. What Really Happened to Michael Rockefeller. Smithsonian Magazine, March 2014. Accessed January 30, 2020. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/What-Really-Happened-to-Michael-Rockefeller-180949813/?all. Koch, Klaus-Friedrich. "Marriage in Jalemo." Oceania 39.2:85-109 (1968a) Koch, Klaus-Friedrich. "Structure and Variability in the Jale Kinship Terminology: A Formal Analysis." Ethnology 9.3:263-297 (1970). (On the Jale, Dani-speakers living just to the northeast of the Grand Valley.) Loizos, Peter. 1968 Review. Man 3(1):166. Matthiessen, Peter. Under the Mountain Wall: A Chronicle of Two Seasons in the Stone Age. New York: Viking (1962). (An interpretative account of the Dugum by a novelist and natural historian, which covers the same events as Gardner's film.) O'Brien, Denise, and Anton Ploeg, "Acculturation Movements among the Western Dani." American Anthropologist 66.4.2:281-292 (1964). (An important report on the first trauma of contact between a tribal group and the modern world. The Western Dani are closely related to the Grand Valley Dani, but the kinds of movements which are described have made little headway in the Grand Valley.) Ploeg, Anton. "Some Comparative Remarks about the Dani of the Baliem Valley and the Dani at Bokondini," Bijdragen tot de Tall, Land-, en Volkenkinde. 122.2:254-273 (1966). Watson, James B. 1965 Review. American Anthropologist 67:1357-1359. Watson, James B. "From Hunting to Horticulture in the New Guinea Highlands," Ethnology 4.3:295-309 (1965). Whiting, John W. "Effects of Climate on Certain Cultural Practices." pp. 511-544 in Ward H. Goodenough (ed.) Explorations in Anthropology. New York: McGraw-Hill (1964). Wurm, S.A., "Australian New Guinea Highlands Language and the Distribution of their Typological Features." American Anthropologist 66.4.2:77-97 (1964). |
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