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Case Study #3

Cultural Analysis of an Item / Topic

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  1. Pick out an item or topic in which you are interested in and write an analytical paper on it.

  2. Do not write on a culture or sub-culture that you used in either Case Study #1 or Case Study #2

  3. You may use your textbook for information, but your paper should contain a significant amount of material which comes from a source other than your text.

  4. Length: 5 - 6 well-written pages

  5. Due Date: TBA

  6. Also try getting more information from JSTORE, elelctronically stored journals, and look for other items from the UMD Electronic Reference Collection.

  7. For this Case Study -- and all of the Case Studies -- you may use traditional library materials, and, where appropriate, interviews and videotapes. So have a look at one or more of the daily papers to see what they're reporting.

  8. On-line Resources which might be helpful include:
    1. Infotrac®
    2. JSTOR©
    4. Soc-Anth-Hum/Cl-Cultural Studies Search Engines and Reference Works
    5. UMD On-Line Library Resources
    6. General Reference Works
    7. Books and Manuscripts On-Line

  9. Use the PCforum to discuss your paper with others in the class.

  10. Due beginning of Week 13.
    (Unexcused late Case Study papers will result in a loss of 2% of the final course grade.)

  11. Length: 5 - 6 well-written pages

  12. Criteria for Grading College Writing

  13. Suggestion: Don't put off the Web Assignments. The web doesn't always work when you want it to.

  14. When you write anything you should consider audience, purpose, and your personal style. For your case studies, your audience should be your classmates in this class. (Do not write your college papers to the professor as audience.)
  15. See the "Preparing the Final Draft" section of the Sociology - Anthropology - Criminology - Humanities / Classics Writing Guide to see the details of what your Case Study report should look like when you hand it in. Basically, it should look like the model of the first paper.

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Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1604/case_studies/caCS-03.html
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