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Cultural Anthropology

Ethnological / Ethnographical Methods

In the News

see also Archaeological Methods and Dating

Ethnography -- Wikipedia

Metholology cartoon: "World's Greatest Grandpa"
Source: Parade Magazine

In the News . . .

  • Beyond Citation -- The Scout Report, November 11, 2016, Volume 22, Number 44
    ["Researchers, students, and instructors use academic databases to find scholarship on topics of interest. Yet it is difficult to get information about how these databases work and what materials are included in - or left out of - them. In response to this challenge, a group of students in a Digital Praxis Seminar at the City University of New York (CUNY) created Beyond Citation, a website dedicated to providing the public with information and analysis about major academic search engines. As of this writing, Beyond Citation features explorations of thirteen major databases, including Google Books, Project MUSE, HathiTrust Digital Library, JSTOR, and ProQuest Historical Newspapers. Each database record includes an Overview outlining what the database contains, available Reviews of each database, and information about Access. In addition, readers will also find a useful Conversations feature, which offers links to outside analysis and criticism about the selected database. Beyond Citation not only helps researchers critically evaluate databases, but also teaches researchers how to use these databases most effectively." [MMB, -- The Scout Report, November 11, 2016, Volume 22, Number 44]

  • The Qualitative Report -- The Scout Report, September 16, 2016, Volume 22, Number 36

    ["Researchers of all disciplines who use qualitative methods - or students interested in learning more about qualitative approaches to research questions - may want to check out The Qualitative Report, an open-access, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to sharing, examining, and discussing qualitative work. Edited by an international group of social science scholars, The Qualitative Report has been published since 1990 and has been available online since 1994. Visitors to this webpage can download the most recent reports or browse through the journal's most popular articles. Recent items include an examination of the impact of a dissertation writing program on doctoral completion in an educational policy program and an analysis of how consumers of "Green" brand items in India assess their personality. All previously published articles from The Qualitative Report are archived here and are available for download. Articles are tagged by a variety of subjects, including Psychology, Teacher Education, and Social Commons." -- MMB, The Scout Report, September 16, 2016, Volume 22, Number 36]

  • Probability Lesson Starters and Online Activities -- Transum

  • Wells Fargo Uses Ethnographic Research to Design a Better Customer Experience -- loyalty360 (30 June 2015)

  • Business Anthropology Unlocks Opportunities -- Memphis Daily News (21 September 2012)

  • Put Away The Bell Curve: Most Of Us Aren't 'Average' -- NPR (03 May 2012)

  • I Can Out-Interdiscipline You: Anthropology and the Biocultural Approach -- Scientific American (01 May 2012)
General Methods

Correlational Methods

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Quantitative / Statistical Methods
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