Terms / Concepts
- change in weapon design show mammoth hunters --> hunting bighorned
bison after 11,000 ybp
- hunting tools
- ice
ages (ice-free corridors)
- methods
- shamans = "priestly leaders"
- stone tool making (lithics)
- hammerstone
- percussion flaking
- anvil technique
- baton technique
- pressure flaking
- fluting
- grinding / polishing
- pottery (ca. 2,000 b.p.)
- theocratic state
- sacred burial mounds
- From 1,000 B.C. onwards we see the "Mound Builders" (Woodland) culture.
By A.D. 500 there were over 100,000 mounds.
- Landscape was different 11,000 ybp.
- "Pleistocene Extinction Hypothesis" suggests early hunters overhunted
large animals.
- Force of a spear thrown with an atlatl
= 200 X the force of a spear thrown by hand.
- Trend: 6,000 B.C. Koster was occupied seasonally, but by 2,500 B.C.
it had become a permanent settlement.
- Diffusion: Lake Superior copper, mica from Georgia, obsidian from
Yellowstone, . . .
- 12,000 ybp the way was clear in the ice-free corridor for people
to migrate to central North America
- With the advent of pottery decoration we begin to recognize the
individuality of the individual potters to the development of traditions
which differ from village to village.
Cultures / Peoples
- Papago (saguaro cactus)
- Pima
- Hopi
- Mimbres (central NM)
- Clovis
(11,000 - 11,500 ybp C14 dates)
- "Mound Builders" (Woodland)
- Valsequillo, Mexico (22,000 ybp)
- Wilson Butte, AZ (14,500 ybp)
- Lehner, AZ ("one of the oldest prehistoric sites in North America")
- Koster Farm (Green County, IL; A.D. 1,200 - 6,500 B.C. "and beyond")
6,000 B.C. people were migratory, but by 2,500 B.C. they had become
a permanent community
- Campsville (IL)
- Bat Cave (NM; 4,000-year-old maize)
- bALKMALDI, ga (100 MI. south of Etowah)
- Cahokia
IL, near St. Louis, Mo.
- "Monk's Mound"
- at A.D. 1,300 there were an estimated 30,000+ inhabitants
- Anasazi
Pueblos (including kivas)
- Etowah (GA)
- Mesa Verde (largest
of the Pueblos housed over 400 people)
- Chaco
Cañon, Pueblo Bonito
- "The Southern Cult"
Publications / Bibliography