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Prehistoric Cultures

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Grades / Grading

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Final grades will be given according to the following grading scale.
The actual numbers used to determine final grades may differ slightly (in your favor) because of final adjustments.
Instructor reserves the right to curve final grades upward.

  A = 93.0%   A- = 90.0%
B+ = 87.0%     B = 83.0%     B- = 80.0%
C+ = 77.0%   C = 73.0%   C- = 70.0%
D+ = 67.0%   D = 63.0%   F   = below 60.0%


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Last Modified: Friday, 16 December 2005, 16:28 (04:28 PM) CST, day 350 of 2005
© 1996-2002, Tom Bacig and Tim Roufs, University of Minnesota Duluth.
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