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Prehistoric Cultures

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Friday, 21 February 2025, 12:32 (12:32 PM) GMT, day 052 of 2025
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DNA molecular structure.

DNA, the molecular basis for inheritance. Each strand of DNA is a chain of nucleotides, matching each other in the center to form what look like rungs on a twisted ladder.

The Genographic Project

National Geographic

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The Genographic Project

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JOURNEY OF MAN tells the remarkable story of the human journey out of Africa and into the rest of the world, tracing history through evidence uncovered in the Y-chromosome of man's DNA. Traversing six continents, the film takes viewers on a fascinating journey into the hidden world of their ancestry and offers a modern look at our ancestor's lives.

"In the grip of an Ice Age, the Earth's temperature dropped, locking the world's moisture into giant glaciers and bringing intense drought to Saharan Africa. As herds of thirsty animals wandered northeast off the African continent searching for water, human hunters, our ancestors, followed."

"JOURNEY OF MAN tells the remarkable story of the human journey out of Africa and into the rest of the world, tracing history through evidence uncovered in the Y-chromosome of man's DNA. Traversing six continents, the film takes viewers on a fascinating journey into the hidden world of their ancestry and offers a modern look at our ancestor's lives."

National Geographic

Travelling by helicopter and army tank, Spencer Wells visited the Arctic Circle to meet the nomadic Chukchi.

Travelling by helicopter and army tank, Spencer Wells visited the Arctic Circle to meet the nomadic Chukchi.
National Geographic

The Human Family Tree, National Geographic.
The Human Famly Tree HomePage


The Search for Adam CDRom.

In the News . . .

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The Genographic Project -- National Geographic

Tim Roufs Genographic Results

From Anthropology in the News, Texas A&M Anthropology
(1 September 2008)

The Incredible Journey Taken by Our Genes Guardian (8/31/08)


© 1998 - 2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved   Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/pcgenographicproject.html
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Last modified on 03/09/15 09:57 AM
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