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Sample Multiple Choice Questions

Tim Roufs

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Multiple Choice Quizes and Final Exam

  • When you take a multiple choice exam you must correctly put your name and ID number on both the computer generated questions sheet and on the answer sheet! If the Computing Services staff must correct and ID which you miscoded, four points will be subtracted from your score on that exam. If you do not have your name and correct ID number on both sheets it may be impossible to correct your exam. If your exam cannot be corrected because of the absence of this information, you may be required to repeat the examination.

Tim Roufs

Sample Questions: Quiz #1

Quiz #1 - 01. The word "brachiate" is most closely associated with:

  • A. breathing apparatus
  • B. structure of the spinal column
  • C. reproduction
  • D. ability to use arms to swing and hang on trees
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #1 - 02. Old world monkeys:

  • A. are all basically adapted to the same leafy diet
  • B. are, unlike the apes, incapable of learning and rely on genetic modes of adaptation
  • C. except for a few groups, are mostly arboreal
  • D. rely on brachiation for their prime mode of locomotion
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #1 - 03. Evidence for including us within the order primates is provided by:

  • A. anatomy
  • B. biochemistry
  • C. ethology
  • D. fossils
  • E. all of the above

Quiz #1 - 04. The Y-5 pattern refers to:

  • A. a dating pattern invented by Charles Lyell
  • B. the geographical distribution of five Dryopithecine species
  • C. Gigantopithecus hand and foot patterns
  • D. bumps and grooves on the lower molar teeth of typical Dryopithecines
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #1 - 05. The earliest primates:

  • A. were probably much like the dinosaurs
  • B. lived in burrows in the ground much like mice
  • C. evolved rapidly into tree-dwelling creatures who also exploited ground resources
  • D. survived by producing copious numbers of offspring in rapid succession
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #1 - 06. The film Yanomamö: A Multidisciplinary Study, showed how anthropologists work with people from other disciplines in studying populations in South Africa.

Quiz #1 - 07. When we look at a person, the characteristics visible to us make up their:

  • A. genotype
  • B. gene pool
  • C. phenotype
  • D. gene flow
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #1 - 08. On the Origin of Species, published in 1859, was written by:

  • A. Napoleon Chagnon
  • B. Lewis Henry Morgan
  • C. Sir Edward Tylor
  • D. Leslie White
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #1 - 09. Included among prosimians are:

  • A. lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers
  • B. colobus monkeys, tarsiers, and lemurs
  • C. baboons and chimpanzees
  • D. lorises and gibbons
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #1 - 10. During the mid-1800s, the prevailing orthodox view for explaining the existence of all living things held that God created all life about:

  • A. 4,000 years ago
  • B. 6,000 years ago
  • C. 10,000 years ago
  • D. 25,000 years ago
  • D. none of the above

Tim Roufs

Sample Questions: Quiz #2

Quiz #2 - 01. Ramapithecus is probably:

  • A. ancestral to the orangutan
  • B. an advanced tool maker
  • C. a valid taxonomic designation for the Olduvai material
  • D. derived from Australopithecus
  • E. a savanna and desert dweller

Quiz #2 - 02. An insectivorous diet is a fruit and plant diet.

Quiz #2 - 03. The Fayum Depression is a rich archaeological site in South Africa.

Quiz #2 - 04. Chimpanzees live in small but very loosely-structured male-female groups in which the larger males tend to be dominant.

Quiz #2 - 05. Monkeys and apes:

  • A. do not have any specific home territory, but wander wherever there is food
  • B. almost always have home territories and fight fiercely to defend them
  • C. have a home territory, but will not defend it
  • D. are highly variable in their tendencies to defend a home territory
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #2 - 06. Hunting is a frequent activity among nonhuman primates. ("Frequent" here means that nonhuman primates go hunting daily or near-daily.)

Quiz #2 - 07. Tools are found at some Homo habilis sites.

Quiz #2 - 08. Harry Harlow's studies of maternally deprived infant monkeys showed:

  • A. that they preferred milk over any other need
  • B. that they preferred softness and warmth over draft beer
  • C. that they preferred softness and warmth to milk
  • D. that most of them died shortly after deprivation
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #2 - 09. Paleolithic peoples made artifacts only from stone.

Quiz #2 - 10. The Olduvai Gorge toolmakers and meat-eating hunters with a cranial capacity of 725 cc. are representatives of:

  • A. Paranthropus robustus
  • B. Australopithecus africanus
  • C. Homo habilis
  • D. Homo erectus
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #2 - 11. The Genus Homo lived contemporaneously with the genus Australopithecus in East Africa for about:

  • A. 3.0 million years
  • B. 2.5 million years
  • C. 2.0 million years
  • D. 1.5 million years
  • E. 1.0 million years

Quiz #2 - 12. Evidence from Hadar and Laetoli takes the beginning of hominid bipedalism back to:

  • A. 5.5 mya
  • B. 3.7 mya
  • C. 3.2 mya
  • D. 2.3 mya
  • E. 1.6 mya

Tim Roufs

Sample Questions: Quiz #3

Quiz #3 - 01. In modern humans, the bigger the brain, the more intelligent the individual.

Quiz #3 - 02. Homo erectus remains have been found at Olduvai Gorge.

Quiz #3 - 03. The tool kit of Neanderthal reinforces the image of them being a dull, brutish group.

Quiz #3 - 04. Most of our anatomical knowledge about Neanderthal people comes from deliberate burials. This is true also of Homo erectus.

Quiz #3 - 05. The video The Hunters suggests that going after large game animals demands ingenuity, especially as it relates to tracking a wounded animal, or in deciding what the animal is doing or whether to go after it in the first place.

Quiz #3 - 06. The last (most recent) of the Neanderthal sites are dated:

  • A. between 40,000 and 30,000 B.C.
  • B. between 100,000 and 95,000 B.C.
  • C. between 16,000 and 10,000 B.C.
  • D. between 16,000 and 8,500 B.C.
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #3 - 07. Neanderthal gives us the first clear evidence of ceremonial burial of the dead, and care of invalids.

Quiz #3 - 08. Basic stone-working techniques included stone-on-stone techniques, baton techniques, and pressure-flaking techniques.

Q3- 09. Dubois called his Java "erect ape man":

  • A. Homo habilis
  • B. Australopithecus erectus
  • C. Pithecanthropus erectus
  • D. Homo erectus
  • E. none of the above

Quiz #3 - 10. Because Homo erectus was restricted to a few scattered sites in Eurasia, it is clear that they were not very well-adapted creatures.

Tim Roufs

Sample Questions: Final Exam

Final Exam - 01. As a result of biological evolution, humankind acquired the capacity to produce culture on a grand scale and in turn became the product of culture.

Final Exam - 02. Biology has little or no effect upon culture. Only the environment can influence culture, and only culture can influence the environment.

Final Exam - 03. Although the "missing link" has not yet been found, the search generally continues in studies of prehistoric cultures for a missing link which is half human and half ape.

Final Exam - 04. Culture:

  • A. is learned behavior which is passed on from generation to generation through nongenetic processes
  • B. refers to the innate or inherited behavior of our species
  • C. refers to universal behavior patterns
  • D. has no effect on a population's survival
  • E. none of the above

Final Exam - 05. Stratigraphy refers to the road-building activities of Neolithic communities.

Final Exam - 06. People often bury their dead by digging holes in the ground and placing the bodies inside the holes. For paleontologists, this is an example of:

  • A. an intrusion
  • B. a subversion
  • C. an inversion
  • D. an implantation
  • E. none of the above

Final Exam - 07. Since Carbon-14 has a half-life of about 5730 years, this means that 3/4 of the original carbon-14 will be gone about 11,460 years after the death of the plant or animal.

Final Exam - 08. Vitamin D seems to be involved with the color of skin among human populations.

Final Exam - 09. The terms "Paleolithic," "Mesolithic," and "Neolithic" refer to the three subdivisions of:

  • A. the Stone Age
  • B. the Iron Age
  • C. the Ice Age
  • D. the Bronze Age
  • E. none of the above

Final Exam - 10. One sign of the development of leadership roles and group identification may have been:

  • A. the demise of the Neanderthals
  • B. the success of Magdalenian hunting
  • C. the early use of jewelry
  • D. the domestication of corn
  • E. none of the above

Final Exam - 11. The earliest definite appearance of the bow and arrow was in the Lower Paleolithic.

Final Exam - 12. The Lower Paleolithic is associated with:

  • A. Mousterian cultures
  • B. Homo erectus and Neanderthal
  • C. Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and Homo erectus
  • D. The Flintstones
  • E. none of the above

Final Exam - 13. Cultures around the world vary in the degree to which they allow human, biologically based, differences to express themselves.

Final Exam - 14. Evolutionary factors may be partly responsible for a number of diseases that come increasingly after middle age. This is probably related to the fact that the body's immune system reflects the notion that in the remote past people too old for hunting and fighting and reproducing likely played minor roles in society.

Final Exam - 15. Assume you discover a primate skull with large brow ridges, 1450 cc cranial capacity, sloping forehead, and occipital "bunning." The skull is probably from a:

  • A. Paranthropus robustus
  • B. gorilla
  • C. Homo erectus
  • D. classic Neanderthal
  • E. anatomically modern Homo sapiens

Final Exam - 16. Most often in hunting-oriented societies females provide a dependable source of food by collecting plant foods, thus making regular hunting possible in areas where the probability of coming back from hunting empty-handed was high.

Final Exam - 17. The videos The Desert People and The Hunters illustrates the fact that male-male and female-female relationships are pretty much the same in all "band" societies.

Final Exam - 18. Culture was not important until the Homo erectus stage of development.

Final Exam - 19. The cultural tradition associated with Neanderthal is called:

  • A. Gravettian
  • B. Mousterian
  • C. Acheulian
  • D. Magdelanian
  • E. none of the above

Final Exam - 20. The majority of the famous "venus" female figurines were made by bearers of the:

  • A. Aurignacian culture
  • B. Perigordian culture
  • C. Maglemosian culture
  • D. Olmec culture
  • E. none of the above

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