- Units
- Before 1859: Types -- original, static, and
- After 1859: Breeding populations -- variable and changing
- Variation
- Before 1859: Deviations from type -- accidental, anomalous,
or pathological
- After 1859: Genetic variation is basis for change and adaptation
by natural selection (differential reproduction)
- Inheritance
- Before 1859: Blending inheritance
- After 1859: Particulate inheritance (after Mendelian genetics)
- Relationship of Units
- Before 1859: Types arrayed hierarchically on a unilinear scale
of perfection, that is, as a "Great Chain of Being," or a "Ladder
of Perfection" (Scala naturae)
- After 1859: Variable populations, diverging multi-dimensionally
- Time Depth
- Before 1859: Recent creation of world (on 23 October, 4004 B.C.)
- After 1859: Geological eras in millions of years
Source: TBA