- Ancient Grand Masters -- Jean Clottes, Time Europe
- The Cave of Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc
- In 1994 Jean-Marie Chauvet, along with two other spelunker friends, discovered a cave in France filled with geologic and artistic wonders of a prehistoric vintage. The website created to showcase their find is extremely well done and very beautiful. Visitors interested in going right away to the different types of treasures found in the cave should click on "Visit the Cave" in the lower right hand corner. Once there, visitors can choose to view "Art Ensembles" or "Natural and Archaeological Elements" by scrolling over red or green points to see a thumbnail, and then clicking on it to see an enlarged image as well as an explanation. Zooming in further is possible when a yellow dotted box appears in the image. Visitors curious to see the mostly whole skull of an ibex should click on the first green point from the entrance. The "End Chamber", on the upper far right corner of the map, with only red points, should not be missed. There visitors will find black paintings of rhinoceroses, felines, horses, bison and ibex in a large panel. [KMG -- The Scout Report (23 Septembe2011)
- The cave paintings and rock art of Chauvet -- Bradshaw Foundation
- Chauvet Cave -- Don's Maps
- Chauvet Cave --
Salelm OnLine
- Chauvet Cave -- Wikipedia
- Chauvet Cave (ca. 30,000 b.c.) -- Timelines of Art History, Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Chauvet Cave: France's Magical Ice Age Art -- Jean Clottes, National Geographic
- Chauvet Cave Picture, Caves Wallpaper -- National Geographic
- The
Chauvet Prehistoric Cave -- French Ministry
of Foreign Affairs
- Doubt Cast on Age of Oldest Human Art -- Abstracted from New Scientist by Ros Strong Original article by Jenny Hogan (18 April 2003)
- French caver makes historic find -- National Geographic (6 February 2006)
- Grotte Chauvet -- Show Caves of France
- Probing the Depths of a Cave-Art Discovery -- Christian Science Monitor (24 January 1995)
- Science shows cave art developed early -- National Geographic (3 October 2001)
- Stepping back 30,000 years -- National Geographic (9 October 1999)
- Were Early Humans and Cave Bears Trading Spaces? -- National Geographic (23 March 2006)

Chauvet Hand
ca. 35,000 ybp
French Ministry of Culture and Communication

Chauvet Horses

Chauvet Horses

Chauvet Cave Bear

Chauvet Megaceros
ca. 35,000 ybp
French Ministry of Culture and Communication

Chauvet Running Bison