- 3D BRAIN -- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- 10 Things Every Man Should Know About a Woman's Brain -- LiveScience
- 10 Things Every Woman Should Know About a Man's Brain -- LiveScience
- 10 Things You Didn't Know About the Brain -- LiveScience
- All in the Mind --
Natasha Mitchell, ABC Radio National
- Atlas
of the Body The Brain - Effects of Stroke --
AMA Health Insight
- Brain Connection -- Posit Science
- ["Originally featured in The Scout Report in 2002, BrainConnection has expanded substantially while continuing to be an engaging resource about how the brain works and how people learn. Some resources, such as those in the Brain Teasers & Games section, will appeal to younger learners. Most resources, however, have been curated for parents, educators, and the generally curious. Readers will find accessible information about everything from sleep to reading and language to child development in the Library tab Similarly, in Brain Basics, readers will find detailed information about a number of brain concepts that will be helpful for anyone looking to better understand new scientific news or research. Topics covered here include brain plasticity, the relationship between the brain and vision, and the impact of caffeine on the brain."] -- MMB, The Scout Report, February 24, 2017, Volume 23, Number 8
- BrainCraft -- PBS Digital Studios
- ["How do your limbic systems and prefrontal cortex inform your tendency to procrastinate? How has art played a role in human evolution? Why do so many people love sugar - and can it actually be an addiction? These questions and more are explored in BrainCraft, a PBS Digital Series dedicated to "psychology, neuroscience, and why we act the way we do." Created by science educator and report Vanessa Hill, new 4-6 minute episodes of BrainCraft are released each week. These highly entertaining and informative episodes may be viewed on BrainCraft's YouTube Channel, a link to which is provided in the Episodes section of this website. Those active on Facebook or Twitter may also want to follow the show via social media to learn about new episode topics."] -- MMB, The Scout Report, November 18, 2016, Volume 22, Number 45
- Braindance
-- John C. Redmond
- Brain Facts: Explore the Brain and Mind
- The Brain Matters -- American Academy of Neurology Foundation
- The
Brain: Our Universe Within-Evolution -- Discovery
- Brain Power -- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) -- National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the US Food and Drug Administration
- Brain
Size -- Washington State University
- Brain Study Shows That the Opinions of Others Matters -- EurekAlert (17 June 2010)
- Brains Hard-Wired to Connect with Friends -- LiveScience (12 October 2010)
- Brains
Quite Similar: Chimps Like Us/We're Like Chimps --
- Caltech neuroscientists map intelligence in the brain -- Kathy Svitil, EurekaAlert!, AAAS (11 March 2009)
- Carnegie Mellon Scientists Crack Brain's Codes for Noun Meanings -- EurekAlert (12 January 2010)
- Colin Blakemore: How the Human Brain Got Bigger by Accident and Not Through Evolution -- Guardian (28 March 2010)
- Comparative Mammalian
Brain Collections -- National Museum of Health
and Medicine (UWisc/MSU)
- Culture Wires the Brain: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective -- EurekAlert (03 August 2010)
Temple Grandin, professor at Colorado State University and autistic savant, used her unusual abilities to improve the tools of livestock farming.
-- Exploring Temple Grandin's Brain -- Discover (13 March 2013)

"If brain tissue is damaged or does not develop fully, the ventricles—vessels filled with cerebrospinal fluid, shown in blue in this image based on neuroimaging work—expand to fill the space. Temple Grandin’s enlarged left ventricle is a sign of abnormalities in her left hemisphere, which typically handles language, and may account for the difficulties she has with processing words."
-- Exploring Temple Grandin's Brain -- Discover (13 March 2013)
- Grandin, Temple. The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum. NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013.
- Grandin, Temple (Ed.). Genetics and Behavior of Domestic Animals. London: Academic Press, 2014.
- Grandin, Temple (Ed.). Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach. Cambridge, MA: CABI, 2010.
- Grandin, Temple. Society Is Failing Visual Thinkers, and That Hurts Us All. -- The New York Times (09 January 2023)
- Grandin, Temple -- "The Woman Who Thinks Like a Cow: The world's most famous person with autism uses her unusual cognitive abilities to reduce animal suffering" -- BBC (49 min. 2006)
- Grandin, Temple, and Catherine Johnson. Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior. NY: Scribner, 2005.
- Grandin, Temple, and Catherine Johnson. Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009.
- Grandin, Temple, and Mark Deesing. Humane Livestock Handling. North Adams, MA: Storey, 2008.
- Todd, Rohan, and Maria Hynes. 2017. “Encountering the Animal: Temple Grandin Slaughterhouses and the Possibilities of a Differential Ontology.” The Sociological Review Vol. 64, No. 4, 729–744. https://doi.org/10.1177/0038026116677201.

From Anthroplogy in the News, Texas A&M