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UMD Catalogs
-- 1999 - 2001
-- 1997 - 1999
- Anthropology 1602 Prehistoric Cultures
- Anthropology 1604 Cultural Anthropology
- Anthropology 1612 Introduction to Archaeology
- Anthropology 3614 Peasant Societies and Cultures
- Anthropology 3616 Cultures of Arctic North America
- Anthropology 3618 Ancient Middle America
- Anthropology 3622 Prehistoric Archaeology of Old World
- Anthropology 3624 Archaeology of North America
- Anthropology 3628 Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective
- Anthropology 5630 Human Ecology
- Anthropology 3632 Latin American Cultures
- Anthropology 3634 Cultures of Africa
- Anthropology 3636 Anthropology of India
- Anthropology 3695 Special Topics in Anthropology
- Anthropology 4616 Culture and Personality
- Anthropology 4621 Myth and Sacred Symbols
- Anthropology 4623 Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problems
- Anthropology 4628 Language and Culture
- Anthropology 4631 Human Ecology
- Anthropology 4641 International Development: Women and Population
- Anthropology 4651 Development of Anthropological Theory and Method
- Anthropology 4653 Senior Seminar
- Anthropology 4654 Biological Anthropology
- Anthropology 4691 Independent Study in Archaeology
- Anthropology 4695 Special Topics in Anthropology
- Anthropology 4696 Field Research in Archaeology
- Anthropology 4699 Honors Project
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Reference Works:
| General | Culture and Personality | Middle America | Prehistoric Cultures |* * *
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Page URL: http:// www.d.umn.edu /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/pcanth.html
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