Spring 2010

Course Information: WRIT 4250/5250
Section 001, Course # 92608 / 53512
We meet from 8:00 a.m. - 9:15 in MonH 239 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The course home page can be found at: <>

Professor Information:
Dr. Craig Stroupe,, 218-726-6249, Humanities 425, Office Hours Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. to noon or by appointment.

Purpose | Expectations | Resources Needed | Grades


This class will explore the emerging relationships between New Media and writing. You will learn skills and methods of New Media production (that is, the hands-on creation of digital, screen-based, networked, verbally/visually hybrid media), and the opportunities that New Media provide beyond the mere delivery of information. You will gain perspective on the cultural uses of writing since the development of literacy 2,700 years ago, and the continuities and interdependencies between these traditions and contemporary New Media.

Purpose | Expectations | Resources Needed | Grades | Top


As described on the schedule, this course is organized as a set hands-on projects and exercises, combined with a series of critical readings. The final exam and essay give you opportunities to demonstrate and consolidate your grasp of the readings and major course concepts.

The projects are larger pieces that you'll complete individually over a period of two or three weeks using the skills you've learned from the exercises and insights from the readings and class activities.

The online schedule will be updated throughout the semester. Please note that often digital projects will be due on non-class days.

There is a three-point penalty per day for late projects.

Exercises will generally be assigned as homework--though we will trouble-shoot them, if needed, in class. Exercises will be due (that is, available on the Web, the URL posted to the correct online forum) by midnight on the due dates. Sometimes we will do exercises together in class.

We will have readings assigned regularly, throughout the term, which will demonstrate the various cultural uses of writing and critically discuss New Media. In addition to the books to be purchased, many texts will be made available via the library's electronic reserve. I will provide URLs to these texts, and I will expect you to print them out, read and annotate them, and bring the printouts to class ready to discuss. Do not use online versions of the readings as your primary means of understanding them. Please be prepared for brief quizzes and other activities intended to encourage you to keep up with (and engaged with) the readings.

I will give you sample questions and conduct a review session to help you prepare for the exam. The exam will cover the readings and concepts elaborated in class discussions.

Additional Expectations
In addition completing the exercises, designing and producing the projects, readings the assigned texts, and taking the exam, you will earn credit through:

Since this class will function as a community of writer-designers, your regular attendance is absolutely necessary.

A larger goal of this course is to establish a community—with a wide variety of backgrounds, expertise, and interests—to enhance your learning and enjoyment in the class. The class is designed to provide a number of avenues for this community building. Your sincere and regular contributions to maintaining this collaborative environment will count in your grade and of course will greatly benefit your final products in the course.

Because your work is the subject matter for this course, turning in all projects and writings precisely on time is critical; work turned in late will be assessed a 3% penalty per day.

Special Needs
If you have a disability, either permanent or temporary, which might affect your performance in this class, please notify me at the beginning of the semester. Methods, material, or testing will be adapted as required for equitable participation.

Incompletes for the semester will be given only in the following very limited circumstances:

Academic Integrity and Student Conduct
Please see UMD's pages concerning these two issues:

Purpose | Expectations | Resources Needed | Grades | Top

Resources Needed



Purpose | Expectations | Resources Needed | Grades | Top