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  Anthropology in the News

ANTH 4616Calendar f2018

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 Culture and Personality 

(Psychological Anthropology)

  Margaret Mead
 Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly
(or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi)


 Fall 2018 Calendar
Tuesday, 04 March 2025, 13:04 (01:04 PM) CST, day 063 of 2025

Mustard seed.
Selected Culture and Personality WebSites

Course Information

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Course Overview
Requirements Summary

Credits / Prerequisites
Class Participation


Term Project


 ~ Term Paper

Reading Assignments

Catalog Description

Schedule Changes


It's usually a good idea at the beginning of each course to read the official "Course Description" and have a look at the "Course Objectives and Outcomes."

A course may be exactly what you are looking for, or it may not. If it is not, it's a good idea to figure that out as soon as possible, and in time to find the course you might really be looking for.

So take a minute to have a look at the "official" UM items below.

In the Week 1 materials we'll have a little more informal look at what the course is all about.

And you can have a look at the course "Resources" available to the class for a bird's-eye view of the semester's topics and reading, video, and assignment schedules.

Another thing you might do is have a preview look at the course calendar, General Information WebPage, and Requirements Summary on the regular UM Web:

You might also get a good idea of the subject matter of the course by visiting the links to WebSites Related to Culture and Personality page at <>.

And, as always, if you have questions ask—either myself, or your classmates via the "General Student Discussion" area.

-- Tim Roufs

NOTE: "In this class, our use of technology will sometimes make students' names and U of M Internet IDs visible within the course website, but only to other students in the same class. Since we are using a secure, password-protected course website, this will not increase the risk of identity theft or spamming for anyone in the class. If you have concerns about the visibility of your Internet ID, please contact me for further information."

Course Catalog Description:

ANTH 4616 - Culture and Personality
(3.0 cr; Prereq-1604, min 60 cr; A-F or Aud, fall, spring, offered periodically)
Role of culture in forming of personality; problems of individual adjustment to demands of culture. Psychological and sociopsychological approach to culture.

AVISO: Unexcused Late Assignments and Extra Credit Papers receive no credit
Pleas for exceptions will fall on deaf ears

If you really want to know the details of why that is so, have a look at the memo below that I recently sent to a student. The details change from semester to semester, but the basic scheduling problems remain the same. . . . It's basically a boring read, but important none the same--especially if you're the procrastinating type. -- Tim Roufs

A Memo to a Student on Why Your [Late] Extra Credit Will not Be Accepted

Final evaluations and grades will be made on a combination of class participation, the midsemester and final exams, and on the written assignments.

  • Credits / Prerequisites

    • 3 credits / Grading = A - F

    • prereq: Anth 1604, 60 cr or grad student or #
  • Class Participation
  • Exams

    • midsemester exam
      • 4 questions (self-chosen from 7)
      • up to 400 points (27.4% of final grade)
      • [an error occurred while processing this directive]

    • final exam
      • 6 questions (self-chosen from 11)
      • up to 600 points (41.1% of final grade)
      • [an error occurred while processing this directive]

    • You may make up exams during any of the weekly scheduled makeup times. Makeups are usually given in Cina 214 at times which will be announced in class.
      (Please note: it usually takes several days for makeup exams to be returned to you.)

    • Please see me if you need to arrange for a makeup exam
  • Paper topic statement due to by Friday, 18 February 2011, 11:55 p.m.
  • Term Paper (1) bibliography and Term Paper (2) promissory abstract due by the end of Week 7, Friday 6 March 2015

  • Your CP Term Paper is due at the end of Week 14, Saturday, 1 December 2018

    AVISO: Late Term Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date.
    • unexcused late Term Papers receive no credit

Focus: Research Paper and Class Presentation

for your research papers try the
UMD Library > Research Tools and Resources >
Assignment Calculator

UMD Library Assignment Calculator

Your CP Term Paper is due at the end of Week 14, Saturday, 1 December 2018

AVISO: Late Term Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date.


  • Reading Assignments

    • Read assignments following the course outline. Do not get behind in your readings. Please read the assigned material by the date listed on the schedule, and be prepared to discuss it (and / or write about it) in class. Some of the assigned readings we will discuss in class, others we will not. Whether or not we discuss the assignments you should read them carefully and think about the exercises following each reading.
  • Schedule: Topics, Required Readings, and Writing Assignments

    • The assignments and class topics are schedule by week during the semester. See your Moodle Home for details.
  • Schedule / Assignment Changes

    • The course materials schedule may be changed to meet the particular needs of this group, and to adjust to unforeseen circumstances (earthquakes, snowstorms, floods, deaths, and other "acts of god"). You are responsible for any amendments to the schedule that are announced in class or on E-mail.
© 1998 - 2022 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/cpwww.html
Last Modified Sunday, 31 August 2014, 17:20 (05:20 PM) CDT, day 243 of 2014
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