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ANTH 4616Calendar f2018

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 Culture and Personality 

(Psychological Anthropology)

  Margaret Mead
 Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly
(or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi)


 Fall 2018 Calendar
Friday, 21 February 2025, 12:16 (12:16 PM) CST, day 052 of 2025

Mustard seed.
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Video Schedule

Fall 2018

visual anthropology
 Anthropology Videos and DVDs in the UMD Library
 Cultural Studies Videos and DVDs in the UMD Library

Video materials used in class illustrate many topics covered in this course. Consider these presentations similar to lab sessions, that is, watch them carefully and critically rather than simply watch another movie or video. The exams will include these materials, and it will be assumed that you have paid critical attention to them.

Looking for other videos for your term Project?
Use the UMD Library Guide to Streaming Videos

How Does the Brain Work -- NOVA (60 min., 2011, UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia - DVD QP376 .H69 2011)

Week Day Date
Week 1
Day 1 Tuesday
28 August

Day 2
30 August

UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia BF698.3 .P37 2003 DVD

Personality: All About Me
(60 min., UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia BF698.3 .P37 2003 DVD )

Week 2 Day 3
4 September

Day 4 
6 September
UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2466, Part 5

"Psychological Anthropology"
(fka "Culture and Personality")
from Faces of Culture I series, Part 5
(30 min., 1994, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2466, Part 5)
(streaming video)

Week 3 Day 5 Tuesday
11 September
UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 3479
Chimp Talk
(14 min., 1998, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 3479)

Day 6
13 September
UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia GN21.R54 E88 2004 DVD
"Everything is Relatives: Wm. Rivers"
from the Strangers Abroad series
(52 min., 1990, UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia GN21.R54 E88 2004 DVD)
Week 4 Day 7 Tuesday
18 September
  Day 8 Thursday
20 September
UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1755
"Coming of Age: Margaret Mead"
from the Strangers Abroad series
(52 min., 1990, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1755)
for Mardi Gras

UM Duluth Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2466, Part 23
[moved here to Day 9 for the 2016 Mardi Gras]
"New Orleans Black Indians: A Case Study in the Arts"
(30 min., 1994, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2466, Part. 23)
[moved here to Day 9 for the 2016 Mardi Gras]
for Mardi Gras

8 February
UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia GN357 .C8 2008 DVD, Part 11
[moved here to Day 9 for the 2016 Mardi Gras]
Cultural Anthropology: Our Diverse World,
"Grouping by Gender, Age, Common Interests and Class" (Part 11)
(30 min., 2008, UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia GN357 .C8 2008 DVD, Pt. 11)

-- for analysis and post-Katrina update on the Black Indians of New Orleans
[moved here to Day 9 for the 2016 Mardi Gras]
Week 5 Day 9 Tuesday
25 September
UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1415
 Margaret Mead and Samoa
(51 min., 1988, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1415)
(streaming video)
  Day 10 Thursday
27 September
UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2464
Stranger in the Mirror: An Examination of Visual Agnosia
(60 min., 1993, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2464)
Week 6
Day 11
2 October
UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia BF495 .S8 2005 DVD

Alexandre Domingue, John Christou, Aisling Chin-Yee, & Prospector Films (Producers), & Aisling Chin-Yee (Director). (2015). Synesthesia. [Video/DVD] Grasshopper Film. Retrieved from
Synesthesia: Derek Tastes of Earwax
(50 min., 2005, UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia BF495 .S8 2005 DVD)

Day 12 Thursday
4 October

Making Sense of Sensory Information. Directed by Davidson, John. Davidson Films, 2008.


UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia QP376 .M35 2007 DVD

Making Sense of Sensory Information
(Neuroscience Series)
(37 min, 2008, UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia QP376 .M35 2007 DVD)

Making Sense of Sensory Information -- Davidson Films

  Day 12 Thursday
4 October
not a UMD Library holding
"ESPsegment from Science Frontiers: Put to the Test

Cognitive Sciences Laboratory
Put to the Test

[First aired on The Learning Channel, 27 January 1998]  
(13 min., 1998, not a UMD Library holding)
Week 7 Day 13 Tuesday
9 October

Midterm Exam
  Day 14 Thursday
11 October


Week 8 Day 15 Tuesday
16 October
UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia BF723.B5 B57 2003 DVD

Birth Order and Its Effects
(18 min., 1997, UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia BF723.B5 B57 2003 DVD)

  Day 16 Thursday
18 October
(29 min., 1988, UM DULUTH kanopy Yanomamo Collection Magical Death)
Magical Death
(29 min., 1988, UM DULUTH kanopy Yanomamo Collection Magical Death)
(use Virtual Private Network (VPN) (UMD) from off-campus locations)
(streaming video)
  Day 16 Thursday
18 October
(8 min., 1988, UM DULUTH kanopy Yanomamo Collection Children's Magical Death)
(use Virtual Private Network (VPN) (UMD) from
Children's Magical Death
(8 min., 1988, UM DULUTH kanopy Yanomamo Collection Children's Magical Death)
(use Virtual Private Network (VPN) (UMD) from off-campus locations)
(streaming video)
Week 9 Day 17 Tuesday
23 October
UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2371
N!ai, the story of a !Kung Woman, Kanopy Streaming 2014
25-26 October 2018
Fall Break
Week 10
Day 18
30 October

UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD GN635.M4 L38 2006

Latah: A Culture-specific Elaboration of the Startle Reflex
(38 min., 1990, UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD GN635.M4 L38 2006)

[NOTE: The UMD Library copy of this video, VC 4651, from the University of Indiana has a false start at the beginning. The actual video starts a couple of minutes after the blank section which follows the false start.]

Day 19 Thursday
1 November
UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2466, Part 6

"Alejandro Mamani"
from the Faces of Culture I series, Part 6
(30 min., 1994, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2466, Part 6)

Week 11
Day 20 Tuesday
6 November
UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD BL2370.S5 S65 2001b
The Split Horn: Life of a Hmong Shaman in America
(58 min., 2001, UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia DVD  BL2370.S5 S65 2001b)
Good Supplementary Film:
Hmong Shaman in America
(28 min., 1993 [1985], UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2148)

Day 21 Thursday
8 November
UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2238  
A Gift to One, a Gift to Many / James Jackson, Sr.
(60 min., 1992, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2238)

Week 12
Day 22 Tuesday
13 November
UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 266 B
Excerpts from Interview with Paul Buffalo 
[excerpts transcript]
(18 min., 1971,UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette  VC 266 B)
13 November
UM DULUTH Martin Library  PC 287
The Work of the Brazilian Healer Arigo
[sound recording]
(45 min., 1971 UM DULUTH Martin Library PC 287)

Day 23 Thursday
15 November
UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia BX8129.A6 A45 2000 DVD, Revised 2006 edition, 54 min.
The Amish: People of Preservation

(Revised 2006 edition, 57 min.)
(UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia BX8129.A6 A45 2000 DVD, Revised 1996 edition, 54 min.)

Good supplimentary film:

The America of the Amish (54 min., 2006, UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia E184.M45 A4375 2006 DVD)

"Filmed on location in Pennsylvania and Ohio Amish country. Interviews with Amish men and women, some born into the religion and some converts, reveal a range of opinions about the group's traditional stance on technology, education and worship. Highlights the rapid growth of the Amish population and their changing attitudes toward electricity, cell phones, cars and other modern conveniences. Shows ways that an American subculture adapt to mainstream society."

Week 13
Day 24 Tuesday
20 November

 Student Presentations I
        Thanksgiving Holiday
Week 14
Day 25 Tuesday
27 November

 Student Presentations II


Day 26 Thursday
29 November
 Student Presentations III
Week 15
Day 27 Tuesday
4 December

 Student Presentations IV

Day 28 Thursday
6 December
(23 min., 1988 [1975], kanopy Yanomamo Collection Ocamo is My Town)
Ocamo is My Town
(23 min., 1988 [1975], kanopy Yanomamo Collection Ocamo is My Town)
(use Virtual Private Network (VPN) (UMD) from off-campus locations)
  Day 29 na f2018

Day 30 na f2018
Week 16

The Culture and Personality Final Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 8:00-9:55 in Cina 214

REM: Bring your Laptop

Check with National Geographic, Discovery, and Nova

Secrets of the Dead: "Witches Curse
." (60 min., 2001/2008, UM Duluth Martin Library Multimedia - DVD KFM2478.8.W5 S43 2008) PBS

© 1998 - 2022 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/cpvideo_schedule.html
Last Modified Thursday, 12 January 2023, 18:18 (06:18 PM) CST, day 012 of 2023
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