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Anthropology of Europe
fka Peoples and Cultures of Europe)

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Countries, Cultures, Regions, and Territories of Europe

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 European Studies

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  BBC News: Europe EurostatEuropa (EU)

Wednesday, 24-Jul-2024 17:32:10 GMT

Europa and the Bull, Moreay.

Europa and the Bull

Enlèvement d'Europe
  Nöel-Nicolas Coypel, c. 1726

Anthropology of Europe Course Information

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Anth 3635 Peoples and Cultures of Europe

Spring Semester 2014

50118 -001 LEC, 2:00 P.M. - 3:15 P.M. , Tu,Th (01/21/2014 - 05/09/2014), Cina  214, Roufs,Tim, 3 credits
Schedule may change as events of the semester require


 First-Day Handout

Meet Your Professor
Slides: (.pptx) (.pdf)

 Main Due Dates


Office Hours: ~

Summer (3 June-26 July) 2024

Fall (28 August-15 December) 2024

Zoom     Drop in Hours:
Whenever you have a question
ZOOM Tu 7:00-8:00 p.m.
    or e-mail to set up a private time to ZOOM


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Textbook Information
general textbook information

Parman text: Europe in the Anthropological Imagination.


Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.
(ISBN: 0133374602)

currently available online from about $79.61 new / $14.00 used (+ p/h, at & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25).
(26 December 2013)

Ernestine Friedl.  Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece.


Belmont, CA: Thompson Wadsworth, 2002*
(ISBN: 0030115450)
(Thomson-Wadsworth Case Studies in Anthropology ISBN: 0534971652)

available on-line for $14.58 used [don't even think about buying a new one] (+ p/h, at
(26 December 2013)

Mark Kurlansky. Cod: A biography of the Fish That Changed the World.


NY: Penguin Books, 1998.
(ISBN : 0140275010)

available online from about $12.27 new / $2.00 used
(+ p/h, at & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25).
(26 December 2013)

Front Cover of Nan: The Life of an Irish Traveling Woman, Revised Edition.


Long Grove: IL: Waveland Press, 1991.
(ISBN: 0881336025)

available online from about $22.52 new / $11.11 used
(+ p/h, at & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25).
(26 December 2013)

John Messenger.  Innis Beag: Isle of Ireland.

"The Aran Islands"
(available online only)

Long Grove: IL: Waveland Press, 1983.
(ISBN: 0881330515)

available online from about $5.26 used [Do not buy a new one]
(+ p/h, at & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25).
(26 December 2013)

Elizabeth L. Krause. A Crisis of Births: Population Politics and Family-Making in Italy.

population politics

Belmont, CA: Thompson Wadsworth, 2005.
(ISBN: 0534636934)

available online from about $52.45 new / $2.16 used
(+ p/h, at & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25).
(26 December 2013)


The following article is available on-line


Welcome to Peoples and Cultures of Europe

Today is Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 12:32 (12:32 PM) CDT, day 206 of 2024
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May  2020
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links to current weeks
spring break
to textbooks
final exams

Holidays Spring 2020
Week 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. 21 January 2021
Week 5 Valentine's Day 14 February 2020
Week 7 Mardi Gras
Ash Wednesday
25 February 2020
26 February 2020
  Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2020
Week 12 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख Monday, 13 April 2020
Weeks 13-14 Passover sunset of Wednesday, 8 April 2020, to nightfall of Thursday, 16 April 2020 (8 days)
Week 13 Easter (Western) 12 April 2020
Week 14 Easter (Eastern) 19 April 2020

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Week 1 — Peoples and Cultures of Europe: Introduction

 Welcome Memo
Week 1 Memo

"First Day Handout"
"Online Calendar s2014"
Meet Your Professor
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
[see note on slide formats]

 Main Due Dates

ANTH 3635 Anthropology of Europe
consists of three main segments:

I  Orientation and Background  
  Basic Concepts  
  Methods and Techniques  
II  Explorations  
  Comparative / Cross-Cultural  
  Holistic (holism slides.pptx)  
  Ethnographic Case Studies from the Real World: Real People . . . Real Places from Around Europe  
III  Student Presentations on Term Research Project  

The Course in a Nutshell

primarily comes from the following sources . . .

  • IN-THE-NEWS. . .
  • RESEARCH PROJECT INFORMATION. . . on a topic of your choice related to the course
  • DISCUSSIONS . . . including your personal experiences
  • (optional) EXTRA CREDIT. . . on a topic of your choice related to the course
  • OTHER (optional) . . .
  • Course Structure


    Both the Midterm Exam and Final Exam are open-book/open-notes essay exams.

    So there should be very little work and effort spent on memorizing facts, other than, perhaps, where to go to find the information you are looking for.

    More Information on Exams: Midterm/ Final


    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
    [see note on slide formats]


    Emic / Etic

    An "etic" visit to Kypseli, Santorini, Greece

    Note: This is a truly classic film in Anthropology, and as such it represents the "ethnographic present"—a practice in anthropology of treating things in whatever time or past era as if they were that way today.

    Obviously, things have changed in Kypseli, and in the other Greek villages that we will have a look at in the coming weeks.

    I will talk about the changes next time, after you have written your first impressions down.

    For the present, treat Kypseli in the "ethnographic present"—we'll look at the "real" present and the future in the future.

    An "etic" visit to Kypseli, Santorini, Greece

    Thursday, 23 January 2014
    Week 01 Day 02

    Kypseli: Women and Men Apart—A Divided Reality
    (41 min., 1973/1987, VC 3286)

    and your Case Study of it

    course viewing guide

    Men in Kypseli, Santorini, Greece.
    Kypseli, Santorini,

    • Length: 5 - 6 well-written pages, including one title page and one "Works Cited" (or "References") page . . .

      • Title Page (a separate page)

      • 3-4 Pages of text
        (following one of the writing strategies below, or a combination of the strategies)

      • one separate "References" (or "Works Cited") Page (see below)

        [this should NOT be called "Bibliography"]
      • You must turn in 5 - 6 pages of well-written description and personal reaction

        Shorter and/or perhaps not-so-well-written papers will be returned for revision

      • If you "run out of stuff" to say or write about, then you will be required, on your own, to view the video again in the Library
    Week 3 Day 6 we will have a look at an EMIC view of a Greek Village: Life Chances: Four Families in a Changing Cypriot Village
    (39 min., 1974, VC 4926)


    Suggested Strategies:

    • Journalist's Questions
    • Who
    • What
    • When
    • Where
    • How
    • Why

    And you can do this for more than one subtopic

    For example, you could have one set of "Journalist's Questions" for women's reality and a separate set for men's reality

    And you could have still another for widows, etc., . . .

    • Time Sequence

      T1 ---> T2 ---> T3 ---> T4 ---> . . .

      (In this case T1, etc., can equal scenes in the video, for example)

    • Space Sequence

      S1 ---> S2 ---> S3 ---> S4 ---> . . .

      (In this case S1, etc., could equal the spacial scenes in the video)

      (In other cases -- but not so easy to do with the information provided in this film -- with S1, etc., you could describe situations East to West, for example)

    • N number of items

      "Ten itms define the importance of. . . .

      First, . . . .
      Second, . . . ."
      Third, . . . ."
      Finally, . . . ."

    • Most Important ---> Least Important:

      "The most important partition of . . . between Kypseli men and women is. . . ."

      "Next in importantance to the men is . . . while women. . . ."

      "The least importantant to the men in Kypseli is . . . while women. . . ."

    • Comparison / Contrast

      Note how things are the same and how they are different. In the Kypseli case, a logical comparison / contrast would be with / between "The Divided Reality" of the women's world and the men's world.

      Item # 1
      Item # 2
      Item # 3
      Item # 4
      Item # N


    • Emic / Etic

    OWL (Online Writing Lab) Purdue University.
    Purdue University Online Writing Lab

    Required Last Section:

    After you have described what you have seen in Kypseli you must end your paper with one or more detailed paragraphs indicating your own personal response to and evaluation of the film (required)

    (See Kypseli Case Study page for further details)

      criteria for grading written works
      "The Strike Zone"
      "The Curve"
      UMD Grading Policies

    Use the Paradigm Online Writing Assistant
    or The Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) OWL (Online Writing Lab) Purdue University.
    if you do not have much experience writing college papers

    When you are finished with your paper it should look something like this . . .

    Kypseli  1

    [more information on your title]

    A Description and Review of


    Kypseli: Women and Men

    apart–a Divided Reality

    by George Bush, Jr.

    Peoples and Cultures of Europe

    Case Study

    Professor Roufs

    24 July 2024

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    Kypseli  2

    I. Introduction

    [more information on an Introduction]

    Put an introductory statement here, explaining the nature of your case study. Include at the end a transitional statement about finding an item of interest that's a good example of some current trend or new discovery.


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    Kypseli  N

    II. Body

    [Give this section an interesting subtitle, something other than "Body"]

    Describe and discuss your chosen topic(s) here. (If you do a comparison / contrast paper you will need more than one topic, otherwise a single topic is fine.)

    Use some form of organizational structure, like one or more of the
    "Suggested Stragegies"

    For this assignment your "Body" could be made up of two parts:

    A. A summary of the contents
    of Kypseli: Women and Men aparta Divided Reality
    (41 min., 1987,  VC 3286)

    B. Your response / evaluation
    of Kypseli

    Your own personal response to and evaluation of the film is required, and you should do this response in such a way that when you look at this paper in two and a half months you will be able to recall your initial reactions/thoughts.

      Use the Paradigm Online Writing Assistant
      or The Purdue University Online Writing Lab
      OWL (Online Writing Lab) Purdue University.
      if you do not have much experience writing college papers


    Kypseli  N

    III. Conclusions

    Put your conclusions here.

    Kypseli  N


    Works Cited
    (or "References")
    (but not "Bibliography"

    Your "References" or "Works Cited" information should go on a separate page

    See "Citing Electronic or Internet Resources" for information on how to cite items from the web

    References should all be double-spaced


    You must list videotapes and movies in your "References" section if you movies used them in your work

    In APA (American Psychological Association) style reference a movie or video as follows:


    Hoffman, Susanna. M. (Director). (1973). Kypseli: Women

        and Men aparta Divided Reality [Film].
        Distributed by Extension Media Center.
        Berkeley, CA: University of California.
    • WRITING GUIDE -- Sociology-Anthropology

    • Generally speaking, it is a good idea to sit down and expand on your notes and as soon as possible after you have taken them. (If you are working on an interview rather than looking at video go somewhere close by immediately after the interview and write up your notes.) Expanding on your notes is especially important if you can not see the video a second time (or if you did not tape an interview, or if you were not able to take notes during a real-life interview or incident).   

      So . . . it would be a good idea if, as soon as possible after class as you possibly can, you sit down somewhere and expand on your notes from the video seen today in class

    •    2f024 Wk 2 Your "fieldnotes" version of Kypseli Case Study is due by Sunday, 8 September 2024
    • Length: 5 - 6 well-written pages, including one title page and one "Works Cited" (or "References") page . . .

      • Title Page (a separate page)

      • 3-4 Pages of text
        (following one of the writing strategies above, or a combination of the strategies)

      • one separate "References" (or "Works Cited") Page (see below)

        [this should NOT be called "Bibliography"]
    • The Final Case Study counts up to 100 points
    • Your grades will be available online in your Moodle Gradebook
      criteria for grading written works
      "The Strike Zone"
      "The Curve"
      UMD Grading Policies


    REM: You must list videotapes and movies in your "References" section if you movies used them in your work

    In APA (American Psychological Association) style reference a movie or video as follows:


    Hoffman, Susanna. M. (Director). (1973). Kypseli: Women

        and Men aparta Divided Reality [Film].
        Distributed by Extension Media Center.
        Berkeley, CA: University of California.
    2f024 Wk 2 Your "fieldnotes" version of Kypseli Case Study is due by Sunday, 8 September 2024
    For Week 1 Activities see Moodle

    Week 1 Assignments


    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination

    • Preface
    • Ch. 3, "Bringing the "Other" to the "Self": Kypseli—The Place and the Film"
    • Ch. 2, "Europe through the Back Door: Doing Anthropology in Greece"
     Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, Susan Parman, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.

    Work on:

    Kypseli Case Study

    2f024 Wk 2 Your "fieldnotes" version of Kypseli Case Study is due by Sunday, 8 September 2024

    For Week 1 Activities see Moodle
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved
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    Today is Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 12:32 (12:32 PM) CDT, day 206 of 2024
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    links to current weeks
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    Have a look at . . .

     Points for Forum Posts and Project Updates
     compare these points with official UMD Grading Policies

    Forums, Sample Answers / Responses w / Grades
    Anth 3618 Ancient Middle America Forum Response Samples
    Anth 3635 Peoples and Cultures of Europe Forum Response Samples

    and if you have any questions about the points
    or about grading in general  . . . ask

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    Week 2—Orientation
    Major Characteristics of Anthropology

    Week 2 Memo

    2f024 Wk 2 Your "fieldnotes" version of Kypseli Case Study is due by Sunday, 8 September 2024
    Handout: "Anthropology and Its Parts"

    About Kypseli and the Comparative Approach

    • Kypseli is part of a Comparative Approach to looking at Greece, especially rural Greece, and European Villages in General. We will be looking at . . .

      • Kypseli, on Santorini (an etic approach)
      • Vasilika, in central Greece (an emic approach, in the film Life Chances by Peter Loizos)
      • Vasilika, in central Greece (the textbook, by Ernestine Friedl)
      • Villages in the Republic of Ireland (the textbook, Nan)
      • Villages in Italy (A Crisis of Births, by Krause)

        And I will be adding materials from  . . . .

        • Stan Aschenbrenner's work in Karporfora
        • Thessalonikia (Salonika)
        • Duluth, Minnesota

        We will also look at be adding materials from  . . . .

        • Inish Óirr, in the Aran Islands, off the west coast of Ireland
        • Gyönk, and other villlages in Hungary
        • Italy
    • And I will be adding materials from  . . . .

      • villages in other parts of the Republic of Ireland, England, Scotland, Austria, and Italy
    • Questions about the case study project on Kypseli: Women and Men apart–a Divided Reality?

    • Or about the video Kypseli: Women and Men apart–a Divided Reality itself?
      (41 min., 1987,  VC 3286)

      • What changes have occurred since the making of the film?

        • Nationwide Greece has been under Austerity Programs imposed by the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), since 2011.

        • In general, there has been an outmigration of the young people from the villages, largely to Athens

        • In some villages, and more so on the mainland, and especially where there is some tourism and/or small manufacturing facilities, (and in virtually all of the cities) there is an in-migration of individuals, especially from other EU countries

        • TVs have changed the nature of the gathering of the men in the evening at the local coffee shops

        • The internet is opening and expanding communication network

        • In some places grave sites are no longer recycled after three years

        • The outmigration has been going on a long time, and when those who have left reach retirement age (which tends to be younger in Europe) they sometimes return to their home village

          • sometimes to take care of elderly parents
          • but also because they can live there fairly cheaply on their pensions
          • and they might still own family property there

      • What is happening today in villages of Europe?

        • Prof. Willie Henderson in the Italian village he lives in during the summer . . .

    Students in the past have commented that there is

    available on the class Moodle and supporting WebSites.
    Yes, there is a lot of information, no doubt about it, and it can be confusing at first. It’s helpful when starting out to remember that the required information for the course is contained in the middle panel of your Description: Moodle HomePage. The information in the sidebars and many of the links are there should you find those interesting and/or helpful; that material is not required.

    Focus on the Main Palen of Moodle as these are Required items.

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
    [see note on slide formats]


    • Main Characteristics of Anthropology

      (NOTE: This is a long slide set as it covers some very important background information that will be referred to often as we go through the semester. Please bear with it to the end. And it will take a little longer to load, so please bear with that also. There is no video presentation scheduled for this and next week as the base slide sets tend to be a little longer than "normal.")

      • the four fields of general anthropology

      • culture as a primary concept

      • comparative method as major approach

      • holism as a primary theoretical goal (holism slides.pptx)

      • fieldwork as a primary research technique
    WebPage Summary
    "Anthropology and . . . It's Parts" chart

    • "Other Important Terms"
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Units of Analysis
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Three Major Perennial Debates
      slides: (.pptx)

      (NOTE: This is a long slide set as it covers more than 2000+ years. Please bear with it to the end. Please bear with it to the end. And it will take a little longer to load, so please bear with that also. There is no video presentation scheduled for this and next week as the base slide sets tend to be a little longer than "normal.")

    (more on metaphorical analysis Day 20)
    "Master Ethnographic Texts and 'Classics' in the Anthropology of Europe" I: Introduction
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    -- following Susan Parman, Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, pp. 11 - 14
    Finding Information on Countries, Cultures, Regions, and Territories of Europe
    (.pdf) (.pptx)
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
    [see note on slide formats]
    For Week 2 Activities see Moodle
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    Week 2 Assignments

    Read: Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece

    • Ch. 1. "The Village: As a Setting"
      • The Area Surrounding VasilikaInside Vasilika
      • Movement in and through the Village
    • Ch. 2. "The Family: Economic Activities"
      • Major Crops
      • Miscellaneous Crops
      • Livestock
      • Variations in Wealth
      • Specialization of Labor

     Ernestine Friedl.  Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece.

     Ernestine Friedl.  Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece.

    2f024 Wk 2 Your "fieldnotes" version of Kypseli Case Study is due by Sunday, 8 September 2024
    For Week 2 Activities see Moodle
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved
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    links to current weeks
    spring break
    to textbooks
    final exams

    Greetings from Punxsutawney!

     Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter for 2014.

    A little before 7:30 a.m. on 2 February 2014 Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, so we can comfortably settle in for our six more weeks of winter.  “The Groundhog Day celebration is rooted in a German superstition that says if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on Feb. 2, the Christian holiday of Candlemas, winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow is seen, legend says, spring will come early.”  Thousands showed up for the event. 

    Punxsutawney Phil

    On Groundhog Day 2013: Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, early spring predicted

    Phil's official forecast as predicted February 2nd at sunrise at Gobbler's Knob

     Past predictions

    In 2013 Ohio prosecutors ‘indicted’ Punxsutawney Phil over early spring forecast, seek death penalty!

    22 March 2013 BULLETIN:

    Punxsutawney Phil: The Groundhog Behind the Myth
    -- Live Science (01 February 2010)

    Groundhog Day -- Wikipedia

    Week 3—
    Analytical, Theoretical, Methodological and Historical Frameworks (Cont.)
    "Master Texts and 'Classics'"


    Week 3 Memo

    We'll have another look metaphorical analysis Week 10

    Right now, it's Super Bowl Time . . .

    Martin J. Gannon's Metaphorical Analysis of The United States:  \

     1999 U.S. Commemorative Stamp featuring the 1960 Green Bay Packers.


    "Master Ethnographic Texts and 'Classics' in the Anthropology of Europe"
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    -- following Susan Parman, Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, pp. 11 - 14

     Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, Susan Parman, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.


    A Walk through Modern-Day Vasilika
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
    (on-line photos)

     Ernestine Friedl.  Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece.


    An "Emic" analysis of a Greek family in Cyprus ...

    Week 3 Day 6 nlt 2:15, Thursday, 6 February 2014 video:
    Discussion 3:00-3:10
    Feedback 3:10-3:15

    Life Chances:
    Four Families in a Changing Cypriot Village

    (Peter Loizos)
    (43 min., 1973,  VC 3286)

    (course viewing guide)

    (viewing guide for Life Chances)

    For Week 3 Activities see Moodle

    Week 3 Assignments


    Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World


    • Ch. 1, "The Race to Codlandia"
    • Ch. 2, "With Mouth wide Open"
    • Ch. 3, "The Cod Rush"


    • Ch. 4, "1620: The Rock and the Cod"
    • Ch. 5, "Certain Inalienable Rights"
    • Ch. 6, "A Cod War Heard 'Round the World"
     Mark Kurlansky. Cod: A biography of the Fish That Changed the World.


    Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece

    • Ch. 3. "The Family: Consumption Habits"
      • Inside Vasilika's Homes
      • Cleanliness and Order
      • Clothing
      • Urbanity vs. Convenience

     Ernestine Friedl.  Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece.

    For Week 3 Activities see Moodle
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    March  2020
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    April  2020
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    May  2020
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    Week 4—A Brief Review of . . .
    Moors and other Arab Influences, A.D. 711 - A.D. 1492
    Ottoman Influences A.D. 1517 -

    Europe as an Ethnographic "Culture Area", and Other Units of Analysis (cont.)

     Week 4 Memo
      Valentine's Day 2014

    f2024 Wk 5 Informal Project Statement, or Project Proposal (up to 20 points)
    due by Sunday, 29 September 2024

    A brief review of Moorish, Ottoman, and other Arab influence

    Imperial History of the Middle East:
    5000 Years of History in 90 seconds


    Map: The Caliphate

    view video

    The 90 second synopsis includes . . .

    • Note the recapitulation in about 3.5 seconds

    Map: The Caliphate


    Reconquista A.D. 790-A.D. 1300

    Reconquista, A.D. 790.


    Map depicting the Ottoman Empire at its greatest extent, in 1683

    Map depicting the Ottoman Empire at its greatest extent, in 1683.

    Notice where the Caliphate and the Ottoman Empires end in Europe, and compare those with the Holy Roman Empire around A.D. 1600 (below)

    Holy Roman Empire around A.D. 1600

    Holy Roman Empire around 1600

    Turkey class WebPage

    Timeline of the Muslim presence in the Iberian peninsula
    Ottoman Empire
    Ottoman Caliphate
    Decline of the Ottoman Empire
    Caliphate of Córdoba
    Almohad dynasty


    Week 4 Day 11 nlt 2:03, Tuesday, 11 February 2014 video:
    Discussion 3:00-3:10
    Feedback 3:10-3:15

    Süleyman the Magnificent
    (VC 1009, 57 min., 1987)

    course viewing guide

    An Ottoman coffeehouse, European engraving, 19th century


    Europe as an Ethnographic "Culture Area", and Other Units of Analysis

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    For Week 4 Activities see Moodle

    Week 4 Assignments


    Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World


    • Ch. 7, "A Few New ideas Versus Nine Million Eggs"
    • Ch. 8, "The Last Two Ideas"
    • Ch. 9, "Iceland Discovers the Finite Universe"
    • Ch. 10, "Three Wars to Close the Open Sea"


    • Ch. 11, "Requiem for the Grand Banks"
    • Ch. 12, "The Dangerous Waters of Nature's Resilience"
    • Ch. 13, "Bracing for the Spanish Armada"
    • Ch. 14, "Bracing for the Canadian Armada"
     Mark Kurlansky. Cod: A biography of the Fish That Changed the World.


    Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece

    • Ch. 4, "The Family: Dowry and Inheritance; Formal Structure"
      • Inheritance by Sons
      • Dowering the Daughter
      • Negotiations, Courtship, and Marriage
      • Disposition of Dower Property
      • Disposition of Dower Property
      • Division of the Patrimony
      • Consequences of Dowry System
      • Attitudes Toward the Dowry System
      • Family and Kin Structure

     Ernestine Friedl.  Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece.

    f2024 Wk 5 Informal Project Statement, or Project Proposal (up to 20 points)
    due by Sunday, 29 September 2024
    For Week 4 Activities see Moodle
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved
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    Today is Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 12:32 (12:32 PM) CDT, day 206 of 2024
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    February  2020
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    April  2020
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    May  2020
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    Week 5—Master Texts and "Classics" in the Anthropology of Europe

    Week 5 Memo

    A Walk through Modern-Day Vasilika
    (.pdf) (.pptx)

    (on-line photos)


    . . . Units of analysis
    (.pdf) (.pptx)

    (continued Day 20)

    Master Texts and "Classics" in the Anthropology of Europe
    (.pdf) (.pptx)

    -- following Susan Parman, Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, pp. 11 - 14
    (.pdf) (.pptx)

    following Susan Parman, Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, pp. 14-16
    time permitting

    Map of Europe.

    class WebPage Europe

    Virgin Mary statue.

    Virgen deGuadalupe
    Virgen deGuadalupe

    Week 5 Day 10
    Discussion 3:00-3:10
    Feedback 3:10-3:15

    The Buried Mirror: The Virgin and the Bull

    Europa and the Bull

    Europa and the Bull
    Gustave Moreau, c.1869

    course viewing guide

    Spanish Bullfight

    Spanish Bullfight

    Methods of Analysis:
    Comparative Analysis / Controlled Comparison

    Units of Analysis:
    Metaphorical Analysis . . .

    Book: The Buried Mirror.

    Video: The Buried Mirror.

    Units of Analysis: Metaphor

    Understanding Global Cultures: Metaphorical Journeys Through 28 Nations, Third Edition.

    Understanding Global Cultures: Metaphorical Journeys Through 29 Nations, Clusters of Nations, Continents, and Diversity, Fourth Edition. Martin J. Gannon and Rajnandini (Raj) K. Pillai. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2010.

    These are available on-line from the sidebar of your Moodle folder
    under "Course Resources",
    in the "Optional Readings" folder

    Virgen deGuadalupe
    Virgen deGuadalupe

    Raul Salinas RIP.

    ¡Raúl R. Salinas, Presente!

    March 17, 1934- February 13, 2008
    raúlrsalinas and the Jail Machine: My Weapon is My Pen: Selected Writings
    by Raúl Salinas

    Europa and the Bull, Moreay.

    Enlèvement d'Europe
    ("The Abduction of Europa")
    by Nöel-Nicolas Coypel, c. 1726
    Europa and the Bull, Moreay.

    Europa and the Bull

    Gustave Moreau, c.1869
    For Week 5 Activities see Moodle
    f2024 Wk 5 Questions for the Midterm Exam are due by Sunday, 29 September 2024

    Week 5 Assignments


    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination

    • Ch. 7, "Restless Continent: Migration and the Configuration of Europe"
     Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, Susan Parman, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.


    Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece

    • Ch. 5, "Human Relations"

      • Attitudes Toward Man and Nature
      • Adult-Child Relationships
      • Conversation and Argument
      • Transmission of Value
      • Noncompetitive Social Groupings

     Ernestine Friedl.  Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece.

    For Week 5 Activities see Moodle
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    Week 6—Romantic Love
    Catch Up and Review
    αντίο στην Ελλάδα

    Week 6 Memo

    f2024 Wk 5 Questions for the Midterm Exam are due by Sunday, 29 September 2024
    Wk 7 After you have finished your Midterm Exam:

    Your Project Promissory Abstract and Working Bibliography are Due by Sunday, 25 February 2024



    A little Romantic Love
    – Strange Relations

    Week 6 Day 11 nlt 2:00, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 video:
    Discussion 3:00-3:10
    Feedback 3:10-3:15

    From the series Millennium: Tribal Wisdom and the Modern World,

    "Strange Relations"
    (60 min., 1965, VC 1974, pt. 2)
    film HomePage
    course viewing guide

    Spanish Bullfight
    Romantic Love:
    Tristan and Isolde

    [February is National Creative Romance Month]

    catch up and review
    A brief introduction to Ireland
    (.pdf) (.pptx)

    (time permitting)
    For Week 6 Activities see Moodle

    Week 6 Assignments


    Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece

    • Ch. 6, "The Village: As a Community"

      • The Village Government
      • The Village School
      • The Village Church
      • Religious Feast Days
      • The Villagers as Greeks

     Ernestine Friedl.  Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece.

    f2024 Wk 5 Questions for the Midterm Exam are due by Sunday, 29 September 2024
    Wk 7 After you have finished your Midterm Exam:

    Your Project Promissory Abstract and Working Bibliography are Due by Sunday, 25 February 2024


    For Week 6 Activities see Moodle
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    Holidays Spring 2020
    Week 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. 21 January 2021
    Week 5 Valentine's Day 14 February 2020
    Week 7 Mardi Gras
    Ash Wednesday
    25 February 2020
    26 February 2020
      Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2020
    Week 12 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख Monday, 13 April 2020
    Weeks 13-14 Passover sunset of Wednesday, 8 April 2020, to nightfall of Thursday, 16 April 2020 (8 days)
    Week 13 Easter (Western) 12 April 2020
    Week 14 Easter (Eastern) 19 April 2020

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    Week 7—Master Texts and "Classics"
    Catch Up and Review

    Midterm Exam
    Introduction to Ireland
    (time permitting)

    Week 7 Memo

    f2024 Wk 7 The Midterm Exam will be available Week 7, from 12:01 Monday, 7 October 2024 to 11:59 p.m. (10:00 p.m. starting time), Saturday, 12 October 2024

    NOTE: There will be at least one question in the pool from each of the assigned videos from Weeks 1-7, so be sure not to miss watching them.
    Video Listings: <>

    The Wk 7 LIVE CHAT for the Midterm Exam will be Tuesday, 8 October 2024, from 7:00-8:00.

    Brief Review
    Very Brief Discussion of Midterm Exam
    Master Texts and "Classics" in the Anthropology of Europe
    (.pdf) (.pptx)

    -- following Susan Parman, Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, pp. 11 - 14

    (.pdf) (.pptx)

    following Susan Parman, Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, pp. 14-16
    (time permitting)

    Map of Europe.

    class WebPage Europe
    A brief introduction to Ireland
    (.pdf) (.pptx)

    (time permitting)


    f2024 Wk 7 The Midterm Exam will be available Week 7, from 12:01 Monday, 7 October 2024 to 11:59 p.m. (10:00 p.m. starting time), Saturday, 12 October 2024

    NOTE: There will be at least one question in the pool from each of the assigned videos from Weeks 1-7, so be sure not to miss watching them.
    Video Listings: <>

    The Wk 7 LIVE CHAT for the Midterm Exam will be Tuesday, 8 October 2024, from 7:00-8:00.

    For Week 7 Activities see Moodle

    Week 7 Assignments

    Review for the Midterm Exam

    Read, after the exam:

    Nan: The Life of an Irish Travelling Woman

    • Ch. I, "Nan"
    • Ch. II, "The Sweep's Daughter"
    • Ch. III, "The Kitchen Maid"

    Front Cover of Nan: The Life of an Irish Traveling Woman, Revised Edition.

    For Week 7 Activities see Moodle
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    Holidays Spring 2020
    Week 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. 21 January 2021
    Week 5 Valentine's Day 14 February 2020
    Week 7 Mardi Gras
    Ash Wednesday
    25 February 2020
    26 February 2020
      Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2020
    Week 12 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख Monday, 13 April 2020
    Weeks 13-14 Passover sunset of Wednesday, 8 April 2020, to nightfall of Thursday, 16 April 2020 (8 days)
    Week 13 Easter (Western) 12 April 2020
    Week 14 Easter (Eastern) 19 April 2020

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    Week 8 Éire
    Ireland: The Emerald Isle, The Island of Saints and Scholars

    Week 8 Memo


    The Ireland Sequence will focus on  . . . .

    • Introduction (.pdf) (.pptx)
    • Aran, Galway, Clare, Conamara . . . (.pdf) (.pptx)

    Tim Roufs walking on Innis Oirr, Aran Islands, Ireland.
    Inish Óirr

    • Dingle, Kerry, Bantry, Cork . . . (.pdf) (.pptx)
    • Dublin . . . (.pdf) (.pptx)
    • Newgrange . . . (.pdf) (.pptx)
    • Analysis  . . . (.pdf) (.pptx)

    (time permitting)


    Week 8 Day 16 nlt 2:00, Thursday, 13 March 2014 video:

    Man of Aran

    (77 min., 1934, B&W, UM Duluth Library Multimedia DA990.A8 M37 2003 DVD)

    course viewing guide

    Man of Aran.
    Aran Islands,
    For Week 8 Activities see Moodle

    Week 8 Assignments


    Nan: The Life of an Irish Travelling Woman

    • Ch. IV, "The Unwilling Wife"
    • Ch. V, "Travelling in the North"
    • Ch. VI, "Never the Same After"

    • Ch. VII, "Galway"
    • Ch. VII, "Dublin"
    • Ch. IX, "Birmingham"

    Front Cover of Nan: The Life of an Irish Traveling Woman, Revised Edition.

       GAnnon and Pillai, Understanding Global Cultures

      "Irish Conversaton"
      Martin J. Gannon and Rajnandini (Raj) K. Pillai's

      Undertanding Global Cultures:

      Metaphorical Journeys Through 29 Nations, Clusters of Nations, Continents, and Diversity, Fourth Edition.

      Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2010.

      is available in your Moodle Folder
      via the sidebar . . .
      Course Resources > Electronic Reserve

    For Week 8 Activities see Moodle
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    April  2020
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    May  2020
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    Holidays Spring 2020
    Week 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. 21 January 2021
    Week 5 Valentine's Day 14 February 2020
    Week 7 Mardi Gras
    Ash Wednesday
    25 February 2020
    26 February 2020
      Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2020
    Week 12 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख Monday, 13 April 2020
    Weeks 13-14 Passover sunset of Wednesday, 8 April 2020, to nightfall of Thursday, 16 April 2020 (8 days)
    Week 13 Easter (Western) 12 April 2020
    Week 14 Easter (Eastern) 19 April 2020
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    sign up for Presentation Date/Time

    Week 9—Ireland / Belgium

    “How the Myth was Made” / Morris Levy

    Week 9 Memo

    Prof. Levy will be in to talk about Belgium on Tuesday, 25 March 2014, rather than on Thursday

    Week 9 Day 17 nlt 2:00, Tuesday, 25 March 2014 video:
    Discussion 3:00-3:10
    Feedback 3:10-3:15

    "How the Myth was Made"

    “. . . and the work of anthropologists is not only to invent, explore, and make useful the general concept of ‘culture’ but also to invent particular cultures”

    -- Roy Wagner (1975), quoted in Susan Parman, Europe in the Anthropological Imagination (1998), p. 2

    Discussion of video:
    Man of Aran

    (77 min, 1934, B&W, UM Duluth Library Multimedia  DA990.A8 M37 2003 DVD) )

    • nlt 12:40 video: "How the Myth was Made": A 60 min. documentary about the making of Man of Aran

    • and "Looking Back," time permitting, and/or other selections from and about the making and importance of the film

    Scene from Man of Aran.

    course viewing guide

    John Messenger.  Innis Beag: Isle of Ireland.


    For Week 9 Activities see Moodle

    Week 9 Assignments


    Nan: The Life of an Irish Travelling Woman

    • Ch. X, "Holylands"
    • Ch. XI, "The Old One"
    • "EPILOGUE"

    Front Cover of Nan: The Life of an Irish Traveling Woman, Revised Edition.


    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination

    • Ch. 9, "A Forty-Year Retrospective of the Anthropology of Former Yugoslavia"

    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, Susan Parman, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.


    Inis Beag: Isle of Ireland

    • Ch. 1, "The Island and Its Past"
    • Ch. 2, "The Land and the Sea"
    • Ch. 3, "The Village and the Family"



    optional: online

    Illustration from The Aran Islands by John M. Synge, 1907.
    The Aran Islands


       GAnnon and Pillai, Understanding Global Cultures

      "Irish Conversaton"
      Martin J. Gannon and Rajnandini (Raj) K. Pillai's

      Undertanding Global Cultures:

      Metaphorical Journeys Through 29 Nations, Clusters of Nations, Continents, and Diversity, Fourth Edition.

      Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2010.

      is available in your Moodle Folder
      via the sidebar . . .
      Course Resources > Electronic Reserve

    For Week 9 Activities see Moodle
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved
    sign up for Presentation Date/Time

    Today is Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 12:32 (12:32 PM) CDT, day 206 of 2024
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    February  2020
      S M T W T F S
    wk 3             1
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    April  2020
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    May  2020
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    Week 10 —

    Slán agat Inish Óirr(aka Inish Beag) and "The

    Italy: An Introduction and Some Background to the Country
    and An Introduction to
    the Makings of a Metaphor

    (time permitting)

    Week 10 Memo

    Slán agat Inish Óirr(aka Inish Beag) and "The Mainland"

    Small map of the Aran Islands


    • Introduction (.pdf) (.pptx)
    • Aran, Galway, Clare, Conamara . . . (.pdf) (.pptx)
    • Dingle, Kerry, Bantry, Cork . . . (.pdf) (.pptx)
    • Dublin . . . (.pdf) (.pptx)
    • Newgrange . . . (.pdf) (.pptx)
    • Analysis  . . . (.pdf) (.pptx)

    John Messenger.  Innis Beag: Isle of Ireland.
    John Messenger.  Innis Beag: Isle of Ireland.

    Small map of the Aran Islands
    The Aran Islands
    John M. Synge

    Aran Islands,


    Flag of Italy.  Click for national anthem.


    An Introduction
    and Some Background to the Country
    and An Introduction to
    the Makings of a Metaphor

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    (time permitting)

    Units of Analysis: Metaphor

    Metaphor: The Opera

       GAnnon and Pillai, Understanding Global Cultures

      "The Italian Opera"
      Martin J. Gannon and Rajnandini (Raj) K. Pillai's

      Undertanding Global Cultures:

      Metaphorical Journeys Through 29 Nations, Clusters of Nations, Continents, and Diversity, Fourth Edition.

      Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2010.

      is available in your Moodle Folder
      via the sidebar . . .
      Course Resources > Electronic Reserve

    La Scala Opera House

    Teatro alla Scala

    Letizia Colajanni and Cosimo Vassallo as Gilda and Duke of Mantua in UMD's 2006 Sieur Du Luth Arts Festival performance of Giuseppe Verdi's Rigoletto.

    Letizia Colajanni and Cosimo Vassallo
    as Gilda and Duke of Mantua
    in UMD's 2006 Sieur Du Luth Arts Festival performance of Giuseppe Verdi's Rigoletto


    Units of Analysis of analysis:
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    Major Characteristics of Anthropology

    (Day 03)
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    Four-stage model of analysis
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    For Week 10 Activities see Moodle

    Week 10 Assignments


    Inis Beag: Isle of Ireland

    Ch. 4, "The Supernatural and the Esthetic"

    Ch. 5, "The Future of the Island"



    optional: online

    Illustration from The Aran Islands by John M. Synge, 1907.
    The Aran Islands


    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination

    • Ch. 5, "Representing Italy"
    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, Susan Parman, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.


    Crisis of Births

    Ch. 1, "Population Politics, Population Struggles"

    Ch. 2, "Family Tree, Revolutionary Roots"

    Ch. 3, "Field Work, Sweater Work"

    Ch. 4, "Displaying Class, Consuming Distinction"

    Elizabeth L. Krause. A Crisis of Births: Population Politics and Family-Making in Italy.

       GAnnon and Pillai, Understanding Global Cultures

      "The Italian Opera"
      Martin J. Gannon and Rajnandini (Raj) K. Pillai's

      Undertanding Global Cultures:

      Metaphorical Journeys Through 29 Nations, Clusters of Nations, Continents, and Diversity, Fourth Edition.

      Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2010.

      is available in your Moodle Folder
      via the sidebar . . .
      Course Resources > Electronic Reserve

    For Week 10 Activities see Moodle
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    Today is Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 12:32 (12:32 PM) CDT, day 206 of 2024
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      S M T W T F S
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    March  2020
      S M T W T F S
    wk 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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    April  2020
      S M T W T F S
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    May  2020
      S M T W T F S
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    spring break
    to textbooks
    final exams

    Holidays Spring 2020
    Week 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. 21 January 2021
    Week 5 Valentine's Day 14 February 2020
    Week 7 Mardi Gras
    Ash Wednesday
    25 February 2020
    26 February 2020
      Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2020
    Week 12 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख Monday, 13 April 2020
    Weeks 13-14 Passover sunset of Wednesday, 8 April 2020, to nightfall of Thursday, 16 April 2020 (8 days)
    Week 13 Easter (Western) 12 April 2020
    Week 14 Easter (Eastern) 19 April 2020

    Week 11 —

    Arrivederci Italia
    and the Makings of a Metaphor

    Catch Up

                Jó napot kívánok Magyarország
    Week 11 Memo

    Tuesday, 8 April 2014
    Week 11 Day 21
    video clip
    "Love Italian-American-Style"
    excerpt from Episode 1: "Food & Life" of The Meaning of Food, PBS

    (ca. 10 min., CC, 2007, UM Duluth Library Multimedia GT2853.U5 M43 2005 DVD)

    The Meaning of Food book.

    Tuesday-Thursday, 8 and 10 April 2014
    Week 11 Days 21-22

    Flag of Italy.  Click for national anthem.


    The makings of a Metaphor

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    Units of Analysis: Metaphor

       GAnnon and Pillai, Understanding Global Cultures

      "The Italian Opera"
      Martin J. Gannon and Rajnandini (Raj) K. Pillai's

      Undertanding Global Cultures:

      Metaphorical Journeys Through 29 Nations, Clusters of Nations, Continents, and Diversity, Fourth Edition.

      Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2010.

      is available in your Moodle Folder
      via the sidebar . . .
      Course Resources > Electronic Reserve

    Catch Up,
    and Review

    Flag of Hungary.


    Insignia of Hungary.

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    Map of Hungary.

    For Week 11 Activities see Moodle

    Week 11 Assignments


    Crisis of Births

    Ch. 5, "Labors of Love, Love's Labors Lost"

    Ch. 6, "Gendered Myths, Gender Strife"

    Ch. 7, "Demographic Alarms, Racial Reverberations"

    Ch. 8, "Conclusion: Globalizing Policy, Policing Populations"

    Elizabeth L. Krause. A Crisis of Births: Population Politics and Family-Making in Italy.


    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination

    • Ch. 1, "Strangers in a Crowded Field: American Anthropology in France"

    • Ch. 6, "Returning with the Emigrants: A Journey in Portuguese Ethnography"

    • Ch. 11, "An Anthropology of the European Union, from Above and Below"

    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, Susan Parman, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.

       GAnnon and Pillai, Understanding Global Cultures

      "The Italian Opera"
      Martin J. Gannon and Rajnandini (Raj) K. Pillai's

      Undertanding Global Cultures:

      Metaphorical Journeys Through 29 Nations, Clusters of Nations, Continents, and Diversity, Fourth Edition.

      Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2010.

      is available in your Moodle Folder
      via the sidebar . . .
      Course Resources > Electronic Reserve

    For Week 11 Activities see Moodle
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    Today is Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 12:32 (12:32 PM) CDT, day 206 of 2024
    January  2020
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    February  2020
      S M T W T F S
    wk 3             1
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    March  2020
      S M T W T F S
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    April  2020
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    May  2020
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    Flag of Hungary.


    Insignia of Hungary.

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    Map of Hungary.

    "The Thirty Years' War" and the European Union—in brief

    The EU Chocolate Wars:
    A run-up to scaling

    Scaling CE
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    (time permitting)
    For Week 12 Activities see Moodle

    Week 12 Assignments


    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination

    • Ch. 9, "A Forty-Year Retrospective of the Anthropology of Former Yugoslavia"
    • Ch. 12, "The Place of Europe in George P. Murdock's Anthropological Theory"
    • Ch. 10, "Utter Otherness: Western Anthropology and East European Political Economy"
     Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, Susan Parman, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.


    Sárkány, Mihály. (26 October 2005). “Cultural and Social Anthropology in Central and Eastern Europe.” From: Knowledge Base Social Sciences in Eastern Europe

    Sárkány Mihály

    For Week 12 Activities see Moodle
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

    Today is Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 12:32 (12:32 PM) CDT, day 206 of 2024
    January  2020
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    February  2020
      S M T W T F S
    wk 3             1
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    March  2020
      S M T W T F S
    wk 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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    April  2020
      S M T W T F S
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    May  2020
      S M T W T F S
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    to textbooks
    final exams

    Holidays Spring 2020
    Week 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. 21 January 2021
    Week 5 Valentine's Day 14 February 2020
    Week 7 Mardi Gras
    Ash Wednesday
    25 February 2020
    26 February 2020
      Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2020
    Week 12 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख Monday, 13 April 2020
    Weeks 13-14 Passover sunset of Wednesday, 8 April 2020, to nightfall of Thursday, 16 April 2020 (8 days)
    Week 13 Easter (Western) 12 April 2020
    Week 14 Easter (Eastern) 19 April 2020

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    Week 13 — Student Presentations

    (as time permits)

    "The Thirty Years' War" and the European Union
    (continued, time permitting)

    Week 13 Memo

    Student Presentations I

    see Moodle schedule for details

    Tuesday, 22 April 2014
    Week 13 Day 25
    Student Presentations II

    see Moodle schedule for details

    Thursday, 24 April 2014
    Week 13 Day 26

    time permitting . . .

    Flag of Hungary.


    Insignia of Hungary.

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    Map of Hungary.


    time permitting . . .

    "The Thirty Years' War" and the European Union—in brief

    The EU Chocolate Wars:
    A run-up to scaling

    Scaling CE
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    World Map Thumbnail.

    Map: EU Countries

    REM: Wk 14 Your AE Term Paper is due by Sunday, 1 December 2024 (that's including the one day grace period)

    AVISO: Late Term Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date. Why?
    For Week 13 Activities see Moodle

    Week 13 Assignments


    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination

    • Ch.13, "The Meaning of "Europe" in the American Anthropologist (Part I)"
    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, Susan Parman, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.


    If you haven't already done so, be sure to read
    Sárkány, Mihály. (26 October 2005). “Cultural and Social Anthropology in Central and Eastern Europe.”
    From: Knowledge Base Social Sciences in Eastern Europe

    Sárkány Mihály
    For Week 13 Activities see Moodle
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

    Today is Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 12:32 (12:32 PM) CDT, day 206 of 2024
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    February  2020
      S M T W T F S
    wk 3             1
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    March  2020
      S M T W T F S
    wk 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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    wk 11 29 30 31        
    April  2020
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    May  2020
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    Week 14 — Student Presentations

    Week 14 Memo

    Wk 14 Your AE Term Paper is due by Sunday, 1 December 2024 (that's including the one day grace period)

    AVISO: Late Term Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date. Why?
    Wk 13 The AE Extra Credit Paper(s) is/are due by Sunday, 24 November 2024 (that's including the one day grace period)

    AVISO: Late Extra Credit Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date. Why?

    NOTE: The Canvas Gradebook entry for Extra Credit requires that “out of zero” be used when setting up an Extra Credit assignment.

    REM: Wk 14 Questions for the Final Exam are due by Sunday, 21 November 2024 (that's including the one day grace period)
    Student Presentations III

    see Moodle schedule for details

    Tuesday, 29 April 2014
    Week 14 Day 27
    Student Presentations IIII

    see Moodle schedule for details
    Thursday, 1 May 2014
    Week 14 Day 28
    For Week 14 Activities see Moodle

    Week 14 Assignments

    "The Traditional British House"
     Martin J. Gannon.
    Understanding Global Cultures, 3rd. ed., pp.221-237

    Available in the
    Electronic Reserve
    (Ancillary Readings)

    located in sidebar of your Moodle folder

    British House in the Cotswolds.
    British House in the Cotswolds


    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination

    • Ch. 3, "Bringing the "Other" to the "Self": Kypseli—The Place and the Film" (again)
     Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, Susan Parman, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.


    Review your original Case Study paper on the video Kypseli: Women and Men apart–a Divided Reality from Week 01 Day 02

    Wk 14 Your AE Term Paper is due by Sunday, 1 December 2024 (that's including the one day grace period)

    AVISO: Late Term Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date. Why?
    Wk 13 The AE Extra Credit Paper(s) is/are due by Sunday, 24 November 2024 (that's including the one day grace period)

    AVISO: Late Extra Credit Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date. Why?

    NOTE: The Canvas Gradebook entry for Extra Credit requires that “out of zero” be used when setting up an Extra Credit assignment.

    REM: Wk 14 Questions for the Final Exam are due by Sunday, 21 November 2024 (that's including the one day grace period)
    For Week 14 Activities see Moodle
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved
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    Today is Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 12:32 (12:32 PM) CDT, day 206 of 2024
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    February  2020
      S M T W T F S
    wk 3             1
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    March  2020
      S M T W T F S
    wk 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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    wk 10 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    wk 11 29 30 31        
    April  2020
      S M T W T F S
    wk 11       1 2 3 4
    wk 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    wk 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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    wk 15 26 27 28 29 30    
    May  2020
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    Week 15

    Week 15 Memo

    End of Term Memo

    Lady Justice (Iustitia, the Roman Goddess of Justice.
    Course Evaluation

    Anth 3635 - 001

    Course Call # = 50118
    Semester = 5 Spring
    Year = 14

    REM: Wk 14 Questions for the Final Exam are due by Sunday, 21 November 2024 (that's including the one day grace period)
    The final version of your Kypseli Case Study is due by Wednesday, 4 December 2024
    AVISO: Late Kypseli Case Study Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date.
    f2024 The Anthropology of Europe Final Exam will be available from 12:01 a.m. Monday, 9 December 2024 to 11:59 p.m. (10:00 p.m. starting time) Friday, 13 December 2024
    NOTE: There will be at least one question in the pool from each of the assigned videos from Weeks 8-15, so be sure not to miss watching them.
    Video Listings: <>

    f2024 The LIVE CHAT for the Anthropology of Europe Final Exam will be Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
    Student Presentations V

    see Moodle schedule for details
    Thursday, 8 May 2014
    Week 15 Day 30
    Discussion of Final Exam

    Tuesday, 6 May 2014
    Week 15 Day 29


    Re-View: Kypseli: Women and Men Apart – A Divided Reality
    (41 min., 1973, VC 3286)

    film HomePage
    course viewing guide
    information on the Re-view section of your paper

    Men in Kypseli, Santorini, Greece.
    Kypseli, Santorini,


    Week 15 Assignments

    prepare for exam

    Europe in the Anthropological Imagination, Susan Parman, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.
    Front Cover of Nan: The Life of an Irish Traveling Woman, Revised Edition.
    tba Ernestine Friedl.  Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece. Mark Kurlansky. Cod: A biography of the Fish That Changed the World.
    Elizabeth L. Krause. A Crisis of Births: Population Politics and Family-Making in Italy.

    Wk 14 Questions for the Final Exam are due by Sunday, 21 November 2024 (that's including the one day grace period)
    The final version of your Kypseli Case Study is due by Wednesday, 4 December 2024
    AVISO: Late Kypseli Case Study Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date.
    f2024 The Anthropology of Europe Final Exam will be available from 12:01 a.m. Monday, 9 December 2024 to 11:59 p.m. (10:00 p.m. starting time) Friday, 13 December 2024
    NOTE: There will be at least one question in the pool from each of the assigned videos from Weeks 8-15, so be sure not to miss watching them.
    Video Listings: <>

    f2024 The LIVE CHAT for the Anthropology of Europe Final Exam will be Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
    REM: Discussion final semester evaluations are due by Saturday, 4 December 2024 (3 paragraphs minimum)
    For Week 15 Activities see Moodle
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved
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    August  2018
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    September  2018
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    wk 6 30            
    October  2018
      S M T W T F S
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    November  2018
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    December  2018
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      30 31 1 2 3 4 5
    links to current weeks
    fall break
    to textbooks
    final exams
    Today is Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 12:32 (12:32 PM) CDT, day 206 of 2024

    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved
    Credit Options at UMD

    This course is governed by the . . .

    University of Minnesota Duluth Student Academic Integrity Policy

    UMD Office of Student and Community Standards

    Student Academic Integrity
    -- UMD Office of Academic Affairs (Effective: November 22, 2011)

    Use of AI-content generators for assignments in this class

    When I taught Advanced Writing for the Social Sciences here at UMD, for over twenty-five years, my rule of thumb advice to students was to plan to spend 60% or more of their time and effort revising drafts (for academic type writing).

    In 2001 Wikipedia appeared on the scene and very quickly became a useful tool as a starting point for many academic projects even though as an open-source resource the Wikipedia entries are not checked and verified in the same manner as other traditional reference materials.

    Spelling and grammar checkers arrived on the general scene and helped with spelling and grammar checking, but, as you no doubt have discovered, they continue to require human editing.

    And, of course, before that we had a selection of excellent Encyclopedia offering good starting points for many projects, the most popular being The Encyclopedia Brittanica.

    And long before that there were libraries--since at least the days of Alexandria in Egypt, in the third century B.C.

    The bottom line . . .

    Today the evolution of research resources and aids continues with the relatively rapid appearance of ChatGPT and other automated content generators.

    As many folks have already found out, they can be very useful as starting points, much like their predecessors. But, from the academic point of view, they are still only starting points.

    Professors nationwide are for the most part advised, and even encouraged, to experiment with the potentials of ChatGPT and similar apps.

    In this class it is fine to experiment, with the caveat that all of your written academic work demonstrates that your personal efforts—including content development and revision—reflect your personal originality, exploration, analysis, explanation, integrating and synthesizing of ideas, organizational skills, evaluation, and overall learning and critical thinking efforts.

    That is to say you may experiment with the AI tool to do tasks such as e.g, brainstorming, narrowing topics, writing first drafts, editing text, and the like. AI-generated works should in no case be more than that.

    In the end you need to become familiar enough with the various subjects, peoples, and places discussed in this class to research a topic and problem-solve on your own, and carry on an intelligent conversation about them in modern-day society . . . a conversation that goes byond your voicing an unsupported opinion.

    Please ask questions of and offer comments to


    For the record, what follows is the official UMD Academic Integrity Policy. Note that "unless otherwise noted by the faculty member" this is the default policy.

    "UMD’s Academic Integrity policy covers any work done by automated content generators such as ChatGPT or other generative artificial intelligence tools unless otherwise noted by the faculty member. These tools present new challenges and opportunities."

    "Within the confines of this class The use of AI-content generators is strictly prohibited for any stage of homework/assignment (e.g., draft or final product). The primary purposes of college are developing your thinking skills, being creative with ideas, and expanding your understanding on a wide variety of topics. Using these content generating AI tools thwarts the goal of homework/assignments to provide students opportunities to achieve these purposes. Please make the most of this time that you have committed to a college education and learn these skills now, so that you can employ them throughout your life." -- Jennifer Mencl, UMD Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, 10 May 2023

    Current information from the UMN Senate Committee on Educational Policy Resources


    See Also Using Wikipedia and other Standard Reference Works

    "Academic dishonesty tarnishes UMD's reputation and discredits the accomplishments of students. UMD is committed to providing students every possible opportunity to grow in mind and spirit. This pledge can only be redeemed in an environment of trust, honesty, and fairness. As a result, academic dishonesty is regarded as a serious offense by all members of the academic community. In keeping with this ideal, this course will adhere to UMD's Student Academic Integrity Policy, which can be found at []. This policy sanctions students engaging in academic dishonesty with penalties up to and including expulsion from the university for repeat offenders." — UMD Educational Policy Committee, Jill Jensen, Chair (08/16/2007)

    and the UMD Student Conduct Code

    and the

    Student Conduct Code Statement (students' rights)

    The instructor will enforce and students are expected to follow the University's Student Conduct Code []. Appropriate classroom conduct promotes an environment of academic achievement and integrity. Disruptive classroom behavior that substantially or repeatedly interrupts either the instructor's ability to teach, or student learning, is prohibited. Disruptive behavior includes inappropriate use of technology in the classroom. Examples include ringing cell phones, text-messaging, watching videos, playing computer games, doing email, or surfing the Internet on your computer instead of note-taking or other instructor-sanctioned activities." — UMD Educational Policy Committee, Jill Jensen, Chair (08/16/2007)

    Instructor and Student Responsibilities Policy


    A Note on Extra Credit Papers

    Failure to comply with the above codes and standards when submitting an Extra Credit paper will result in a penalty commensurate with the lapse, up to and including an F final grade for the course, and, at a minimum, a reduction in total points no fewer than the points available for the Extra Credit project. The penalty will not simply be a zero for the project, and the incident will be reported to the UMD Academic Integrity Officer in the Office of Student and Community Standards.


    A Note on "Cutting and Pasting" without the Use of Quotation Marks
    (EVEN IF you have a citation to the source somewhere in your paper)

    If you use others' words and/or works you MUST so indicate that with the use of quotation marks. Failure to use quotation marks to indicate that the materials are not of your authorship constitutes plagiarism—even if you have a citation to the source elsewhere in your paper/work.

    Patterned failure to so indicate that the materials are not of your own authorship will result in an F grade for the course.

    Other instances of improper attribution will result in a 0 (zero) for the assignment (or a reduction in points equal to the value of an Extra Credit paper), and a reduction of one grade in the final grade of the course.

    All incidents will be reported to the UMD Academic Integrity Officer in the Office of Student and Community Standards as is required by University Policy.

    Students with Disabilities

    It is the policy and practice of the University of Minnesota Duluth to create inclusive learning environments for all students, including students with disabilities.  If there are aspects of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or your ability to meet course requirements – such as time limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos – please notify the instructor as soon as possible.  You are also encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Resources to discuss and arrange reasonable accommodations.  Please call 218-726-6130 or visit the DR website at for more information.

    You might find the
     UM Library’s Assignment Calculator
    helpful to you
    (especially with scheduling your work). It’s easy to use.

     UMD Library Assignment Calculator
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    -- Wikipedia

    Photo by Patti L. Tolo

    La Scala Opera House

    Szent István király, King Stephen I of Hungary.
    Szent István király
    Benczúr Gyula 1875

    Map of the Ottoman Empire.

    Ottoman Empire Map

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