World Climates
Exercise: Examine Climagraphs and Determine Koppen Climate Classifications
(For this Lab, you need to print this question sheet, the answer sheet, and Figures 1, 2, and 5. All other maps and Figures will be available in the classroom).
25 Points
1.Graph the climate data given in Figure
One on the climagraphs in Figure Two.
(This will be demonstrated in Lab). (5)
2. Use Figure Three (handed out in class) to determine the Koppen
climate classification for each of the five
stations in Question #1 above. (5)
3. Using Figure Four, an atlas or your text, name a city that lies within each of the 5 climate types you identified in #2 above. (5)
4. Using information in your text, an atlas or a web site, describe
the environmental conditions
of each climate type you identified in #2.
(Humidity, Temperature, Vegetation) (5)
5. Go to the Climatic Data Center on the web, and get climate data for the following cities:
Duluth, MN
Reno, NV
Miami, FL
Sacramento, CA
Determine the Koppen climate classification for these cities. (4)
6. Do your climate designations match up with the information in
Five? (1)
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