Reprint) --------------------------------------------------------------
Craig, T.P., J.K. Itami. in press. Indirect evolutionary interactions in a multitrophic interaction. Ecology and Evolution of Trait-mediated Indirect Interactions: Linking Evolution, community, and Ecosystems in T. Ohgushi, O. Schmitz, and R. D. Holt eds. Cambridge University Press
Utsumi, S., Y. Ando, T.P. Craig, and T. Ohgushi. 2011. Plant genotypic diversity increases population size of an herbivorous insect. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. in press
Craig, T.P., J.K. Itami, T. Ohgushi, Y Ando, S. Utsumi. 2011. Bridges and barriers to host shifts resulting from host plant genotypic variation. JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS 6: 141-145.
Ohgushi, T., Y. ando, S. Utsumi, and T.P. Craig 2011. Indirect interaction webs on tall goldenrod: community consequences of herbivore-induced phenotypes and genetic variation in plants. JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS 6:147-150.
Ando, Y., S. Utsumi, T.P. Craig, J.K. Itami and T. Ohgushi. 2011. How are arthropod communities organized on an introduced plant Solidago altissima? JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS 6: 169-171.
Ikemoto, M., T. Ohgushi and T. P. Craig. 2011. Space-dependent effects of floral abundance on flower visitors. JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS 6, 177-178
Craig,, T.P. and J.K. Itami. 2011. Divergence of Eurosta solidaginis in response to host plant variation and natural enemies. EVOLUTION 65:802-817.
Craig, T.P. 2010. The resource regulation hypothesis and positive feedback loops in plant-herbivore interactions. POPULATION ECOLOGY 52:461-473
Dixon, M., T. P. Craig, J. K. Itami. 2009. Does a cascade of parapatric divergence in the Eurosta solidaginis system reach the third trophic level? EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY RESEARCH 11:1-17.
Craig, T.P.and J. K. Itami. 2008. Evolution of preference and performance relationships. Pages 20-28, In: Tilmon, K. (Ed.) Specialization, Speciation, and Radiation: The Evolutionary Biology of Herbivorous Insects. University of California Press, Berkeley.
Horner, J. D., T. P. Craig, and J. K. Itami. 2008. The effects of Host Race, Gender, and Host-Plant Dispersion on Alighting Behavior, Mating, and Oviposition in Eurosta solidaginis. ENTOMOLOGIA EXPERIMENTATA ET APPLICATA 128:274-282
Craig, T.P., J.K. Itami and J.V. Craig. 2007. Host plant genotype influences survival of hybrids between Eurosta solidaginis host races. EVOLUTION 61:2607-2613.
Craig, T.P., J.K. Itami and J.D. Horner. 2007. Geographic variation in the evolution and coevolution of a tritrophic interaction. EVOLUTION 61:1137-1152.
Craig, T. P. 2007. Evolution of Plant Mediated Interactions. Pages 331-353 in T. Ohgushi, T.P. Craig, and P.W. Price (eds.) Ecological Communities: Plant Mediation in Indirect Interaction Webs. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. UK.
Ohgushi, T, T. P. Craig, and P. W. Price. 2007. Indirect interaction webs: an introduction. Pages 1-16 in T. Ohgushi, T.P. Craig, and P. W. Price, editors, Ecological Communities: Plant Mediation in Indirect Interaction Webs. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Ohgushi, T, T. P. Craig, and P. W. Price. 2007. Indirect interaction webs propagated by herbivore-induced changes in plant traits. Pages 379-410 in T. Ohgushi, T.P. Craig, and P. W. Price, editors, Ecological Communities: Plant Mediation in Indirect Interaction Webs. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Marchosky, R. J. Jr. and T. P. Craig. 2004. Gall-size dependent survival for Asphondylia atriplicis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on salt bush Atriplex canescens. ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY 33:709-719.
Price, P. W., T. Ohgushi, H. Roininen, M. Ishihara, T. P. Craig, J. Tahvanainen, and S. M Ferrier. 2004. Release of phylogenetic constraints through low resource heterogeneity: the case of gall-inducing sawflies. ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY 29: 467-481.
Craig, T. P. and T. Ohgushi. 2002. Preference and performance in the spittlebug, Aphrophora pectoralis on four species of willow. ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY 27:529-540
Craig, T. P., J. D. Horner and J. K. Itami. 2001. Genetics, experience and host plant preference in Eurosta solidaginis: implications for host shifts and speciation. Evolution 55:773-782.
Cronin, J. T., W. G. Abrahamson, and T. P. Craig. 2001. Temporal variation in herbivore host-plant preference and performance: constraints on host-plant adaptation. Oikos 93:312-320.
Fernandes, G.W., P. W. Price, S. J. Goncalves-Alvim, T. P. Craig and D. Yanega. 2000. Response of the galling insect Aciurina trixa Curran to host plant quality. Annals of the Entomological Society of Brazil 29:423-432.
Craig, T. P., J. K. Itami, C. Schantz, W. G. Abrahamson, J. D. Horner and J. V. Craig. 2000. The influence of host plant variation and intraspecific competition on oviposition preference in the host races of Eurosta solidaginis. Ecological Entomology 25:7-18.
Horner, J. D. T. P. Craig and J.K. Itami. 1999 The influence of oviposition phenology
on survival in the host races of Eurosta
solidaginis. Entomologia
Experimentata et Applicata 93:121-129.
Craig, T. P., J. K. Itami, W. G. Abrahamson, J. D. Horner and J. V. Craig. 1999 Oviposition preference and offspring performance of Eurosta solidaginis on genotypes of Solidago altissima. Oikos 86:119-126.
Dixon, K. A., R. L. Lerma, T. P. Craig, and K. Hughes. 1998. Gall morphology and community composition in Asphondylia flocossa (Cecidomyiidae) galls on Atriplex polycarpa (Chenopodiaceae). Environmental Entomology 27:592-599
Price, P. W., T. P. Craig and M. D. Hunter. 1998. Population Ecology of a gall-inducing sawfly, Euura lasiolepis, and relatives. Pages 323-340 in J. P. Dempster and I. F. G. McLean, editors, Insect Populations in theory and practice. Chapman and Hall, London, U.K.
Itami, J. K., T. P. Craig and J. D. Horner. 1998. Factors affecting gene flow between the host races of Eurosta solidaginis. Pages 375-407 in Susan Mopper and Sharon Strauss, editors, Genetic Variation and local adaptation in natural insect populations: Effects of ecology, life history and behavior. Chapman and Hall, New York.
Craig, T. P., J.
K. Itami and J. D. Horner. 1997. Hybridization studies on the host races of Eurosta solidaginis: Implications for
sympatric speciation. Evolution 51:1552-1560.
Price, P.W., T. P. Craig, and H. Roininen. 1995. Working toward a theory on galling sawfly population dynamics. Pages 321-338 in N. Cappuccino and P. W. Price, editors, Population dynamics: New approaches and synthesis. Academic Press, San Diego.
Stein, S., P. W. Price, T. P. Craig and J. K. Itami. 1994. Importance of dispersal in the population dynamics of a shoot-galling sawfly. Journal of Animal Ecology 63:666-676.
Craig, T. P., J. K. Itami, J. D. Horner and W. G. Abrahamson. 1994. Host shifts and speciation in gall-forming insects. Pages 194-207 in P. W. Price, W. Mattson, and Y. Baranchikov, editors. The ecology and evolution of gall-forming insects. USDA Forest Service, North Central Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-174.
Abrahamson, W. G., J. M. Brown, S. K. Roth, D. V.
Summerford, J. D. Horner, M. D. Hess, S. T. How, T. P. Craig, R. A. Packer and
J. K. Itami. 1994. Gallmaker speciation: and assessment of the
roles of host-plant characters and phenology, gallmaker competition, and
natural enemies. Pages 208-222 in P. W. Price, W. Mattson, and Y.
Baranchikov, editors. The ecology and
evolution of gall-forming insects. USDA
Forest Service, North Central Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-174.
Craig, T. P. 1994. Effects of intraspecific plant variation on Parasitoid communities. Pages 205-227 in B. D. Hawkins and W. Sheehan, editors. Parasitoid communities. Oxford University Press.
Craig, T. P., J. K. Itami, W. G. Abrahamson and J. D. Horner. 1993. Behavioral evidence of host race formation in Eurosta solidaginis. Evolution 47:1696-1710.
How, S. T., W. G. Abrahamson and T. P. Craig. 1993 Role of host-plant phenology in host use by Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae) on Solidago (Compositae). Environmental Entomology 22:388-396.
Craig, T. P., P. W. Price and J. K. Itami. 1992 Facultative sex ratio shifts in response to host plant quality in an herbivorous insect. Oecologia 92:153-161.
Craig, T. P., and S. Mopper. 1992. Sex ratio variation in sawflies. Pages 61-92 in, M.R. Wagner and K.F. Raffa, editors. Sawfly adaptations to woody plants. Academic Press, New York.
Wagner, M. R., T. P. Craig, and R. E. Larson. 1992. Ecology and silvics of New Mexican Locust, Robinia neomexicana with an emphasis on the arboreal form. Pages 53-57 in J. Hanover, K. Miller and S. Plesko, editors. Black Locust: biology, culture, and utilization. Proceedings of the International conference on Black Locust. Department of Forestry, Michigan State University, East Lansing.
Craig, T. P., M. R. Wagner, D. W. Frantz and D. M. McCullough. 1991. Long term effects of induced plant moisture stress on Neodiprion sawflies. Forest Ecology and Management, 39:247-261.
Craig, T. P., L. Araújo, J. K. Itami, G. W. Fernandes. 1991 Development of the community centered on a leaf-bud gall on Xylopia aromatica. Revista Brasileira de Entomologie 35:311-317
Craig, T. P., J. K. Itami and P. W. Price. 1990. The window of vulnerability for a shoot-galling sawfly to attack by a parasitoid. Ecology 71:1471-1482.
Craig, T.P., J.K. Itami and P.W. Price. 1990. Intraspecific competition and facilitation by a shoot-galling sawfly. Journal of Animal Ecology 59: 147-159.
Price, P. W., N. Cobb, T. P. Craig, G. W. Fernandes, J. K. Itami, S. Mopper and R. W. Preszler. 1990. Insect herbivore population dynamics on trees and shrubs: new approaches relevant to latent and eruptive species and life table development. Pages 1-38 in E. A. Bernays, editor. Focus on Insect-Plant Interactions. Volume 2, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Craig, T. P., J. K. Itami and P. W. Price. 1989. A strong relationship between oviposition preference and larval performance in a shoot-galling sawfly. Ecology 70:1691-1699.
Price, P. W., G. L. Waring, R. Julkunen-Titto, J. Tahvanainen, H. A. Mooney and T. P. Craig. 1989. The carbon/nutrient balance hypothesis in within species phytochemical variation of Salix lasiolepis. Journal of Chemical Ecology 15:1117-1131.
Itami, J. K. and T. P. Craig. 1989. Life history of Styloxus bicolor (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on Juniperus monosperma in Northern Arizona. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 82:582-587.
Craig, T. P., J. K. Itami and P. W. Price. 1988. Plant wound compounds from oviposition scars used in oviposition
discrimination by a stem-galling sawfly. Journal of Insect Behavior 1:343-356.
Craig, T. P., P. W. Price, K. M. Clancy, G. L. Waring and C. F. Sacchi. 1988. Forces preventing coevolution in the three-trophic-level system: willow, a gall-forming herbivore, and parasitoid. Pages 57-80, in K. C. Spencer, editor. Chemical Mediation of Coevolution, Academic Press, New York.
Sacchi, C. F., P. W. Price, T. P. Craig and J. K. Itami. 1988. Impact of shoot galler attack on sexual reproduction in the arroyo willow. Ecology 69:2021-2030.
Clancy, K. M., P. W. Price and T. P. Craig. 1986. Life history and natural enemies of an undescribed sawfly near Pontania pacifica (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) that forms leaf galls on the arroyo willow, Salix lasiolepis. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 79:884-892.
Craig, T. P., P. W. Price and J. K. Itami. 1986. Resource regulation by a stem-galling sawfly, on the arroyo willow. Ecology 67:419-425.
Price, P. W. and T. P. Craig. 1984. Life history, phenology, and survivorship of a stem-galling sawfly, Euura lasiolepis (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), on the arroyo willow, Salix lasiolepis, in Northern Arizona. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 77:712-719.
Craig, J. V., T. P. Craig and A. D. Dayton. 1983. Fearful behavior by caged hens of two genetic stocks. Applied Animal Ethology 10: 263-273.
Craig, T. P. 2008. Introducing Parasitologists to Evolutionary Ecology and Evolutionary Ecologists to Parasitology. Book Review. Systematic Biology in press.
Craig, T. P. 2006. The Art of being a parasite. Book Review. ECOLOGY 87:1606-1607.
Craig, T.P. 2002. Parasites: and the Behavior of animals. Book Review ECOLOGY 83:3527-3528.
Craig, T. P. 2001. Parasitoid Population Biology. Book Review. Ecology 82:2083-2084
Craig, T. P. 1996. The Coevolutionary Process. Book review. Ecology 77:329-330.
Cave Creek Wash Preservation Boundary Study. 1996. Co-authored with faculty members from the Arizona State University West Department of Life Sciences and Arizona State University School of Planning and Landscape Architecture. Prepared for the City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation and Library Department