The third milestone for the team project is design documentation, which shall include:
The centerpiece of a design document is the class diagram, which should show: Exact type signatures for the methods need not be given, since they will be shown later.

See the example for the User Management module.

The standard method for presenting API documentation for Java classes is through Javadoc.

Here we describe Javadoc guidelines, NetBeans support for Javadoc, and how to document packages.

For each of the types that you define in your class diagram, create a source file that declares the class or interface and each public method:
NetBeans makes it easy to document methods: To observe your documentation in a browser, right-click the Environmental_Simulation project node and select Generate Javadoc.

For an example see the Current Javadoc for the project, and the userman module in particular.

Good API documentation also describes the packages containing class and interface types.

To document your packages, simply include a package.html file in your source package.

Here is the package.html file for the userman package:

You will create sequence diagrams that demonstrate how the instances of your classes will collaborate to accomplish your module's use cases from your analysis document.

You should cover all your use cases and their variations, although you may combine them into one sequence diagram if feasible (see the example following).

Note: If you find yourself changing or adding to your original use cases, that is fine — but be sure to update your analysis document accordingly.

The following example takes a use case and its variations from the User Management module.

  1. The user clicks the Login option on welcome page
  2. The application presents the login page
  3. The user enters a user name and a password and clicks the Login button
  4. The application presents the project task page, greeting the user by name
Variation 1. Name Not Found
  1. Start at step 3
  2. The application redisplays the login page with the message "That user name is not registered"
Variation 2. Password Not Matched
  1. Start at step 3
  2. The application redisplays the login page with the message "That password does not match"
Your Javadoc API documentation will be submitted simply by committing the affected .java files to the project repository.

For your class and sequence diagrams:

Zip your team_n_design folder and submit it using Web Drop.