This course follows and requires the freshman introductory sequence CS 1511—1521. It is intended to: There is no required textbook. All content is available online through the course Canvas site.
The total number of points possible on exams, programming assignments, and lab exercises are shown on the right.

Grades are assigned based on percentage of total points as shown below. The grade cutoffs will never be raised; but they may be lowered.

% of Total Grade
90 A
87 A-
83 B+
80 B
77 B-
73 C+
70 C
67 C-
63 D+
60 D
Item Number Points Each Total
Exam 3 50 150
Individual Programming Assignment 6 30 180
Lab Exercises 13 10 130
Grand Total 460
Students will acquire skills in the analysis, design, and implementation of medium-scale software development projects.
Analysis topics include:
Design topics include:
Implementation topics include:
This course addresses the following student learning outcomes:

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO's):

Computer Science Department Program Outcomes:

This course is delivered online through the university's Canvas course management system. See the menu at left for more about preparing for online courses.
All lab exercises and programming assignments will be submitted using Canvas.

Submission guidelines and late submission policy are shown on the menu at left.

All lab exercises and assignments in this course are individual, and just like an essay or term paper, any work for them is expected to be your own: Violation of this policy is considered to be Scholastic Dishonesty.
The menu at the left provides links to various service and support groups.
If you have any disability (either permanent or temporary) that might affect your ability to perform in this class, please contact Disability Resources (opens in new window).
As instructor I shall make every attempt to treat all students equally, without regard to race, religion, color, sex, handicap, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation.

To inquire further about the University's policy on cultural diversity, see the Office of Cultural Diversity (opens in new window).

UMD Counseling Services (opens in new window).