In this lab you will practice creating sequence diagrams with
the same diagramming tool you used in the
previous lab exercise.
This section describes most of the sequence diagram operations that you
can perform in Violet.
The examples here assume the class relationships shown below. The
diagram gives names and signatures of methods, but nothing about how
the methods behave.
Sequence diagrams are intended to model how methods behave.
After launching Violet, click
File > New > Sequence Diagram to get
the tool window below.
Diagram tools select the
Object Lifeline icon on
the tool bar:
This object represents the
implicit parameter in a method
call. That is, it is the
object in a method calling expression
like "
object.method(arg1, ... argn)".
Click in the drawing area to create an object, then right click on the
object to get a dialog that accepts the object's name.
Below an object named
aFoo of type
Foo has been
created. Note the "lifeline" extending just below the rectangle
representing the object:
An "activation bar" represents a method call on an object.
To create one select the
Activation bar icon on the tool bar:
then click on an object's lifeline.
Below two objects with activation bars have been created.
- Sequence diagrams model the passage of time from top to
- The top of an activation bar indicates when a method starts
- The bottom of an activation bar indicates when a method exits
In the diagram below it is assumed that
aFoo's method exits
aBar's method starts.
Sequence diagram notes provide information and make diagrams easier to
They are created in the same way class diagram notes are created.
Select the
Note tool (it looks the same as that for class
diagrams) and click where you want the note to appear in the diagram.
Right click the note to get a dialog accepting the text of the
Then use the
Note connector tool (again, the same as for class
diagrams) to connect the note to the diagram.
In this case we are indicating that
aFoo's activation bar
represents the calling of
aFoo's method "
To show how objects collaborate to produce a result, sequence diagrams
model method calls, which can be thought of as sending a message from
one object to another.
This example will show
aFoo's method
someBarMethod with an
int value being returned.
Select the
Call icon from the tool bar:
and drag from the calling
object's activation bar to the receiving object's activation bar:
Upon release of the mouse, Violet will realign the objects' activation
bars as shown below.
The realignment indicates that the body of
someFooMethod calls a
method on the object
Right click the connecting line to get a dialog that accepts the name
of the method being called (as the
middleLabel property), with
or without arguments:
Select the
Return icon from the tool bar:
and drag from the receiving
object's activation bar to the sending object's activation bar.
Right click the connecting line to get a dialog that accepts the value
being returned (again, use the
middleLabel property):
Sometimes it is necessary to model an object calling its own method.
In this example we show
aFoo's method
someFooMethod calling its own
Start by creating a new activation bar for the object that is doing the
self calling by using the
Activation bar tool.
Hang the new activation bar on the activation bar of the method that is
doing the self calling:
Select the
Call tool and drag from the top
activation bar to the lower activation bar:
Upon release of the mouse, Violet will redraw the connection as a self call:
Right click the self call connection to get a dialog accepting the name
of the method being called:
There does not appear to be any good way to indicate the return value
of a self call in Violet.
To indicate conditional method calls, simply label the call line with a
prefix "
[condition]" where
condition is a
boolean valued expression.
aFoo calls
anotherBarMethod only if
val is not equal to
- A second activation bar has been added to aBar's
lifeline before making the connection
- When anotherBarMethod is called, the newly created Baz
instance aBaz is returned
Sometimes a sequence diagram needs to model the creation of an object.
In this example the object
aBaz is created
during execution of
aBar's method
- First create the new object's lifeline using the Object lifeline
- Do not create an activation bar for the new object.
- Using the Call tool connect the activation bar
of the method that creates the new
object directly to that object:
Upon release of the mouse, Violet will realign the object to indicate
its creation:
Recall that the class diagram for our example is shown to the right.
The sequence diagram below provides the following information about the
behavior of the class
Foo's method
- When aFoo.someFooMethod() is called:
- aBar.someBarMethod() is called and returns val
- aFoo calls its own method anotherFooMethod(val)
- If val is not zero, anotherFooMethod
creates aBaz, which it returns
Consider the simple classes shown below and
draw a diagram that models the interaction launched by the call
"aFoo.fooMethod1(aZowie);" in class
main method.
Your calls should show all arguments and return
values. Since
aFoo and
aZowie are initialized
main before the call to
fooMethod1, your diagram
should start like this:
Save your diagram as
Sequence. Violet will actually create
the file
Submit your
CS2511_Lab_4.sequence.violet file to the webdrop
folder for this class by going to
Note that the grader
will open your diagram in Violet.