Other Changes Required for Three-Pile Nim

Q: Besides the constructor and selector, what other procedures need to be modified?

The Chocolate Bar Game and Two-Pile Nim Are Equivalent

Q: The length and width of the chocolate bar are equivalent to what?

If b does not divide evenly into m, then (exponent-of-in b m) should return 0.

Q: What should be returned otherwise?

      (define divides?
        (lambda (b n)
          (= 0 (remainder n b))))

      (define exponent-of-in
        (lambda (b n)
          (if (not (divides? b n))
             _______ ??? _______)))
     (define make-game-state
       (lambda (i j) (+ (* 10 i) j)))

     (define size-of-pile
       (lambda (game-state pile-number)
         (if (= pile-number 1)
             (quotient game-state 10)
             (remainder game-state 10))))

Q: What is the order of growth of size-of-pile?

Q: What is the largest pile size for which this representation will work?
   (remove-coins-from-pile game-state n p) ; given a state, returns a new
                                           ; state with n fewer coins in pile p
Q: (remove-coins-from-pile (make-game-state 9 6) 4 1)=???
Suppose all the procedures were written and we tried to evaluate:
	  (play-with-turns (make-game-state 5 8) 'humman)
Q: What would happen?
Example initial call:
     (play-with-turns (make-game-state 5 8) 'human)
Q: Why the single quote? What would happen if we did just:
     (play-with-turns (make-game-state 5 8) human)   ?
When a programmer strictly enforces the separation of how data is used from how it is represented in programs, he or she is said to be using an Abstract Data Type (ADT).
