************************************************************** Results for Exercise 7.24 Assertion OK: (equal? (movies-satisfying our-movie-database (lambda (movie) (= (movie-year-made movie) 1974)) movie-title) '((amarcord) (chinatown))) Assertion OK: (equal? (movies-satisfying our-movie-database director-is-actor? movie-title) '((dead again) (citizen kane) (othello) (chinatown) (malcolm x))) Assertion OK: (equal? (movies-satisfying our-movie-database director-is-actor? movie-director) '((kenneth branagh) (orson welles) (orson welles) (roman polanski) (spike lee))) ************************************************************** Results for Exercise 7.26 Assertion OK: (equal? (substitutions-in-to-match '(foo bar baz) '(foo bar baz)) '()) Assertion OK: (equal? (substitutions-in-to-match '(foo ...) '(foo bar)) '((bar))) Assertion OK: (equal? (substitutions-in-to-match '(foo ...) '(foo bar baz)) '((bar baz))) ************************************************************** Results for Exercise 7.27 Query: (who is the director of amarcord) Should get result: ((federico fellini)) Your result: ((federico fellini)) Test OK Query: (who is the director of a fish called wanda) Should get result: ((michael chrichton)) Your result: ((michael chrichton)) Test OK ************************************************************** Results for Exercise 7.28 Query: (who is the director of amarcord) Should get result: (federico fellini) Your result: (federico fellini) Test OK Query: (who is the director of a fish called wanda) Should get result: (michael chrichton) Your result: (michael chrichton) Test OK ************************************************************** Results for Exercise 7.25 Query: (who acted in johnny got his gun) Should get result: ((timothy bottoms) (kathy fields) (jason robards) (diane varsi) (donald sutherland) (eduard franz)) Your result: ((timothy bottoms) (kathy fields) (jason robards) (diane varsi) (donald sutherland) (eduard franz)) Test OK Query: (who acted in metropolis) Should get result: ((alfred abel) (gustay frohlich) (brigitte helm) (rudolf kleinrogge) (heinrich george)) Your result: ((alfred abel) (gustay frohlich) (brigitte helm) (rudolf kleinrogge) (heinrich george)) Test OK Query: (what movies have starred alec guinness) Should get result: ((lawrence of arabia)) Your result: ((lawrence of arabia)) Test OK Query: (what movies have starred orson welles) Should get result: ((citizen kane) (othello)) Your result: ((citizen kane) (othello)) Test OK