The exam covers Modules 1—4 of the course, corresponding to Chapters 1—4 of the text.

The exam has 50 points, with about half multiple-choice.

See the menu for examples of the types of problems you may see on the exam.
Classify the following as to whether it exhibits linear recursion, linear iteration, logarithmic recursion, logarithmic iteration, or tree recursion.

(define c-curve
  (lambda (x0 y0 x1 y1 level)
    (if (= level 0)
        (line x0 y0 x1 y1)

        (let ((xmid (/ (+ x0 x1) 2))
              (ymid (/ (+ y0 y1) 2))
              (dx (- x1 x0))
              (dy (- y1 y0)))
          (let ((xa (- xmid (/ dy 2)))
                (ya (+ ymid (/ dx 2))))

            (overlay (c-curve x0 y0 xa ya (- level 1))
                     (c-curve xa ya x1 y1 (- level 1))))))))
Write a procedure to produce a quilting basic block, for example test-bb.
The procedure below generates a recursive process for computing the sum of the first n positive integers. Rewrite it so that it uses iteration.
          (define sum-of-first
            (lambda (n)
              (if (= n 0)
                  (+ n (sum-of-first (- n 1))))))
Prove by mathematical induction that the sum-of-first procedure below works as advertised.

          (define sum-of-first
            (lambda (n)
              (if (= n 0)
                  (+ n (sum-of-first (- n 1))))))
A parenthesized list of expressions the first of whose values is a Racket procedure is called
Write a Racket procedure called root that computes the formula:

Here is an example of its use:

          > (let ((a 1)
                  (b 5)
                  (c 4))
               (root a b c))
See the menu for the most important concepts by chapter.