EE 2212


 25 February  and 17 March

 MOSFET I-V Characteristics and MOSFET Circuits


Note 1:  Because of the inter-related nature of the MOS topics, this laboratory set of experiments will extend over two weeks with Spring Break in the middle.   Recall that there is no laboratory on 10 March, Spring Break

     Or      image003



Note 2:  I will be at the FIRST Robotics Regionals at the DECC on Thursday, 3 March, which means I am cancelling lab that day.

Note 3: The report will be due on Thursday, 24 March. 

Note 4:  There is a six (6) page limit exclusive of the cover page.


1.   To measure  the I-V characteristics of an N-channel MOSFET on the CD 4007 array

2.   Measure and simulate the transfer characteristics  (input/output characteristics) of:

Ø  NMOS Inverter with a Resistive Load

Ø  NMOS Inverter with an Active Load

Ø  CMOS Inverter

Ø  CMOS Inverter effective output (Thevanin) resistance.


Ø CD4007 MOSFET array

Ø 0.01mF capacitor

Ø 3.3 kW  and 100 W resistors


Prepare a detailed circuit diagrams in your notebook of how you will connect an NMOS for measuring the I-V curves and how you will connect the inverter circuits.   Study the material in Chapter 4. A complete manufacturer’s data sheet has been posted as a pdf file on the class WEB page.

The device you will use throughout this experiment is a CD4007B Transistor array. It contains three N-channel and three P-channel devices connected as shown.  Detailed schematic diagrams and pinouts are available on the data sheet and also given below.  Please use care when working with these chips. They are very susceptible to excessive voltage and ESD (Electro-Static Damage).   Do not exceed the experiment settings in an attempt to make your experiment work. The pin configuration is given in Figure 5.1.  Note that you will be using the CD4007B which have a lower maximum voltage rating than the CD4007UB.  The diagrams are the same for both the “B” and “UB” suffix devices.  Avoid exposing the chip to ESD (electrostatic damage).  This time of the year often has low relative humidities which make ESD more of an issue.  Do not exceed the VDD maximums!!!

Study the I-V curves provided in the data sheets so that you have some idea of what to expect.  Also study the chip circuit diagram.  You should be able to identify the operation and function of all of the individual devices.  Observe the input protection circuitry that we discussed in Monday’s class.


Figure 5.1 Pin Configuration of CD4007.

Warning: Pin 14 should always be connected to the most positive dc voltage in the circuit.  Pin 7 will always be connected to the most negative dc voltage in the circuit

(or else MCBS00726_0000[1])!!!


I-V Characteristic of an N-channel MOSFET

Ø Connect the circuit shown in Figure 5.2. Use the NMOS connected to pins 6, 7, and 8 and 14.  Remember to connect pin 14 also to the +VDS supply. Pin 7 is shown connected to ground.  Although you can use  the built-in mA meter on the power supply to measure ID , a better way yielding better accuracy is to measure current by measuring  the voltage drop across a 100 Ω resistor connected from Pins 8 and 14 and realizing that                   ID = V(across the resistor)/100Ω

Ø  I discourage use of the digital multimeter to measure current because of the hassle in replacing the internal fuse.    Use the voltage readout on the power supply as you sweep  VDD from 0  to 10 volts for each value of VGS from 0 to 6 volts in 1-volt increments.  Note that VT is in the 1 to 2 volt range.  Refer to the data sheets where similar curves are illustrated.


Figure 5.2 ID-VDS  As A Function of VGS Characteristic Measurement For an NMOS

Ø Note that you should keep below ID = 10mA;  since this is the maximum rated value for this chip, consequently you may not be able to use all values of VGS depending upon your chip.   Plot data as you proceed.

Ø Using a spread sheet and extracting graphs from the spread sheet is a good way to display and understand the data.

Ø The CD 4007 is unforgiving for ESD and over voltage and over current.

Ø Plot your data and use a linear regression (least squares fit) to extract values for VTO, LAMBDA, and KP and develop a SPICE model that compares well with your measured curves.  An EXCEL spread sheet works well and yields nice graphs.   The objective is to obtain ID versus VDS for several different values of VGS.  Look at Figures 5 and 8  on the CD 4007 data sheet as a guide as to what to expect.    You will have to assume W/L=1 because you do not know the actual values of W and L and then adjust KP accordingly.     This model development from your parameter extractions should be included in your report. Develop a  Shichman-Hodges model equation for your NMOS.

Ø Observe that SPICE syntax for Kn  (for an NMOS) and Kp  (for a PMOS)   is KP independent whether you are modeling an NMOS or PMOS.  Refer to Table 4.2 from the text; also on the EE 2212 WEB page.


Refer to the three circuit diagrams in Figures 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5. All will operate with a VDD = +8 volt power supply.  Remember Pin 14 should always be connected to the most positive dc voltage in the circuit.  Pin 7 will always be connected to the most negative dc voltage in the circuit. 

You will need to arrange for an offset voltage from the signal generator so that Vin does not go below zero volts.

To standardize on the SPICE simulations, use VTO = 2 volts for the NMOS and -2 volts for the PMOS; λ= 0.02 volts-1, and KP = 50E-3.  The default KP does not have enough gain. Use default values for all other SPICE model parameters.

1.   Set up the NMOS Inverter with a Resistive Load as shown in Figure 5.3. Use the NMOS FET connected to Pins 6, 7, and 8.  Plot the transfer characteristic. Identify the saturation, ohmic, and cutoff regions of operation. Connect the input and output to the horizontal and vertical inputs (respectively) of your oscilloscope set to the x-y mode. This arrangement allows you to display the transfer characteristic of the circuit.  Suggest a Q-point to obtain the largest small-signal voltage gain. Verify your experimental results with a load line and SPICE simulation. You will need your model parameters as obtained earlier in this experiment.  Observe that you will need to provide a dc offset from the signal generator.

2.   Set up the actively-loaded NMOS Inverter as shown in Figure 5.4.  Use M1 Pins 6, 7, and 8 and M2 Pins 3, 4, and 5.   Connect the input and output to the horizontal and vertical inputs (respectively) of your oscilloscope set to the x-y mode. This arrangement allows you to display the transfer characteristic of the circuit.  Plot the transfer characteristic. Identify the saturation, ohmic, and cutoff regions of operation for each FET. Suggest a Q-point to obtain the largest small-signal voltage gain. Verify your experimental results with a “load line” which consists of the M2 characteristic and SPICE simulation. Compare your results with the resistively-loaded circuit. Note that this circuit is different than the depletion mode inverter circuit discussed  and SPICE demonstrated  in class.  Observe that you will need to provide a dc offset from the signal generator.



Figure 5.3 NMOS Inverter Resistive Load        Figure 5.4 NMOS Inverter Active Load    Figure 5.5 CMOS Inverter


3.    Connect the CMOS inverter circuit of Figure 5.5. with the pins shown.  You can also use the CMOS inverter FETS connected using Pins 9, 10, 11, and 12.   Connect the input and output to the horizontal and vertical inputs (respectively) of your oscilloscope set to the x-y mode. This arrangement allows you to display the transfer characteristic of the circuit. Before connecting your function generator to the circuit input, adjust it for a 0-8 V triangular waveform at a frequency of 1 kHz. You will need to use the dc-offset control on your function generator to do this. That is an 8 volt peak-to-peak triangular wave added to a 4 volt dc offset.  Observe and sketch the transfer characteristic, recording all critical values of voltage.   Your report should include a PSPICE simulation of this circuit using your parameter extraction NMOS and PMOS models.  Compare to the 4007 curves on the  data sheets.


4.   Refer to Figure 5.6.  Measure the pulse response of the CMOS inverter with a capacitor Co that has been added from the output to ground to “slow down” the output waveform so that measurements can be more easily made. Since the input of a CMOS gate is primarily capacitive, this also will provide the output behavior when a CMOS gate is driving many other CMOS gates (a capacitive load). Adjust your function generator to 0 to 8V square wave at a frequency of about 10 kHz, then connect it to the input. Measure the rise and fall times of Vout(t). You should be able to compute the effective value of the CMOS inverter output resistance, Req, from the rise and fall time measurements.  Refer to what you did in Experiment 1 for a basic RC network.  Compare your measured results with a PSPICE simulation.

Text Box: Figure 5.6

A few more items to think about. Compare the static power dissipation of the four circuits CMOS Inverter, NMOS Inverter with a resistive load, NMOS inverter with an active load, and the NMOS NOR gate with a resistive load) when operated as switches/inverters as opposed to amplifier operation.

Now to assist with your mathematics skills:



Math Skills.jpg 

How I feel WINDOWS 10 and some mandated UM System software

iOS is much better!
