Recent Publications
- Gautam Kunapuli, Rich Maclin & Jude Shavlik (2011).
Advice Refinement for Knowledge-Based Support Vector Machines. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2011).
- G. Kunapuli, R. Maclin & J. Shavlik (2011).
Advice Refinement for Knowledge-Based Support Vector Machines. Workshop on Combining Learning Strategies for Reducing Label Cost at ICML 2011.
- Gautam Kunapuli, Kristin P. Bennett, Rich Maclin & Jude Shavlik (2010).
The Adviceptron: Giving Advice To The Perceptron. Proceedings of the Conference on Artificial Neural Networks In Engineering (ANNIE 2010), St. Louis, MO.
- Trevor Walker, Ciaran O'Reilly, Gautam Kunapuli, Sriraam Natarajan, Richard Maclin, David Page & Jude Shavlik (2010).
Automating the ILP Setup Task: Converting User Advice about Specific Examples into General Background Knowledge. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Florence, Italy.
- G. Kunapuli, K.P. Bennett, A. Shabbeer, R. Maclin & J. Shavlik (2010).
Online Knowledge-Based Support Vector Machines. Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML 2010), Barcelona, Spain.
- S. Natarajan, G. Kunauli, R. Maclin, D. Page, C. O'Reilly, T. Walker & J. Shavlik (2010).
Learning from Human Teachers: Issues and Challenges in Bootstrap Learning. AAMAS 2010 Workshop on Agents Learning Interactively from Human Teachers, Toronto, Canada.
- L. Torrey, J. Shavlik, T. Walker & R. Maclin (2009).
Transfer Learning via Advice Taking. In J. Koronacki, S. Wirzchon, Z. Ras & J. Kacprzyk, editors, Recent Advances in Machine Learning, dedicated to the memory of Ryszard S. Michalski. Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence.
- S. Natarajan, G. Kunapuli, C. O'Reilly, R.Maclin, T. Walker, D. Page & J.Shavlik (2009).
ILP for Bootstrapped Learning: A Layered Approach to Automating the ILP Setup Problem. Presented at the Nineteenth Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Leuven, Belgium.
- L. Torrey, J. Shavlik, T. Walker & R. Maclin (2008).
Rule Extraction for Transfer Learning. In J. Diederich, editor, Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines, pp. 67-82. Springer.
- L. Torrey, T. Walker, R. Maclin & J. Shavlik (2008).
Advice Taking and Transfer Learning: Naturally Inspired Extensions to Reinforcement Learning. AAAI Fall Symposium on Naturally Inspired AI, Washington, DC.
- R. Maclin, E. Wild, J. Shavlik, L. Torrey and T. Walker (2007).
Refining Rules Incorporated into Knowledge-Based Support Vector Learners Via Successive Linear Programming (PDF) .
Proceedings of the Twenty Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'07), Vancouver, BC.
- L. Torrey, J. Shavlik, T. Walker and R. Maclin (2007).
Relational Macros for Transfer in Reinforcement Learning. (PDF) .
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP'07), Corvallis, Oregon.
- T. Walker, L. Torrey, J. Shavlik, and R. Maclin (2007).
Building Relational World Models for Reinforcement Learning. (PDF) .
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP'07), Corvallis, Oregon.
- R. Maclin, J. Shavlik, T. Walker and L. Torrey (2006).
A Simple and Effective Method for Incorporating Advice into Kernel Methods (PDF) .
Proceedings of the Twenty First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'06), Boston, MA.
- L. Torrey, J. Shavlik, T. Walker and R. Maclin (2006).
Skill Acquisition via Transfer Learning and Advice Taking. (PDF) .
Proceedings of the Seventeenth European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML'06), Berlin, Germany.
- R. Maclin, J. Shavlik, L. Torrey, T. Walker and E. Wild (2005).
Giving Advice about Preferred Actions to Reinforcement Learners Via Knowledge-Based Kernel Regression (PDF) .
Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'05), Pittsburgh, PA.
- R. Maclin, J. Shavlik, L. Torrey and T. Walker (2005).
Knowledge Based Support Vector Regression for Reinforcement Learning (PDF) .
IJCAI'05 Workshop on Reasoning, Representation, and Learning in Computer Games, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- L. Torrey, T. Walker, J. Shavlik and R. Maclin (2005).
Using Advice to Transfer Knowledge Acquired in One Reinforcement Learning Task to Another. (PDF) .
Proceedings of the Sixteenth European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML'05), Porto, Portugal.
- L. Torrey, T. Walker, J. Shavlik and R. Maclin (2005).
Knowledge Transfer Via Advice Taking (PDF) .
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Knowledge Capture (KCAP'05), Banff, Canada.
Poster (PDF). Abstract.
- M. Joshi, T. Pedersen and R. Maclin (2005).
A Comparative study of support vector machines applied to the supervised word sense disambiguation problem in the medical domain (PDF) .
Proceedings of the 2nd Indian International conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-05), Pune, India.
- T. Walker, J. Shavlik and R. Maclin (2004).
Relational Reinforcement Learning via Sampling the Space of First-Order Conjunctive Features (PDF) .
Proceedings of the ICML Workshop on Relational Reinforcement Learning, Banff, Canada.
- Bennett, K., Demiriz, A. and Maclin, R. (2002).
Exploiting Unlabeled Data in Ensemble Methods (PDF)
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGKDD Internation Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Opitz, D. and Maclin, R. (1999).
Popular ensemble methods: An empirical study (PDF) (Postscript) .
Journal of AI Research,
11, 169-198.
- Maclin, R. (1998).
Boosting classifiers regionally. (PDF) (Postscript) .
Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, pp. 700-705, Madison, WI.
- Maclin, R. and Shavlik, J. W. (1998).
Creating advice-taking reinforcement learners. (PDF) (Postscript) .
in S. Thrun and L. Pratt (eds) Learning to Learn, Kluwer
- Maclin, R. and Opitz, D. (1997).
An empirical comparison of bagging and boosting. (PDF) (Postscript) .
Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Providence, RI.
- Asker, L. and Maclin, R. (1997).
Feature engineering and classifer selection: A case study in Venusian volcano detection. (PDF) (Postscript) .
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Machine
Learning, Nashville, TN.
- Asker, L. and Maclin, R. (1997).
Ensembles as a sequence of classifiers. (PDF) (Postscript) .
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, Nagoya, Japan.
- Maclin, R. and Shavlik, J. W. (1996).
Creating advice-taking reinforcement learners. (PDF) (Postscript) .
Machine Learning, 22, 251-281.
- Maclin, R. and Shavlik, J. W. (1995).
Combining the predictions of multiple classifiers: Using competitive learning to initialize neural networks. (PDF) (Postscript) .
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, Canada.
- Maclin, R. (1995).
Learning from Instruction and Experience: Methods for Incorporating Procedural Domain Theories into Knowledge-Based Neural Networks. Ph.D. Thesis,
Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
(Also appears as UW Technical Report CS-TR-95-1285)
First half (Postscript)
First half (PDF)
Second half (Postscript)
Second half (PDF)
- Maclin, R. and Shavlik, J. W. (1994).
Incorporating Advice into Agents that Learn from Reinforcements. (PDF) (Postscript) .
Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial
pp. 694-699,
Seattle, WA.
(A longer version appears as UW-CS
TR 1227 (PDF) (Postscript) .)
- Maclin, R. and Shavlik, J. W. (1993).
Using Knowledge-Based Neural Networks to Improve Algorithms: Refining the Chou-Fasman Algorithm for Protein Folding. (PDF) (Postscript) .
Machine Learning, 11 (2/3),
pp. 195-215.
Other versions of this paper appear in the
Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, 1992, pp. 165-170, and
in Hanson, S., Drastal, G. and Rivest, R., eds.,
Computational Learning Theory and Natural Learning Systems,
MIT Press.
- Maclin, R. and Shavlik, J. W. (1991).
Refining Domain Theories Expressed as Finite-State Automata. (PDF) (Postscript) .
Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Eighth International
Conference ,
pp. 524-528,
Chicago, IL.
- Stewart, J. and Maclin, R. (1990).
Representing Genotype-to-Phenotype Mappings.
Journal of Biological Education, 24 (2),
pp. 113-116.
- Maclin, R. and Shavlik, J. W. (1989).
Enriching Vocabularies Using Explanation-Based Learning.
Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Sixth International
Conference ,
pp. 444-446,
Ithaca, NY.
- Koedinger, K., Maclin, R., Streibel, M. and Stewart, J. (1987).
Intelligent Tutoring Systems Design Issues for a Genetics Laboratory
Called MENDEL.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Education ,
Pittsburgh, PA.