Submitting Your Talk File

To submit your talk powerpoint file you should first name the file using the following convention. The filename should start with talk, then a two digit number indicating your talk number, then a dash, followed by your login, then a period and ppt (lower case). So, for example, Jason Michellizi's talk file should be named "talk01-mich0212.ppt". Once you have correctly named the file you should upload it using this link: .

Submitting Your Comment Files

To submit your comment powerpoint files you should name each file using the following convention. The filename should start with comment, then a two digit number indicating the talk number you were commenting on, then a dash, followed by your login, then a period and ppt (lower case). So, for example, Nagendra Doddapaneni's comments on the Engel paper should be named "comment08-dodd0036.ppt". Once you have correctly named the file you should upload it using this link: .

Submitting Your Writeup File

To submit your writeup for your presentation you should construct your file using Microsoft Word (minimum 12 point font, minimum 1 inch margins, single spaced). The file should be named using the following convention. The filename should start with writeup, then a two digit number indicating your talk number, then a dash, followed by your login, then a period and doc (lower case). So, for example, Hemal Lal's writeup on the Wang and Dietterich paper should be named "writeup03-lalx0004.doc". Once you have correctly named the file you should upload it using this link: .