CS 5641: Compiler Design
Fall 2004
Teaching Assistant: Kedar Bhumkar
Class Materials:
- Introduction
- Lexical Analysis
- Parsing
- Introduction, Context Free Grammars, Languages, Derivations
- Ambiguity, Precedence, Associativity
- Top Down Parsing, Recursive Descent, Predictive Parsing, LL(1), First and Follow sets
- Bottom Up Parsing, Shift and Reduce, Conflicts
- SLR Parsing, SLR States (PDF, 6 Per Page)
- Constructing SLR States, LR(1) Parsing, LALR Parsing
- Semantic Analysis
- Interpreters
- Code Generation
Project Parts:
- Project Part 1: A String Table
- Project Part 2: Two Scanners
- Project Part 3: The Parser
- Project Part 4: Symbol Table and Type Checking
- Project Part 5: The Interpreter
Homework Assignments:
- Homework 1
- Homework 2
- Homework 3
- Homework 4
- Homework 5
Sample Exam Questions:
C++ Notes (from 1622/1521) based on Learning C++: A Hands-On Approach by Nagler