Instructor: | Rich Maclin |
Email: | rmaclin |
Office: | 315 Heller Hall |
Phone: | 726-8256 |
Office Hours: | 14:00-15:00 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and by appointment |
Text: | None |
Written report and oral presentation of a topic relating to the social and ethical implications of computing.
The primary goals associated with this class include:
Class will meet periodically during the class time according to the schedule posted on the class web page. Students are required to attend all class meetings and to actively participate in the classroom discussions.
Students will be required to read a paper on ethical and social issues related to computer science and to write a four page, double spaced synposis of that paper. Students will also be required to make a 20 minute presentation on that paper during the class period. Students will be graded on their final synposis, their oral presentation, and on their class participation.
Attendance and Participation | 20% |
Written Synposis | 40% |
Oral Presentation | 40% |
As instructor I shall make every attempt to treat all students equally, without regard to race, religion, color, sex, handicap, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation. I encourage you to talk to me about your concerns of equal opportunity in the classroom. To inquire further about the University's policy on equal opportunity, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity (6827), 269-273 DAdB.
If you have any disability (either permanent or temporary) that might affect your ability to perform in this class, please inform me at the start of the semester. I may adapt methods, materials, or testing so that you can participate equitably. To learn about the services that UMD provides to students with disabilities, contact the Access Center (8727), 138 Kirby Plaza, or the Office of Equal Opportunity (8217), 269-273 DAdB.