CS 4993 Class Schedule

9/7 (Tuesday)Introduction
9/9 (Thursday)No class
9/14 (Tuesday)Paper assignments
Discuss synopsis
Discuss Talks
9/16 (Thursday)No class
9/21 (Tuesday)No class
9/23 (Thursday)No class
9/28 (Tuesday)Synopsis (first pass) due
Answer questions about talks
9/30 (Thursday)No class
10/5 (Tuesday)Synopsis (first pass) returned
Answer questions about talks
10/7 (Thursday) Talk 1: Cancelled
Talk 2: speaker: Ge Vue, paper: R. Sparrow, "The march of the robot dogs," EIT Volume 4, Number 4.
10/12 (Tuesday) Synopsis (final version) due
Talk 3: speaker: Dan Kempenich, paper: J. Moor, "Using genetic information while protecting the privacy of the soul," EIT Volume 1, Number 4.
Talk 4: speaker: Bjarte Haram, paper: G. Lankshear and D. Mason, "Technology and ethical dilemmas in a medical setting: Privacy, professional autonomy, life and death," EIT Volume 3, Number 3.
10/14 (Thursday)No class
10/19 (Tuesday) Talk 5: speaker: Huzefa Hashim, paper: T. Powers, "Real wrongs in virtual communities," EIT Volume 5, Number 4.
Talk 6: speaker: Ahmed Abdalla, paper: D. Michelfelder, "Our moral condition in cyberspace," EIT Volume 2, Number 3.
10/21 (Thursday) Talk 7: speaker: Sam Erickson, paper: P. Brey, "The ethics of respresentation and action in virtual reality," EIT Volume 1, Number 1.
Talk 8: speaker: Chad Breske, paper: P. Ford, "A further analysis of the ethics of representation in virtual reality: Multi-user environments," EIT Volume 3, Number 2.
10/26 (Tuesday) Talk 9: speaker: Terrance Cairl, paper: H. Tavani, "KDD, data mining, and the challenge for normative privacy," EIT Volume 1, Number 4.
Talk 10: speaker: Tahir Raza, paper: C. Bennett, "Cookies, web bugs, webcams and cue cats: Patterns of surveillance on the world wide web," EIT Volume 3, Number 3.
10/28 (Thursday) Talk 11: speaker: Jeremy Newland, paper: J. Weckert, "What is so bad about Internet content regulation?," EIT Volume 2, Number 2.
Talk 12: Cancelled
11/2 (Tuesday) Talk 13: speaker: Marc Carr, paper: R. Volkman, "Privacy as life, liberty, property," EIT Volume 5, Number 4.
Talk 14: speaker: Chad Weber, paper: H. Tavani and F. Grodzinsky, "Cyberstalking, personal privacy and moral responsiblity," EIT Volume 4, Number 2.
11/4 (Thursday) Talk 15: speaker: Ryan Humphreys, paper: S. Hinduja, "Trends and patterns among online software pirates," EIT Volume 5, Number 1.
Talk 16: speaker: Chris Kuhl, paper: R. Spinello, "The future of intellectual property," EIT Volume 5, Number 1.
11/9 (Tuesday) Talk 17: speaker: Jim Wiegand, paper: T. Lipinski et al., "Sticks and stones and words that harm: Liability vs. responsibility, section 230 and defamatory speech in cyberspace," EIT Volume 4, Number 2.
Talk 18: speaker: Naveed Memon, paper: J. Litman, "Electronic commerce and free speech," EIT Volume 1, Number 3.
11/11 (Thursday) Talk 19: speaker: Joel Youngblom, paper: A. Viseu, "Simulation and augmentation: Issues of wearable computers," EIT Volume 5, Number 1.
Talk 20: speaker: Brandon Hall, paper: K. Warwick, "Cyborg morals, cyborg values, cyborg ethics," EIT Volume 5, Number 3.
11/16 (Tuesday) Talk 21: speaker: Ross Ekberg, paper: M. McCormick, "Is it wrong to play violent videogames?," EIT Volume 3, Number 4.
Talk 22: speaker: John Kelcher, paper: R. De George, "Post-September 11: Computers, ethics and war," EIT Volume 5, Number 4.
11/18 (Thursday)No class
11/23 (Tuesday)No class
11/30 (Tuesday)No class
12/2 (Thursday)No class
12/7 (Tuesday)No class
12/9 (Thursday)No class
12/14 (Tuesday)Fill out class evaluations
12/16 (Thursday)No class