CS 4611: Database Management Systems

Fall 2004

Lecturer: Rich Maclin (rmaclin)

Teaching Assistant: Mahesh Joshi



Class Materials

Class lecture notes can be obtained from the textbook web site: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072465638/ . We will likely follow the notes fairly closely (though I may make some small changes as needed).

Program Assignments:

Team Assignments

  1. Program 1: Some SQL Queries
  2. Program 2: A DB Application in Java
  3. Program 3: A Buffer Manager
  4. Program 4: B+ Trees and a Catalog
  5. Program 5: Query Processing

Homework Assignments:

  1. Homework 1
  2. Homework 2
  3. Homework 3
  4. Homework 4
  5. Homework 5

Sample Exam Questions: