int x = -5; float y = 3.14159; char z = 'X'; printf("We the %c People \nin Order to %-5d form a more",z,x); printf("perfect\n\n%7.3f %1.4fuNiOn",y,y); printf("%c",'A'); printf("%3c establish justice, \n%06d insure domestic %.2f",'B',5,3.119); printf("Tranquility!\n");
int I; float R; char C1, C2;
Assume that the user types this input below to the keyboard (where spaces are shown as underscore '_' characters) for each of the scanf commands below:
- 4 2 . 0 _ _ 1 3 _ O _ X
Show the contents of the variables assuming the user types the above line for each scanf:
scanf(" %f %d %c %c",&R,&I,&C1,&C2); I:___ R:____ C1:___ C2:___ scanf("%f %c%d%c",&R,&C1,&I,&C2); I:___ R:____ C1:___ C2:___ scanf("%c %d %f %c",&C2,&I,&R,&C1); I:___ R:____ C1:___ C2:___