Email sent to everyone on 4/24/2001:

Hi all,

* Due to the cancellation of school yesterday, you will not have
  to hand in Lab #13 (the one that was to be assigned yesterday
  and was due on 4/30).  You do still have to do Lab #14.  Note
  that Lab #14 is a little more free form than previous labs.
  I *highly* recommend that you consider coming to lab and
  getting Luke's help with the lab.

* We will be doing course evaluations in class tomorrow (4/25),
  please bring a #2 pencil if you can.

* You need to contact me before May 2nd if you wish to take the final
  early (on May 2nd during class time).

* Remember that you need to bring your lab book to the final.

* The finals are both in Engineering 204.
