Lab 8
Microsoft Access 2002
Project 3
Maintaining a Database Using the Design and Update Features of Access
Due: Wednesday, April 2nd
40 points
Complete all steps in Project 3 on pages A 3.1 through A 3.49.
To ensure you start with the correct database, you should download a correct version of the “Alisa Vending Services” database from the course Web page.
What to Turn In
Since the project doesn’t ask for any printouts, please print the following:
1. The “Customer” table, just before closing it on page A 3.22.
2. The “Customer” table, just before closing it on page A 3.35.
3. The “Customer” table, just before closing it on page A 3.42.Again, mark these printing locations BEFORE starting the lab, so you don’t forget to print.
Please remember that a coversheet is required.