Lab 4
Microsoft Excel 2002
Project 2
Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries
Due: Wednesday, February 26th
40 points
Complete all steps in Project 2 on pages E 2.1 through E 2.65, except for “E-mailing a Workbook from within Excel” on pages E 2.63 through E 2.64. However, please read through this section and understand what is possible using a properly integrated e-mail client.
What to Turn In
Turn in all printouts you have been asked to generate during this Project, including:
1. “Greenback Stock Club” portfolio worksheet (whole worksheet).
2. “Greenback Stock Club” portfolio worksheet (section of worksheet).
3. “Greenback Stock Club” portfolio worksheet (formula view of worksheet).Although not required, you might want to produce a color printout of the worksheet.
Please remember that a coversheet is required.