CS 1011
Introduction to Computers and Software

Lab 2

Microsoft Word 2002
Project 3
Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table

Due: Wednesday, February 12th

40 points



Complete all steps in Project 3 on pages WD 3.1 through WD 3.61; except for Steps 1, 2, and 3 To Address and Print an Envelope on pages WD 3.57 and WD 3.58.

What to Turn In

Turn in all printouts you have been asked to generate during this Project, including:
1. Resume
2. Cover Letter (on letterhead)

Although the cover letter has colored fonts, we do not have good access to color printers. There is a color printer available in the library. If possible, please print your cover letter on a color printer, however this is not required and it is more costly.

Please remember that a coversheet is required.