Name: _______________________________
CS 1011 Homework #8
Due March 31, 2003
Chapter 8: Operating Systems & Utility Programs
Fill In The Blank (1/2 point each)
- When running multiple applications, the active application is said to be running in the _____________ , and the other applications are said to be running in the
_____________ .
- The purpose of _____________ _____________ is to optimize use of random access memory (RAM).
- A _____________ _______________ is a small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with a device.
- ______________ is a popular, free, multitasking UNIX-type operating system.
- A portion of memory that the processor uses to store frequently-accessed items is called a ______________ _________________
- An ______________ ________________ is a communications line between a device and the processor.
- A ______________ - _____________ computer continues to run even after one of its components fails.
- A _______________ _______________ is a type of system software that performs a specific task.
- ________________ the disk, or re-organizing it so the files are stored on contiguous sectors, speeds up disk access and thus improves the performance of the entire computer.
- The ______________ ______________ ___________ is a table of information that the operating system uses to locate files on a disk.
Short Answer (1 point each)
- Explain the difference between device-dependent and device-independent software.
Is either type preferable to the other? Why?
Describe what happens to the File Allocation Table (FAT) when your hard
drive is formatted. How is it possible to recover files from a hard drive
after it has been formatted?
- What is the purpose of virtual memory? Briefly explain how virtual memory is used.
- Define multitasking. Are the systems that we use in the lab (MWAH 177) multitasking
systems? Explain why or why not.
- Name 4 different operating systems and state whether they are a stand-alone, network, or embedded operating system.