Name: _______________________________

Homework #2

Due: February 10, 2003


History of Modern Computing


Fill in the Blanks (½ point each)

  1. Created in 1946, the first computer was called _____________.
  2. Napster allows users to share files without the use of a _________________.
  3. Moore's Law states that the number of ________ doubles every 18 months.
  4. ENIAC consisted of _________ vacuum tubes.
  5. In 1997, ____________ people were connected to the Internet and World Wide Web.
  6. In the year ________, $500 billion was spent world wide to prevent the Y2K bug.
  7. The first generation of computers used ________________ for input and output.
  8. FORTRAN, COBOL, Lisp, and Basic are examples of the first ______________ programming languages.
  9. Bill Gates is a co-founder of the ____________ Corporation.
  10. In 1994, the Linux operating system is released across the Internet for $______.

Short Answer (1 point each)

  1. What role did Alan Turing play during World War II?




  1. Put the following events in the order in which they occurred (1=earliest, 5=latest)

____Palm Pilot, a digital handheld organizer is introduced by U.S. Robotics

____The first computer with a graphical user interface is introduced

____Shawn Fanning creates Napster

____Deep Blue defeats Gary Kasparov in a 9-day long chess competition

____The first online information services are created

  1. Using the events from the following question; in your opinion, which event has had the largest impact on computers today, and why?




  1. How did Microsoft use the Windows Operating System to benefit their other products?




  1. List the number of transistors in the Pentium I, II, III, and IV processors. Estimate how many transistors might be on the next Pentium processor to be released.