Degree: Ph.D. in Ecology - 1983
Course Description: Advanced Biochemistry, Electron Microscopy, Population Ecology, Population Models, Community Ecology, Theoretical Ecology, Systems Ecology, Statistics, Multivariate Statistics, German, Thesis
Dissertation: Microbial Growth During the Initial Decomposition of Spartina alterniflora Leaves.THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN
Port Aransas Marine Laboratory - 1976, 1977
Course Description: Marine Microbial Ecology, Ecology of Marine Fungi, Marine Chemistry, Biological Oceanography, Physical Oceanography, Environmental Physiology, Ecology of FishesTHE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA
Degree: B.S. with Honors in Zoology - 1977
Course Description: Introductory Zoology, General Botany, Invertebrate Zoology, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Physiology Ecology, Genetics, Evolution, Honors Reading, Honors Research, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Statistics, Computer Programming, German, Economics
Positions: Department Head - 1998-Present
Associate Professor - 1993-Present
Assistant Professor - 1986-1992
Duties: Research in aquatic microbial ecology and organic geochemistry. Teach courses in general microbiology, evolution, and microbial ecologyMICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY East Lansing, MI
Center for Microbial Ecology
Position: Adjunct Associate Professor - 1994-1995
Duties: Determine community structure of bacterioplankton in large lakes of the world using molecular methods. Investigate the origin of Archaea found in the picoplankton of these lakes.ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY Champaign, IL
Position: Assistant Professional Scientist - 1985-1986
Duties: Investigate microbial aspects of aquaculture food chains. Devise laboratory and field experiments to test systems ecology hypotheses.WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION Woods Hole, MA
Positions: Postdoctoral Investigator - 1984-1985
Postdoctoral Scholar - 1983-1984
Duties: Examine accumulation, cycling, and loss of amino acids in decomposing marsh grass. Examine the histochemistry and microbiology of the decomposition of mucus-like polymers in coastal and oceanic waters.
RESEARCH INTERESTS (Click Here to Learn More About my Research Interests)
aquatic microbial ecology, organic geochemistry, extracellular polymers, biogeochemistry, detrital dynamics
STUDENT RESEARCH (Click Here to Learn About Student Research in my Laboratory)