
Randall E. Hicks, Ph.D.

Department of Biology
1035 Kirby Drive, SSB 207
University of Minnesota Duluth
Duluth, MN   55812

Tel:  218-726-8438



Ph.D. (Ecology) University of Georgia  1983
B.S. (Zoology with Honors)  University of Oklahoma  1977


aquatic microbial ecology, bacterial growth and survival, organic geochemistry, extracellular polymers, biogeochemistry, detrital dynamics


Microbial Source Tracking
Planktonic Archaea in Great Lakes
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
Ship-Mediated Harmful Microbes
Microorganisms for Electrical Biocatalysis
Microscopic Islands


University of Minnesota Duluth
Director, Center for Freshwater Research & Policy      2007-
Professor      2004–present
Department Head      1998-2006
Associate Professor      1993-2003
Assistant Professor      1986-199

University of Georgia
Department of Marine Sciences        
Visiting Associate Professor       2003

Michigan State University
Center for Microbial Ecology
Adjunct Associate Professor       1994-95

Illinois Natural History Survey
Asst. Professional Scientist      1984-85

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Postdoctoral Investigator      1984-85
Postdoctoral Scholar      1983-84


Biol 1094 – Northern Stream Ecosystems & the Angler
Biol 4501 – General Microbiology
Biol 5515 – Microbial Diversity & Phylogeny
Biol 5801 – Microbial Ecology
Biol 5802 – Microbial Ecology Laboratory


Tapper, M. A., and R. E. Hicks.  1998.  Temperate viruses and lysogeny in Lake Superior bacterioplankton.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 43:95-103. [pdf]

Hicks, R. E., and D. A. Pascoe.  2001.  A comparison of cyanobacterial dominance within the picoplankton of the North American Great Lakes estimated by 16S rRNA-based hybridizations and direct cell counts. Pp. 363-374 In Exploring the Great Lakes of the World: Food-web dynamics, health, & integrity, (Munawar, M. and R. Hecky, eds.) Backhuys Publishers b.v., Leiden, Netherlands

Pundsack, J., R. Axler, R. Hicks, J. Henneck, D. Nordman, and B. McCarthy.  2001.  Seasonal pathogen removal by alternative on-site wastewater treatment systems.  Water Environ. Res. 73:204-212.  [abstract]

Maki, R. and R. E. Hicks.  2002.  Salmonella typhimurium survival and viability is unaltered by suspended particles in freshwater.  J. Environ. Qual. 31:1702-1709.  [pdf]

Keough, B., T. M. Schmidt, and R. E. Hicks.  2003.  Archaeal nucleic acids in picoplankton from great lakes on three continents.  Microbial Ecology 46:238-248.  [pdf]

Pascoe, D. A., and R. E. Hicks.  2004.  Genetic structure and community DNA similarity of picoplankton communities from the Laurentian  Great Lakes.  J. Great Lakes Res. 30 (Suppl. 1):185-195.  [pdf]

Hicks, R. E., P. Aas, and C. Jankovich.  2004.  Annual and offshore changes in bacterioplankton communities in the western arm of Lake Superior during 1989 and 1990. J. Great Lakes Res. 30 (Suppl. 1):196-213.  [pdf]

Olson, M. R., R. P. Axler, and R.  E. Hicks.  2004.  Effects of freezing and storage temperature on MS2 viability.  J. Virological Meth. 122:147-152.  [abstract]

Pundsack, J. W., R. E. Hicks, and R. P. Axler.  2005.   Effect of alternative on-site wastewater treatment on the viability and culturability of Salmonella choleraesuis.   J. Water and Health 3:1-14.  [pdf]

Olson, M. R., R. P. Axler, R. E. Hicks, J. R. Henneck, and B . J. McCarthy.  2005.  Seasonal virus removal by alternative onsite wastewater treatment systems.  J. Water and Health 3:139-155.  [abstract]

Ishii, S., W. B. Ksoll, R. E. Hicks, and M. J. Sadowsky.  2006. Presence and growth of naturalized Escherichia coli in temperate soils from Lake Superior watersheds.  Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72:612-621.  [pdf]

Ishii, S., D. L. Hansen, R. E. Hicks, and M. J. Sadowsky. 2007. Beach sand and sediment are temporal sinks and sources of Escherichia coli in Lake Superior. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41:2203-2209.

Ksoll, W. B., S. Ishii, M. J. Sadowsky, and R. E. Hicks. 2007. Presence and sources of fecal coliform bacteria in epilithic periphyton communities of Lake Superior. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73:3771-3778. [pdf]

Hansen,, D. L., J. J. Clark, S. Ishii, M. J. Sadowsky, and R. E. Hicks.  2008.  Sources and sinks of Escherichia coli in benthic and pelagic fish.  J. Great Lakes Res. 34(2):228-234. [pdf]

Hansen, D. L., S. Ishii, M. J. Sadowsky, and R. E. Hicks.  2009.  Escherichia coli populations in Great Lakes waterfowl exhibit spatial stability and temporal shifting.  Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75(6):1546–1551. [pdf]



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