1/22 |
Introduction. Statement of Background
and Goals. |
1/24 |
Statement of Background and Goals. |
1/29 |
Grammar |
1/31 |
Grammar. Rhetorical Analysis. |
2/4 |
Rhetorical Analysis. Course Policy/Grammar
Quiz. |
2/7 |
Rhetorical Analysis. |
2/12 |
Rhetorical Analysis. Bibliography
for Project #1 Due. |
2/14 |
Rhetorical Analysis. |
2/19 |
Rhetorical Analysis. |
2/21 |
Rhetorical Analysis: Draft Revision
Workshop. |
2/26 |
The Memo. Project #1 Due. |
2/28 |
Letters. |
3/5 |
Letters. |
3/7 |
In-Class Memo Exam. Letters. |
3/12 |
Letters: Draft Revision Workshop. |
3/14 |
Open. Project #2 Due. |
3/18–3/22 |
Spring Break! |
3/26 |
Job Application Package. |
3/28 |
Job Application Package. |
4/2 |
Job Application Package. Resumes. |
4/4 |
Job Application Package. Resumes. |
4/9 |
Job Application Package. Cover
Letters. |
4/11 |
Job Application Package. Cover
Letters. |
4/16 |
Job Application Package: Draft
Revision Workshop. |
4/18 |
Instructions. Project #3 Due. |
4/23 |
4/25 |
Instructions. Instruction Proposal
Memo Due. |
4/30 |
Instructions. |
5/2 |
Instructions. |
5/7 |
Instructions: Draft Revision
Workshop. |
5/9 |
What have we learned? Course Evaluations.
Project #4 Due. |